India’s DST calls for proposals of bilateral research in thematic areas that include energy, environment, climate change, plant-based medicines, and many others — varying with each program area. Calls with application deadlines in November 2016, December 2016, and January 2017 include joint research with Australia, Israel, Italy, Russia, Sri Lanka, and Switzerland. Link
ICMA International — Fellows Program in Environmental Sustainability, ASEAN Countries
With funding provided by the U.S. Department of State, the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is offering an Environmental Sustainability Professional Fellows Program for 50 professionals from Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). Additionally, the program will select 10 participants from the USA. The fellowships will build the capacity of young leaders to address local environmental sustainability challenges related to climate change, sustainable energy, and environmental justice. Each fellow will spend four weeks working with a local government, organization, or company in the USA — concluding with a final program in Washington, DC. The application deadline is 01 December 2016. Link
London School of Economics and Political Science, International Growth Centre — Research on Economic Growth in Developing Countries
The IGC invites proposals relevant to growth policies in developing countries. IGC’s programs are organized by countries and themes. The themes include one on energy. The topics include improving access to and quality of energy services for households and firms; rural electrification; energy efficiency; and the effects of energy consumption on health and the environment. Applications are open worldwide, although IGC’s particular countries of interest are Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The next application deadline is 05 December 2016. Link
Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology, and Society — Fellowships 2017-2018
The IAS-STS in Graz (Austria) promotes interdisciplinary research on interactions among science, technology and society. Its annual fellowship program supports international research fellows for up to nine months of research at the Institute, and visiting scholars for shorter periods. Themes include gender, technology, and environment; life sciences and biotechnology; low-carbon energy systems; eco-design and public procurement; and sustainable food systems. The closing date for applications is 31 December 2016. Link
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Small Research Grants on Climate Change in West Africa
WASCAL supports research to address the severe challenges posed by climate change in West Africa. WASCAL currently calls for proposals in “Building Local Capacity for Policy-Oriented Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in West Africa (BLOC).” BLOC will make small research grants of between €5 thousand to €10 thousand. To be eligible for consideration, research proposals must focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation in West Africa in any of the thematic areas of biodiversity, agriculture, adapted land use, climate systems, education, health, human security, economics, and energy. Priority is given to research teams led by young researchers pursuing a career in government ministries, research, and/or teaching at a public institution in West Africa. Team work and cross-country research proposals are encouraged. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves — Gender-Based Violence Related to Choice of Cooking Fuel
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will allocate up to US$200 thousand to support one study over a 12-month period on the role of fuel choice as a factor in gender-based violence in humanitarian settings. Are women and girls abused when they search for fuelwood? Preference will be given to proposals seeking to conduct research in Rwandan refugee camps. Applicants must be partners of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. The application deadline is 21 October 2016. Link
Wuppertal Institute — Knowledge Exchanges for Renewable Energy
SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) will fund knowledge exchanges that promote small-scale renewable energy. The countries considered for this call are those within the Caribbean, South and Central America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The target groups of the knowledge exchanges are energy practitioners and organisations, together with other stakeholders, in the eligible priority regions. The deadline for applications is 17 October 2016. Link
Energy and Environment Partnership for Southern and East Africa — Project of the Year 2016
The EEP will make an award for “EEP Project of the Year 2016.” Nominations are invited from current or previously completed EEP S&EA projects. EEP will fund travel, accommodation, and associated costs for one representative of the winning project to present at the African Utility Week / Clean Power Africa in Cape Town (May 2017). The deadline for nominations is 15 September 2016. Link
French Institute for Development Research — Research Program with Ivory Coast
France’s IRD is a partner with the Ivory Coast’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in a program of research (PReSeD-CI 2) on natural products, agriculture, energy and minerals, environmental governance, and other themes in support of sustainable development. Applications are welcome from from Ivory Coast, France, and researchers associated with CAMES (Conseil africain et malgache pour l’enseignement supérieur). The application deadline is 10 October 2016. Link
Tata Group — Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, 5th Edition
The Tata Group, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), seeks to identify promising social enterprises in India. Proposals are invited for social enterprises in agriculture, water and sanitation, energy, and other thematic areas. The proposed enterprises should create social impact in India, although applicants do not have to be Indian nationals. Selected social entrepreneurs are offered funding opportunities, mentorship, and an opportunity to be incubated at IIM Calcutta’s Incubation Center. The deadline for submitting impact proposals (business plans) is 11 October 2016. Link