The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

United Nations — Good Food for All Competition

The UN seeks applications for its Food Systems Summit competition ‘Best Small Business: Good Food for All’ to identify the best small and medium-sized enterprises from across the world transforming food systems. Small businesses around the world that help provide healthy food that is good for the environment, good for their communities and create jobs for people locally are invited to apply. Each of the 50 finalists will receive a US$2,000 cash prize. The competition is open to any small to medium sized enterprises (5-250 employees). The competition runs until 04 June 2021. Best Small Business Competition

U.S. Embassy in Tanzania — Small Grants for Community Development

The U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam provides small grants to registered self-help groups and community-based organizations in Tanzania. Grants are made in support of projects that improve living conditions in local communities, including but not limited to water-related projects or income generating activities such as agriculture and fisheries. Awards range from US$2 thousand to US$10 thousand. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit organizations, including village associations, women’s groups and civil society organizations. The closing date for applications is 01 June 2021. More information

U.S. Embassy in Botswana — Small Grants for Community Development

The U.S. Embassy in Gaborone provides small grants to registered self-help groups and community-based organizations in Botswana. Grants are made in support of projects that improve living conditions in local communities and community-based natural resource management, such as the preservation and/or expansion of wildlife corridors. Awards range from US$1 thousand to US$25 thousand. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit organizations, including village associations, women’s groups and civil society organizations. The closing date for applications is 05 June 2021. Link

Village Capital — Future for Food Latin America

Village Capital launches an investment readiness program for Latin American startups that tackle the most pressing challenges in the agritech and foodtech sectors. The program will support two cohorts, each of 8 to 12 startups. The top peer-selected startup (one per cohort) will receive grant funding of $15 thousand to support operations. Eligibility extends to profit-making entities in Latin America. The application deadline is 14 May 2021. Future for Food Latam

Thought For Food — Food Systems Game Changers Lab

The Food Systems Game Changers Lab supports game-changers who have ideas, initiatives, or innovations that have the potential to bring positive change to global food systems. The Lab will offer facilitation, learning resources, expert coaching, live sessions, and tailored mentorship programs. Participants are not required to be registered as a legal entity (company, nonprofit, government) and can submit solutions as an individual or a team. Ideas have to be submitted before 14 May 2021. Link to the Lab

U.S. Department of State — Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Mekong

The U.S. Department of State seeks applications from organizations to support women’s economic empowerment in the Mekong through providing financial literacy training and support. This project should increase the access of women entrepreneurs and business owners to financing, market opportunities, and training to help establish and grow their micro, small, or medium enterprises. The Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs anticipates having approximately $395 thousand of economic support funds available to support one successful application. EAP welcomes applications from non-profit organizations and institutions of higher education. The closing date for applications is 15 June 2021. Link

Future Agro Challenge — Agripreneur Global Championship

The Future Agro Challenge (FAC) is a global competition for food and agribusiness startups. Ideas and ventures will be selected to compete for the title of “Agripreneur of the Year.” The challenge is open to ideas in many areas such as agroforestry, sustainability, agriculture tourism, and others. Selected agripreneurs will gain access to mentors, investors, potential clients, and new market opportunities at the FAC Global Championships, an event at the Global Agripreneurs Summit. The application deadline is 31 August 2021. Application deadline and procedure may vary across countries, please check carefully. Link


ygap — Support for Female Entrepreneurs in the Asia-Pacific region

The yher accelerator provides support to female entrepreneurs and female-led impact ventures across the Pacific Islands region. The aim of the program is to provide solutions to poverty by empowering women. The program provides access to mentors, training and a week-long intensive training workshop. Winners of the peer review will receive AU$10 thousand in funding and the chance to apply for an additional AU$40 thousand in grant funding to help scale their venture. Given the current situation, the application process is kept open until program dates can be confirmed. Link to the accelerator program

Yunus&Youth — Fellowship Program for Social Entrepreneurs

The Yunus&Youth Fellowship Program is a six-month online program for young social entrepreneurs from all around the world. The program is designed for young early-stage social business leaders that have the potential to solve community-based problems with focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Participants will be matched with a mentor, participate in expert webinars with business professionals and receive help with business plan development. In the final stage of the program, fellows will present their social businesses to a team of real investors to shape their presentation skills and test their pitch decks. The deadline to submit applications is 20 June 2021. Learn about the Y&Y Fellowship Program

ShEquity — Business Accelerator for African Women

ShEquity and MBC Africa launch the ShEquity Business Accelerator (SHEBA) Program to support to African female entrepreneurs with scalable businesses in agribusiness, healthcare, technology, renewable energies, and fast-moving consumer goods. SHEBA will select 30 women to provide business development, financial management; strategy consulting, and networking opportunities. Interested applicants must be a woman leading/owning an African business. Deadline for submissions is 16 April 2021. ShEquity Business Accelerator