The IUSSTF invites Indian applicants to apply for the SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Fellowships. The objective is to introduce Indian scientists and engineers in the early stages of their careers to international collaborative research opportunities. These awards will enable young Indian scientists and technologists of all disciplines, under the age of 35, to interact with the U.S scientific community. The focus areas include bio-energy, energy, science of climate change, glaciology, and several others. The deadline for applications is 28 February 2017. Link
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture — Agricultural Scholarships for Africa
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is partnering with the MasterCard Foundation, Gulu University, and Egerton University to enhance the application of science, technology, business, and innovation for rural agriculture. Students who are economically disadvantaged, and students from post-conflict and conflict-affected areas of Africa, are welcome to apply for admission and financial support at Gulu University (Uganda) or Egerton University (Kenya). The announcements lists the available academic programs at each university. The application deadline is 15 March 2017. Link
Masdar Institute — Graduate Studies in Sustainable Environment and Energy
The Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi provides graduate-level education and research to produce future world leaders and critical thinkers in advanced energy and sustainability. The Institute offers four types of scholarships, including the IRENA scholarship for aspiring master’s students with a desire to work in the field of renewable energy. Up to 20 applicants are awarded this scholarship at Masdar Institute every year, with support from the Government of the United Arab Emirates. Scholarship students may study in any one of the nine master’s degree programs offered at Masdar Institute. The application deadline is 31 May 2017. Link
Fauna & Floral International — Global Trees Campaign 2016-2017
Fauna & Flora International, in partnership with Botanic Gardens Conservation International and the Conservation Leadership Program, sponsor the Global Trees Campaign to support master’s research focused on tree species conservation. Research should focus on in situ conservation of a threatened tree species, ideally on IUCN’s Red List, and external to the countries of the OECD. Grants are up to £1 thousand. The application deadline is 05 February 2017. Link
Suranaree University of Technology — PhD Scholarships in Agricultural Technology for ASEAN Countries 2017
Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand offers PhD scholarships in various fields of studies, including in Agricultural Technology. Eligibility for scholarships extends to nationals of ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam). Applicants must old a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant field, and be proficient in English. The application deadline is 31 January 2017. Link
Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education — STEM Scholars Program
The Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education offers scholarships to young Arab citizens for university studies in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) at any of the Foundation’s partner universities. Applicants should be ages 15-30 and demonstrate past high academic achievement, as well as financial need. The application deadline is 15 January 2017. Link
Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs — Coral Reef Research in French Polynesia 2017
The IRCP offers four grants to young scientists for applied or fundamental research on coral reefs in French Polynesia. The program invites applications from PhD and post-doctoral applicants of French and other nationalities, who are less than age 35. IRCP will select at least one candidate from the South Pacific Island States. Grants are €4,500 for up to one year to cover travel expenses, accommodation, and research costs at the Criobe research station. The application deadline is 30 January 2017. Link
Central European University — Visiting Fellowships 2017-2018
Central European University (CEU) announces two Visiting Fellowship Programs in academic year 2017-18. The Faculty Development Fellowship is available to applicants from selected academic institutions in Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, and Myanmar. The Research Excellence Fellowship is offered to academics employed in higher education institutions and/or academic research institutions in any country of the “Global South.” The subjects for fellows include environmental studies and energy studies — among many others. Eligible applicants should hold a PhD or equivalent, and should be nationals of eligible developing countries. Fellowships cover travel costs, accommodation, and a monthly stipend. The deadline for applications is 15 February 2017. Link
Inter-Research Science Center — Prizes and Fellowships 2017
The International Ecology Institute in Germany annually selects top performers worldwide in the field of ecology for the Ecology Institute Prize and the IRPE Prize. The winner of the Ecology Institute Prize will be awarded €6 thousand; the winner of the IRPE Prize will receive €3 thousand. Nominations are invited from research ecologists worldwide. The closing date for nominations is 30 April 2017. Additionally, the Center calls for nominations for the Otto Kinne Foundation Fellowship, with deadline on 31 October 2017. Link
Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology, and Society — Fellowships 2017-2018
The IAS-STS in Graz (Austria) promotes interdisciplinary research on interactions among science, technology and society. Its annual fellowship program supports international research fellows for up to nine months of research at the Institute, and visiting scholars for shorter periods. Themes include gender, technology, and environment; life sciences and biotechnology; low-carbon energy systems; eco-design and public procurement; and sustainable food systems. The closing date for applications is 31 December 2016. Link