The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

GroFin — Funding for Small and Growing Businesses in Africa

GroFin funds small and growing businesses in Africa. Grants support start-ups and growing businesses in agriculture, fisheries, energy and water sectors. Small business owners can apply for financing between US$100 thousand and US$1.5 million. Businesses that operate in Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 31 December 2022. Know more

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award — Award in Sustainable Aquaculture

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award invites nominations to recognize aquaculture initiatives from around the world that could contribute to increase efficiency and sustainability. The nominees will have created change that inspires others and shown what measures are necessary. Any organization, movement, business, group of people or individual can be nominated. Nominations must be submitted by 16 January 2022. Gothenburg Sustainability Award

German Missions — Small Scale Projects in South Asia

Germany’s Federal Foreign Office supports small scale projects in South Asia that address the needs of the underprivileged. Direct financial assistance is provided to Indian and Bhutanese NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society. Projects must have a clear focus on “Helping people to help themselves” and aim to improve living conditions, for example, through water supply, energy supply, food security, reconstructions after a natural disaster etc. The average funding amount is €23 thousand per project. Deadline for submitting applications for the year 2022 is 31 January 2022. Link

Fondation Ensemble — Sustainable Development and Conservation 2022

Fondation Ensemble supports field projects in sustainable development and conservation. The Foundation’s focus areas are sustainable agriculture, sustainable fishing, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable technologies. The eligible countries for all supported sectors are Ecuador, Peru, Laos, Myanmar. Mozambique is only eligible for sustainable fishing projects, European countries are only eligible for rewilding projects, and Madagascar is only eligible for marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable fishing projects. Grants are a maximum of €50 thousand per year for two to four years. The deadline for submission of concept notes (French or English) is 01 February 2022. Link to basic grant criteria

Accelerate2030 — Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Accelerate2030 supports entrepreneurs from developing and emerging markets to scale their solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Accelerate2030 is a Scale Readiness Program that provides support based on specific needs, such as access to experts, mentors, and partners. While Accelerate2030 supports solutions to any SDGs, the program is particularly looking for solutions related to the Circular Economy, access to Good Health and Wellbeing and Clean Water. The application deadline is 31 December 2021. Details here

Foundation Beyond Belief — Compassionate Impact Grant

Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB) makes grants to organizations that address critical community problems through evidence-based and culturally responsible social innovations. FBB will make one grant in the amount of US$30 thousand to one organization with the goal of increasing that organization’s ability to fulfill its mission. All applicants must be non-profit organizations with 501(c)3 status but grants are often used to support international community projects. Past projects include women’s literacy in Malawi, beekeeping for sustainable livelihood in Guatemala, and mangrove management in Latin America. LOIs have to be submitted by 15 December 2021. Details

Cisco — Global Problem Solver Challenge 2022

Cisco invites submissions of innovative technology solutions from student entrepreneurs around the world that solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems. The Challenge is open to students and recent alumni from any college or university. A total of US$1 million in prize money will be awarded for the adoption and development of breakthrough technologies, products, and services that drive economic development or solve social and environmental problems. Solutions have to be submitted by 11 February 2022. Participate

University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland — Research Partnership Grants MENA

The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with collaborating institutions in MENA countries. The Leading House MENA accepts grant applications solely from applicants. The Swiss applicant needs to have a proposed or an ongoing research project with an institutional partner in the MENA region. The maximum grant amount per project is CHF15 thousand. Both the applicant and the partner institute abroad are required to make in-kind contributions to the proposed research project. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities. The call for applications is open until 02 January 2022. Research Partnership Grants

Swedish Institute — Sustainable Growth in the Baltic Sea Region

The Swedish Institute offers project funding through the call ‘Third Country Participation in the Baltic Sea region’. The Institute funds projects that will contribute to economic, environmentally and socially sustainable growth in the Baltic Sea region and its immediate area. The main applicant has to be based in Sweden, but must include at least three actors in three different countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, or Ukraine. Projects can apply for SEK100 thousand to SEK500 thousand. Applications can be submitted until 15 February 2022. About

European Commission — Food and Nutrition Security in Africa

The European Commission (EC) accepts proposals to improve food security and nutrition in African cities. Projects are expected to contribute to a shift to food security and improved nutrition in five African cities and reducing the food-system-related environmental footprint. Applicants must be established in a Member State of the European Union, countries associated with Horizon Europe, or low- and middle-income countries. The closing date for applications is 15 February 2022. Link