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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance — Awards for Social Enterprise 2016

Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance (seif) supports individuals and teams that apply innovative business ideas to address current social and/or environmental problems. Project categories include agriculture and food security; energy; environment; water and sanitation; and others. The competition is open to social enterprises from all over the world. The program will make four awards of CHF 10 thousand each. The application deadline is 30 June 2016. Link

EU Horizon 2020 — INDIGO Young Scientist Competition 2016

The India-Europe Research Partnerships (INDIGO) announces the 2016 Young Scientist Competition for PhD students and early-career researchers in India and the EU. Six young researchers will be invited to the EU-India Cooperation Days in September (Goa, India) to present their ideas on a global or societal challenge pertinent to research cooperation between EU and India in the fields of bio-economy, biotechnology, or bio-based energy. The winner of the competition will be awarded a fully-covered trip to a scientific conference of her/his choice in Europe or India. The deadline for expressions of interest is 01 July 2016. Link

EU Horizon 2020 — Indian-European Research on Bio-Based Energy

The Indo-European partnership INDIGO announces a call for proposals in bio-based energy.  Focus areas are biofuels, and from waste to energy. The countries participating in the research are India, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, and Latvia. Applications may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national and regional regulations.The deadline for submitting proposals is 12 July 2016. Link

U.S. Department of State — Cleaner Production in Central America

In support of its trade agreement with the region, the U.S. government offers funding to promote cleaner production practices and technologies in micro, small, and medium enterprises of Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs, limited liability companies, educational institutions, and public international organizations. Grants will range from US$250 thousand to US$300 thousand. Funding Opportunity OES-OTE-16-007. The application deadline is 18 July 2016. Link

EU Horizon 2020 — Indian-European Research on Bio-Economy

The Indo-European partnership INDIGO announces a call for proposals in bio-economy.
This refers to using renewable biological resources — such as crops, forests, fish, animals, and micro-organisms — to produce food, materials, and energy. Countries participating in the research call are India, France, Germany, Norway and Spain. Applications may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national and regional regulations. The deadline for proposals is 31 August 2016. Link

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund — International Cooperation for Blue Economy

The EC’s Maritime and Fisheries Fund will support trans-national regional collaboration to improve the blue economy in sea basins important to Europe, i.e., the Atlantic, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean, and North Sea. Each consortium should focus on a specific blue-growth technology or value chain. Examples include biotechnology, aquaculture, coastal and marine tourism, tidal or offshore wind energy, and others. Each consortia will develop a strategic investment plan as well as bankable demonstration projects. Applicants established in certain non-EU countries (defined in the announcement) are eligible to participate in Blue Economy if they are necessary to achieve the objectives of the action. The deadline for proposals is 30 September 2016. Link

Energy and Environment Partnership, Mekong Region — 6th Call for Proposals

The Energy and Environment Partnership with the Mekong Region (EEP Mekong) announces its sixth call for proposals on clean energy. With financial support from the Government of Finland, EEP Mekong will support clean energy projects in the private sector that are close to commercial maturity, but that need a limited amount of bridge finance. To be eligible for grants, project developers should be based in one of the following countries: Cambodia, Finland, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, or Vietnam. The minimum size of a proposed project is €200 thousand. The deadline for concept notes is 12 August 2016. Link