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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — Study/Research Awards 2018

The Study/Research Awards are a component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. The program is designed for applicants interested in designing their own projects in various areas of study (possibly within the thematic areas of the Terra Viva Grant Directory). Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens. Program requirements vary by country, so the applicants should familiarize themselves with the program summary for the host country. Each candidate is required to be affiliated with a local institution of higher education, a research/training institute, a think tank, or a registered NGO.  The deadline for applications is 06 October 2017. More information

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation — Doctoral Scholarships 2018

Each year, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation awards up to fifteen scholarships to Canadian and international doctoral candidates pursuing research related to one of its four founding themes, one of which is “People and their Natural Environment.” This theme includes studies of a social, economic or political nature that lead to the identification, evaluation, or dissemination of sustainable environmental practices. It also includes an interest in environmental security at the global level, and in the link between healthy ecosystems, communities, and individuals. Candidates must be nominated by the Canadian or international institution where they wish to study or are currently studying. Universities can nominate a candidate from their institution who is pursuing doctoral studies at another university. The deadline for submissions by the universities is 08 December 2017. Scholarship opportunity

Netherlands Fellowship Program — KOP Funding for Short Courses

The Netherlands Fellowship Program has started a new phase under the name KOP (Kennisontwikkelings programma). The first round of KOP offers scholarships for short courses in the Netherlands to applicants from the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cuba, Djibouti, Dem Rep Congo, Georgia, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mongolia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Thailand, and Zimbabwe. The subject areas for short courses include many in agriculture and environment, among others. Applicants in participating countries study the course database to find short courses eligible for scholarships. The profile of each course identifies the application deadline and how to apply to the Dutch university, including contact information.  For candidates that are selected, the Dutch university submits the application for KOP scholarships. The closing dates vary with each course.  Learn about KOP

Canadian International Development Research Center — Building African Capacity to Address Climate Change

The Africa Climate Leadership Program (AfriCLP) awards training fellowships to build leadership capacity in Africa in response to climate change. Funded by Canada’s IDRC, the program is managed by the University of Nairobi and the Institute of Resource Assessment at the University of Dar es Salaam. The program is open to mid-level and senior researchers who have the potential to become leaders in their field. Selected climate change leaders in Africa will take part in training seminars allowing them to develop and test their ideas. The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2017. Click here for information

Coady International Institute — Women’s Leadership 2018

The Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program to enable women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities at the Coady Institute, affiliated with St Francis Xavier University in Canada. The program offers successful candidates a full scholarship that includes tuition, travel, accommodations, and meals. Applicants should have at least four years of demonstrated leadership experience in fields such as food security, environment, and others. The application deadline is 07 September 2017. Link

YOUNGO — Global South Scholarships to attend COP23 and COY13 on Climate Change

Youngo offers complete financial support and capacity building training to participate at UN Climate Change Conference and 13th Conference Of Youth (COY13) in November, 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Young people around the world can actively engage in the effort to address climate change. The program shall cover all costs of travel, accommodation, visa, travel insurance fee, food, local transport and other costs for the selected applicants. Applicants must be between 18 to 35 years old on 31 August 2017. Deadline for applications is 24 August 2017. Find Out More  

World Academy of Sciences — Postgraduate Fellowships in Natural Sciences in Pakistan

The TWAS-CIIT Fellowship Programme offers fellowships to young scientists from developing countries who wish to obtain all or part of their PhD in natural sciences. CIIT will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs such as food, accommodation, and health insurance. Applicants should not be older than 35 years and hold an MSc degree in a field of natural sciences. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2017. Link

Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum — Water Advanced Research and Innovation Fellowships

The Water Advanced Research and Innovation Fellowships fund Indian participants to gain exposure and access to research facilities in water resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Daugherty Water for Food Institute. Fellowships of three to twelve months are for Indian scientists holding a PhD in water science and engineering. Internships of three to six months are for individuals currently engaged in their PhD studies in water sciences in India. The application deadline is 31 August 2017. Link

Government of Czech Republic — University Scholarships for Applicants from Developing Countries

The Czech Republic provides scholarships to support nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. The fields of study include ecology, wildlife management, natural resources, forestry, and tropical agriculture (among others). Applications need to be submitted before 30 September of each year. Link

Kenya Community Development Foundation — Wangari Maathai Scholarship Fund for Kenyan Women

The Wangari Maathai Scholarhip is co-sponsored by the Kenya Community Development Foundation, the Greenbelt Movement, and the Rockefeller Foundation to support young Kenyan women (ages 18 – 25) for university studies in environmental conservation. One individual is chosen each year. The selected individual must demonstrate an ability to successfully mobilize people and provide leadership in environmental advocacy. The scholarship is limited to applicants who are enrolled in Kenyan universities. The application deadline is 30 July 2017. Link