The Snow Leopard Network invited applications for the Snow Leopard Training Grant which is designed to further strengthen snow leopard conservation and research. The scope of the capacity projects to be funded includes training workshops, protected area management, conservation education, women conservation leadership training, and wildlife population monitoring. Awards range from US$1,000 to US$1,500. The grant is open to researchers, practitioners, and organizations working to support snow leopard conservation. Proposals have to be submitted by 15 February 2024. Snow Leopard Network Training Grants
Eurasia/Central Asia
Ashden Awards — International Awards for Sustainable Energy 2024
Ashden supports projects in sustainable energy in the UK and the developing world. The awards are made to pioneers in sustainable energy, saving energy, generating renewable energy, or promoting behavior change. The competition for the International Awards is open to businesses, NGOs, government organizations, and social enterprises whose activities take place in low- and middle-income countries worldwide. Winners are supported with prize money up to £25 thousand, plus assistance with mentoring and networking. The closing date for applications (Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish) is 25 January 2024. Ashden Awards
Union for the Mediterranean — Project Implementation Support
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) does not fund the implementation of the projects but it assists project development, the search for financial resources, and the search for political and technical support needed for project implementation. UfM promotes a wide range of projects in the Mediterranean region in subject areas that include energy and climate, water, environment, blue economy, and several others. Proposals are accepted continuously; there is no calendar deadline. Details
European Union — European Exchange Program for Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program for aspiring entrepreneurs. New entrepreneurs will benefit from on-the-job training in a small or medium-sized enterprise in another participating country. The program provides practical and financial assistance, and matches entrepreneurs with experienced hosts. Applications are accepted from both, host entrepreneurs (HEs) – ideally owners of a micro or small enterprise – and new entrepreneurs (NEs) in their early stages. Participating NEs will receive financial support for travel, living and subsistence costs during the visit. Applications are accepted from permanent residents in one of 28 EU Member States, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Kosovo. Applications are accepted continuously. Find out how to participate
UK Government — Climate Finance Accelerator
The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) is a global technical assistance program to support climate smart projects to access finance. The aim is to facilitate a collaborative approach to unlocking finance for climate projects at scale and creating a pipeline of ‘investment ready’ low carbon projects. The CFA operates in Nigeria, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Türkiye, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The CFA offers a range of capacity building support to assist climate mitigation projects in accessing finance. The CFA is open for applications from climate projects seeking support in accessing finance until 17 November 2023. Climate Finance Accelerator
Water and Energy for Food — Regional Innovations South and Southeast Asia
Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) seeks business owners and entrepreneurs in South and Southeast Asia who have innovative water-food, energy-food, and water-energy-food solutions. Individual awards for innovators are expected to range from US$25 thousand to US$200 thousand, depending on the type of funding requested. The call is open to mid- to late-stage enterprises, nonprofits with a for-profit program, and other organizations based in South and Southeast Asia. Participants will receive tailored support to help scale and grow their businesses. The submission deadline is 31 December 2023. WE4F South and Southeast Asia
Clean Cooking Alliance — Women in Clean Cooking
The Women in Clean Cooking (WICC) Program aims at providing professional development and mentorship support for early to mid-career women in the clean cooking sector in Africa, Asia, and Haiti. The program offers virtual webinars, networking opportunities, and peer-to-peer exchange. Applicants must be senior professionals from the clean cooking and energy sector. The deadline for nominations is 31 August 2023. Women in Clean Cooking Program
Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition — Children and Youth Challenge
The Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition (CSET) wants children and young people to come up with ideas for how we can teach people about sustainable energy in our communities in fun and easy to understand ways, and ways we can use sustainable energy. All individuals and team members must be a resident in a Commonwealth member country. The winning entries (one per five Commonwealth regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and Canada, Caribbean, and Pacific) will be offered the chance to pitch their ideas to their local governments and policymakers. Deadline for submissions is 31 August 2023. CSET Children and Youth Challenge
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — Online Course on Forest and Landscape Restoration
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announces a call for applications for young professionals (under 35 years old) living in Asia for an online course on forest and landscape restoration. The online course includes teaching materials, access to expert commentary and guided exercises to support the development of ecologically, socially and economically realistic restoration plans. Applications have to be submitted before 16 July 2023. More about the Online Course
The World Academy of Sciences — Regional Workshop on Science Diplomacy
The Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) seek candidates to participate in the regional training workshop on science diplomacy. The workshop is designed for applicants from science and technology lagging countries from South and Central Asia. Economy class flights, local transport and accommodation will be covered for selected participants. The deadline for submitting applications is 08 August 2023. Regional Workshop