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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

World Academy of Sciences — Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Displaced and Refugee Scientists

UNESCO-TWAS offers a postdoctoral fellowship program for displaced and refugee scholars and scientists. The program aims to provide scholars and scientists from Afghanistan, Syria or Yemen who have not yet found a safe and long-term host country to pursue postdoctoral studies in Pakistan, at institutions members of the COMSTECH Consortium of Excellence (CCoE). Closing date of this fellowship is 28 January 2022. Exile Fellowships Program

Climate Tracker — Sustainability Solutions Journalism Fellowship

Climate Tracker offers a 6-month paid media mentorship-fellowship focused on producing stories about local sustainable solutions. Fellows will receive training and mentoring to produce one story about nature-based solutions, climate change, regenerative agriculture, biodiversity conservation, or energy transition every month for 6 months. Furthermore, Fellows receive US$165 per month stipend during the duration of the fellowship. The deadline to apply is 07 January 2022. Link to Climate Tracker

Earth Journalism Network — Indigenous Environmental Journalism Story Grants 2022

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) seeks applications from Indigenous journalists to support the production of in-depth stories that will call attention to climate justice, biodiversity, sustainable ecosystems, Indigenous leadership. EJN welcomes any story ideas that will explore how environmental and climate change issues are linked to the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples and communities. EJN expects to award 20 grants in total: 10 grants with an average budget of US$1,450, and 10 grants with an average budget of US$1,250. Applicants must self-identify as Indigenous and will be asked to provide details on their Indigenous affiliations in the application. Applicants can be from any country in the world. The application deadline is 07 February 2022. Asia-Pacific Media Grants

New America — Learning Sciences Exchange

The Learning Sciences Exchange (LSX) is a two-year fellowship for mid-career professionals in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Africa. The program’s goal is a better application of the insights emerging from the science of learning for children ages 2 to 12. LSX Fellows will work in teams to develop cross-sector projects that activate change in schools and other learning settings. Eligibility for the fellowship program extends to researchers, journalists, education leaders, entrepreneurs, and entertainment producers with a focus on the science of learning. The deadline is 15 February 2022. Learning Science Exchange

University of California at Berkeley — Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship

The UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism offers ten US$10 thousand postgraduate Food and Farming Journalism Fellowships. The fellowship is aimed at early and mid-career journalists who cover print and audio stories under the rubric of food systems: agricultural policy, food science, rural and urban farming, agriculture and the environment, food and climate change, etc. Preference is given to U.S. focused stories, but UC Berkeley will also consider international stories with a strong U.S. angle or connection. Online applications are due 15 March 2022. Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture — Scholarship Program for Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science

The NTU-SEARCA Joint Scholarship Program for Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science (Global ATGS) accepts applications for a Master Program at the National Taiwan University (NTU). The goal of Global ATGS is to train international academic and industrial leaders in advanced agriculture. The main fields of this program are digital agriculture, genomics, and modern breeding science. The scholarship award duration is two years and covers tuition fees, travel, and living expenses of students from SEAMEO member countries. The deadline is 31 December 2021. Link

Breakthrough Institute — Generation Fellowship 2022

The Breakthrough Institute supports Generation Fellows who contribute writing and research to one of four policy programs at the Breakthrough Institute: Energy; Conservation; or Food and Farming. The program operates during ten weeks from June through August. Fellows receive US$600 per week. Eligibility to apply for the fellowships extends to final-year undergraduates, college graduates, and postgraduates. Fellowships are open to applicants from any country. The application deadline is 28 January 2022. About the fellowship

Oceans & Lakes — Scholarships MSc in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management

Oceans & Lakes is an interuniversity master program that provides students with a strong fundamental and applied knowledge in the scientific research and management of marine and lacustrine systems. Through the Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR-UOS), scholarships are provided for this 2-year master program in “Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management” (Oceans & Lakes). For this specific scholarship, eligibility extends to nationals from the VLIR-UOS partner countries (please refer to the call for a complete list of eligible countries). Applications have to be submitted by 01 February 2022. Find more information

East-West Center — Pacific Islands Leadership Program

The East-West Center welcomes applications for the Pacific Islands Leadership Program with Taiwan to enhance the leadership capacities of young leaders in the Pacific Islands. Participants will spend approximately two months at the East-West Center’s campus in Hawaii, in addition to a month in Taipei at the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs. The curriculum includes topics in climate change and environmental stewardship, among others. Eligibility extends to early and mid-careers professionals in the Cook Islands, Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. The application deadline is 01 February 2022. Pacific Islands Leadership Program

Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime — Resilience Fellowship Environmental Crime

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) announces the Resilience Fellowship, which for 2022 will have Environmental Crime as its theme. The Resilience Fund provides grants and support to civil society individuals and organizations working to counter the impacts of criminal governance and violence across the world. Grants of US$15 thousand per Fellow will be awarded for one year. For the year 2022, a total of 10 Fellows will be selected. The Fellowship welcomes applications from people of any gender, ethnicity, age, religion or any other defining factor, who work in communities affected by organized environmental crime. The deadline to apply is 15 November 2021. Resilience Fellowship