The Junior Professionals Program is an opportunity for professional women in West Africa to transform their passion for international relief and development work into a career. Junior Professionals will work with Catholic Relief Services to end poverty and promote peace and self-reliance in West Africa. Fellows receive training and support CRS’ work in various sectors such as agriculture/livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, emergency response, or micro-financing. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in related fields (e.g. Economic Development, Agriculture, Health, Business, etc.). Candidates have to apply by 30 June 2024. Junior Professionals Program
Climate and Development Knowledge Network — MSc. Program
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) implements the Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts (CABES) MSc. program in “Managing Science-Policy-Practice Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” to build the capacities of youths on sustainable development pathways and biodiversity policy-making decision processes. Scholarship and other forms of support will be provided to successful candidates. The program targets candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline for submissions of concept notes is 31 March 2024. More information
World Trade Organization — Young Professionals Program
The World Trade Organization (WTO) seeks applications from qualified young professionals (up to 32 years) who are nationals of a developing or least-developed country. The Young Professionals Program (YPP) offers selected young professionals the opportunity to gain work experience in the WTO. Each professional may express interest in up to three areas of the WTO, including Agriculture, Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures, Trade, and Environment, among many others. Young Professionals receive a monthly salary starting at CHF 4,000 (depending on their qualifications). The application deadline is 02 April 2024. Find more information here
German Academic Exchange Service — Postgraduate Courses in Germany 2025-2026
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to qualified individuals from eligible developing countries for post-graduate studies at German universities in development-related subjects. The program (EPOS) is open to individuals who have completed their previous academic degrees no longer than six years previously; who have at least two years of professional experience; and who are nationals of countries receiving official development assistance (DAC list of the OECD). The available courses range across water resources; renewable energy; land management and tenure; agricultural sciences; forest sciences; ecology; nature conservation; environmental governance; and many others. The application deadline for the next intake (October 2024) is 31 August 2024. EPOS Scholarship
Harvard University — Biodiversity Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Edward O. Wilson Biodiversity Postdoctoral Fellowship supports postdoctoral researchers at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University to pursue the discovery and formal taxonomic description of Earth’s animal species. The fellowship program is open to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. A Ph.D. with relevant research experience in taxonomy and/or systematics is required. The fellow receives a stipend of US$65 thousand per year and a research and travel allowance of US$5 thousand per year. The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2024. More info
Mongabay — Africa Environmental Reporting Fellowship
Mongabay Africa offers an Environmental Reporting Fellowship in French for journalism on the continent. The program provides opportunities for journalists from biodiversity hotspots in low- and middle-income income tropical countries to report on critical environmental issues. Each scholar receives US$500 per month during the 3 months of the program. Applications are open until 15 March 2024. Environmental Reporting Fellowship
United Nations University — Visiting PhD Fellowship
The Visiting PhD Fellowship Program gives registered doctoral students an opportunity to utilize the resources and facilities at UNU-WIDER for their PhD dissertation or thesis research on developing economies. Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD program and have shown ability to conduct research on developing economies. NU-WIDER provides a travel grant and a monthly stipend of €1,850 to cover living expenses in Helsinki during the period of their fellowship. Deadlines for submission of applications are 31 March and 30 September each year. UNU-WIDER Visiting PhD Fellowship
Explore — Scholarships for PhD students
Explore will award partial scholarships of up to US$40 thousand to female doctoral students researching forest landscape governance in Southeast Asia. Eligible applicants must be women PhD students under 32 years old and be citizens of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, or Timor-Leste. Applicants from any scientific discipline related to forest landscape governance are welcome. Applicants need to apply by 30 April 2024. Link
School of International Futures — Next Generation Foresight Fellowship
The Next Generation Foresight Fellowship is an opportunity for young professionals to have more support as they begin to explore the futures and foresight field. Each fellow receives a US$1,000 prize to develop and accelerate their project. By the end of their fellowship, all fellows have the chance to run for the Fellowship Main Prize, which consists of US$10 thousand. The fellowship is open to anyone aged between 18 and 35. The closing date for submissions is 31 May 2024. Foresight Fellowship
Einstein Forum — Einstein Fellowship 2025
The Einstein Forum offers a fellowship for early-career researchers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research. Please note that the proposed project must be significantly different in content, field, and form, from the applicant’s previous work. The fellowship includes living accommodations for up to 6 months in Caputh (Germany). The fellow will receive a stipend of €10 thousand and reimbursement of travel expenses. Candidates must be under 35 and hold a university degree in the humanities, the social sciences, or the natural sciences. Applicants have to submit their application by 01 June 2024. Details