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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Startup Wise Guys — Climate Change Warriors Program

The Climate Change Warriors Program offers training, networking opportunities and funding to creative minds that fight climate change. The 4-months program provides intensive training and personal development opportunities. Participants can get up to €120 thousand convertible investment. The program is designed for early-stage B2B sustainability startups working in climate-smart agriculture, regenerative agriculture, circular economy, circular waste management, or sustainable land management.  The deadline to apply is 18 January 2024. Climate Change Warriors Program

University of Oxford — Urban Studies Program

The Urban Studies program at Oxford University (UK) offers part-time master’s and doctoral courses for practitioners and researchers engaged in cities and urban issues. The MSc in Sustainable Urban Development is a part-time course (taken over two years) and is designed to suit those working in a range of urban contexts worldwide. Supervision is available from a range of specialists across the University of Oxford. MSc scholarships worth over £41 thousand are available. The latest for most Oxford scholarships is 19 January 2024. Link to Urban Studies Program

Deloitte — One Young World Scholarships 2024

Deloitte offers One Young World Scholarships which will enable 5 outstanding young leaders to attend the One Young World Summit in Montreal, Canada (September 2024). The scholarship is intended for young leaders focused on reducing the causes and effects of climate change in their communities, countries, or world at large. Scholars will receive access to the One Young World Summit 2024, hotel accommodation, the cost of travel to and from Montreal, and catering. Nationals of all countries between the ages of 18-30 are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 21 January 2024. One Young World Scholarship

International Women’s Media Foundation — Reporting Grants for Women Journalists

The Howard G. Buffett Fund for Women Journalists seeks to promote the work and advance the role of women in the news media across the globe. The average grant size is US$10 thousand. The grant is intended to give women journalists the opportunity to pursue international stories of importance through gender-sensitive coverage of underreported topics. (Note: This may include various focus areas of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, i.e., women in agriculture, or stories about and by female conservationists.) The Fund for Women Journalists accepts applications on a rolling basis. Fund for Women Journalists

Ford Motor Company — Ford Fund Fellowship

The Ford Fund Fellowship is a virtual program for social entrepreneurs and community leaders building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations. Each Fellow will learn advanced skills in entrepreneurship and leadership. US$25 thousand in seed funding will be distributed among the 25 Ford Fund Fellows. Applicants from the following countries are welcome to apply: China, Germany, Mexico, Romania, South Africa, United Kingdom. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis. The final application deadline is 15 January 2024. Ford Fund Fellowship

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Research Fellowships 2024

The Arturo Falaschi Fellowships Program offers long and short-term fellowships to assist in the training of scientists from ICGEB’s member states, including many developing countries. The fellowships are for research at collaborating universities in the UK, Italy, India, and South Africa. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2024. More about the Fellowships

Tencent and Viva la Vida — THINC Fellowship

THINC is a 12-month fellowship program for creative inventors who leverage the power of technology to create a greener and more sustainable world. The program consists of virtual meetings, offline events, and marketing campaigns to build a professional network of young leaders from different disciplines worldwide. Fellows can be in any field from art to engineering. The application deadline is 19 November 2023. THINC Fellowship

Earth Journalism Network — Reporting Fellowships 2024

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) announces the launch of a new year-long fellowship program for journalists which will enhance reporting over four priority areas — climate change, biodiversity, the ocean and One Health. EJN seeks four environmental reporters which will provide journalistic training and mentorship, a quarterly salary stipend and funding for story production, travel and professional development opportunities. Fellows will receive a quarterly stipend of €6,000 to cover expenses for story production and €6,000 to cover travel to conferences and travel for story production. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, multimedia, new media). The application deadline is 16 November 2023. EJN Reporting Fellowships

World Wildlife Fund U.S. — Cassagnol Fellowship

The Cassagnol Fellowship offers seed funding for EFN alumni to lead innovative programs that promote long-term outreach and capacity building in their areas of research, education, and training. The Fellowship aims to support promising conservation leaders who enhance co-development of initiatives that amplify local ownerships. The fellowship covers a duration of 12 months and applicants may request up to US$15 thousand. Applicants should have completed their PhD or master’s degree and hold an appointment at either a university, research, government, or non-government institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, or Asia. Applicants must submit an application by 18 December 2023. WWF Cassagnol Fellowship

Halcyon — Support for Early-Stage Social Entrepreneurs

The Halcyon Incubator program equips early-stage social entrepreneurs from all around the world with support to transform their ideas into scalable and sustainable ventures. Ventures may be for-profit, hybrid, or undecided, as long as the core mission is to create measurable social change. (Note: This may include business ideas in agriculture, sustainable energy, or sustainable development.) Ventures structured as ‘non-profit’ will only be considered if they have a product or service they are selling. Partnerships (ventures co-founded and led by two individuals) are eligible. Selected entrepreneurs will receive a $10 thousand stipend per venture for food and living expenses during the residency phase, mentorship, one-on-one coaching, and 5 months of free workspace at Halcyon House. Applications are accepted until 20 October 2023. Halcyon Incubator Program