The Youth Climate Justice Fund seeks applications to support climate justice young leaders with trust-based funding, resources, and youth-to-youth capacity development. Groups can apply for a grant of up to US$10 thousand, which can be used for 12 months. Applying networks or collectives have to be led by young people aged 35 and under and be based in East Asia and Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, Europe and Central Asia, or North America. Applications have to be submitted by 01 July 2024. Youth Climate Justice Fund
Eurasia/Central Asia
USAID — Afghanistan Integrated Youth Activity
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Afghanistan Integrated Youth Activity (AIYA) program. AIYA aims to empower Afghan youth, particularly girls and young women, with market-relevant technical and soft skills to enhance income, food security, and economic resilience. USAID intends to provide US$62 million in total USAID funding over five years. Eligibility for this notice of funding opportunity is not restricted. The application deadline is 12 July 2024. Link to the call
U.S. Department of State — Air Pollution
The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations interested in applying to implement a project on increasing sub-national, national, and regional capacity to address air pollution in Latin America and/or Central Asia. The goal is to equip countries in Latin America and Central Asia with the tools to actively engage in regional air quality initiatives. Funding ranges from US$365 thousand to US$730 thousand. Eligibility for this award is restricted to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The application deadline is 15 July 2024. Link
Asia Foundation — Development Fellows 2025
The Asia Foundation’s Development Fellows program provides qualified young Asian professionals with an opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia’s critical development challenges. The program offers two weeks of leadership training in Asia and another two weeks in the USA, plus a grant of US$5 thousand to support individual plans for professional development. Applicants should be less than age 40 and have demonstrable experience in one of the program’s fields of expertise, which include environment (among others). The program is open to resident nationals and citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific Islands, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. The application deadline is 29 July 2024. Development Fellows
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Armenia
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Armenia. The priorities under this call include environmental and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation and on water management. The average contribution is C$25 thousand to C$40 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The application deadline is 01 July 2024. CFLI Armenia
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy — Women in Renewable Energy
The mentoring program “Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition” aims to address the gender gap in the renewables sector. The program offers mentoring, online courses, networking, and peer-to-peer exchange. The deadline for applications is 24 May 2024. Women in Energy
The Bridge International — Funding for Social Entrepreneurs
The Bridge International is a non-profit organization that works as an online crowdfunding platform for social entrepreneurs in Asia and Africa. Bridge International aims to support local entrepreneurs to be self-reliant and financially sustainable in their operations while they create social impact within the community. Applications for the recruiting program Global Bridging Fund (GBF) are open. Selected partners will benefit from seed funds up to US$5,000 as a 0% interest loan, connections to other social enterprises, and potential partnerships with global institutions and corporations. The deadline is 28 May 2024. Global Bridging Fund
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy — Women in Wind
The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program aims to advance the role of women in driving the energy transition and promote best practices within the wind industry. Applicants are citizens from China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, or Vietnam. Successful applicants will be matched with mentors and participate in a comprehensive program from June 2024 to February 2025. The application deadline is 10 May 2024. Women in Wind Global Leadership Program
German Academic Exchange Service — Bilateral Exchange for Postdoctoral Researchers
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports exchanges of scientists and academics from partner countries for bilateral research projects in Germany. Foreign academics and scientists with doctoral degrees who work at a university or research institute in EU countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, and Ukraine are eligible to apply. Participants receive monthly stipends of €2 thousand. The application deadline is 30 May 2024 (for research stays starting from February 2025). More information
U.S. Department of State — Countering Wildlife Trafficking
The U.S. Department of State seeks to strengthen the capacity of wildlife institutions and actors in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The call seeks to enhance law enforcement and justice sector efforts to counter wildlife trafficking, ultimately helping to disrupt wildlife trafficking operations, and removing opportunities for criminal organizations to profit from illicit proceeds derived from the wildlife trade. Funding ranges from US$150 thousand to US$3 million. Eligibility for this award is restricted to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations and educational institutions. Applications have to be received by 24 June 2024. Know more