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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Tiny Beam Fund — Fellowship: Negative Impacts of Global Industrial Food Animal Production

Tiny Beam Fund offers communication grants to researchers who wish to “address negative impacts of global industrial food animal production” (especially in low- and middle-income countries). Communication Grants are aimed at encouraging academics who have studied the problems caused by global industrial animal agriculture to take steps to share their research. The amount requested should not exceed US$5 thousand for a 12-month period. The fund is directed to PhD researchers from any residence, citizenship, or location. There will be three awards available, one in each category. Applications are accepted year-round. More about the Communication Grants

Indian National Academy of Sciences — JRD-Tata Fellowships for Visiting Scientists from Developing Countries

India’s National Science Academy administers the JRD-Tata Fellowships to support visiting scientists from the developing world and promote South-South cooperation. The program is open to applicants from developing countries (except India) younger than age 45, and who possess doctorate or masters degrees in science or equivalent degrees in engineering/medicine. Past participants have included several in agriculture, biological sciences, and geo-sciences. The fellowship is for three months and includes transportation, maintenance allowance, accommodation, and contingencies. The application deadlines are 30 April and 31 October of each year. Find out more

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — MSc in Water and Sustainable Development

The Dutch Orange Knowledge Program offers access to education and training to professionals and organizations for IHE Delft’s new Master of Science in Water and Sustainable Development. Mid-career can apply for OKP individual scholarships. Applicants who wish to apply for the OKP scholarship are recommended to apply to IHE Delft by 15 March 2022. Link

World Academy of Sciences — PhD Training Fellowships for Women Scientists

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) invites women scientists in the field of agriculture (and other sciences) from science and technology lagging countries to apply for the OWSD PhD Training Fellowships. Each fellow will receive a monthly allowance to cover basic living expenses, a special allowance to attend international conferences, travel expenses, medical insurance, and the opportunity to attend regional science communications workshops for up to four years. Applications will be accepted until 15 April 2022. OWSD PhD Fellowships

World Academy of Sciences — TWAS-CUI Fellowship Program for Postgraduate Research

The TWAS-CUI Fellowship Program for Postgraduate Research offers fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than Pakistan) who wish to obtain their PhD in natural sciences. Fellowships are tenable in the departments and laboratories of the campuses of the COMSATS University Islamabad (Pakistan). Duration is from six months to a maximum of 3 years (18 months for a sandwich program). CUI will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs. The call for applications is open until 31 August 2022. Find the program

Climate Tracker — Global Climate Change Media Mentorship

Climate Tracker seeks young (18-35 years) journalists from around the world to join the Global Climate Change Media Mentorship. Six young journalists eager to produce climate stories will cover the climate crisis from the frontlines, producing exclusive stories for Climate Tracker. The deadline to apply is 18 February 2022. Climate Change Media Mentorship

Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund — Scholarships for Higher Education 2022

Taiwan’s program of development assistance includes scholarships for university students in eligible developing countries to study in Taiwan. The program provides full scholarships for applicants from selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean region, Latin America, and certain other countries. Subject areas at Taiwan’s participating universities include tropical agriculture, aquaculture technology and management, environmental sustainable development, and others. Undergraduate students receive NT$12 thousand per month as an allowance, Masters students receive NT$15 thousand per month, and PhD students receive NT$17 thousand per month, plus travel, fees and other costs for the program. The application deadline is 15 March 2022. Find the scholarship

University of Miami — Scholarship for School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

The University of Miami offers 4 Rosenstiel Opportunity Scholarships to benefit historically underserved or underrepresented populations. Scholarship recipients are eligible to complete the Master of Professional Science program at no or significantly reduced tuition cost (80-100% tuition waiver). Fields of study include Aquaculture, Marine Conservation, Marine Mammal Science, Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management and many others. International applicants must submit official transcripts and diplomas from all colleges and universities attended. Applications are due by 15 March 2022. Rosenstiel Opportunity Scholarships

Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Orange Tulip Scholarship 2022/2023

Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organization for internationalization in education, offers scholarships for studies in the Netherlands. Students from China, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Korea, Russia and Vietnam are invited to apply for studies at selected universities listed in the call. Subject areas include earth sciences, ecology, and many others. The Orange Tulip Scholarship recipients will get discounts on study fees ranging from 30% to 100%, or an offer for living expenses per month (without a discount on study fees).  Potentially interested individuals should review the courses and dates offered by the participating Dutch higher education institutions, and information about how to apply. The deadlines and criteria vary depending on the selected university and country of origin of the candidate. Applications are being accepted until 01 April 2022. Orange Tulip Scholarship Program

American Museum of Natural History — Research Grants 2022

The American Museum of Natural History sponsors a number of research grants and student exchange fellowships. The Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants support early-career researchers for research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna, defined as fauna north of the Isthmus of Panama, including the Caribbean. Grants are generally between US$1,000 and US$3,500. The application deadline for Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants is 21 February 2022. Details here