The National Geographic Society (NatGeo) seeks projects that will document underrepresented communities that have traditionally been given less consideration in stories of the environmental movement. Proposals may focus on all aspects of local and traditional communities, e.g., land use issues; indigenous heroes; impacts of environmental degradation; climate-related migration, etc. Applicants must have strong track records as storytellers (journalists, photographers, videographers, cartographers). Applicants may request up to US$80 thousand. The deadline is October 2020. Link
The British Academy — Research Chair in Sustainability (Jordan)
The goal of the Jordan-UK El Hassan bin Talal Research Chair in Sustainability is to enhance the research and innovation capacity of Jordan for long-term sustainable development. The call is open to applicants with expertise in any area relevant to sustainability, including but not limited to food security, water, energy and the environment, climate change, and sustainable livelihoods. Scholars will be placed for a full-time four-year appointment at the RSS in Amman, Jordan. The available award is up to £240 thousand per year over 4 years. The application deadline is 06 May 2020. Link to the call
CCAMLR Scientific Committee — Scholarship for Early-Career Researchers
The CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship provides funding of up to A$30 thousand to assist early-career scientists to participate in the work CCAMLR working groups over a period of two years. Working topics include research into krill population dynamics, approaches to spatial management of marine protected areas, integrated stock assessments for fisheries, among others. The scholarship provides funding of up to A$30 thousand. Each applicant must have the support of a Scientific Committee representative. The deadline for scholarship applications is 01 October 2020. Find detailed information
Mekong Institute – Mekong Cooperation Fund
The Mekong-ROK Cooperation Fund seeks applications for the implementation of cooperation activities in Mekong countries (Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Laos). The Fund provides grants of up to US$300 thousand for regional projects. Eligible project areas include agriculture and rural development, and environment, among others. Applications are invited from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions. Development banks and individuals are not eligible. Project concept papers have to be submitted by 05 April 2020. More here
Waterloo Foundation — Small Grants
The Waterloo Foundations makes small grants to small UK charities which are working to deliver projects in developing countries. Current funding priorities are Nutrition, Education, WASH and Sexual and Reproductive Health. Organizations based in a developing countries can also apply for support but must provide a reference for their work in form of a UK referee. The majority of grants are £5-£10 thousand for one to two year projects. There is no formal application form, however, interested applicants are required to follow the guidelines provided on the website. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Find out more
European Commission — Circular Economy and Local Development in Ghana
The European Commission provides funding to support actions that will promote a circular economy and local development in Ghana. Projects should aim to contribute to a more sustainable and healthier environment while creating local employment opportunities, or develop technology for the management of community waste to improve sanitation and generate income. The project budget may range from €800 thousand to €1.5 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit civil society organizations from Ghana or the European Union. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 28 April 2020. Find details here
U.S. Embassy Banjul — Small Grants to Local Communities in Gambia
The Ambassador’s Small Grants program invites applications for small-scale assistance from Gambian cooperatives that implement development activities which improve basic economic or social conditions on a local level. Projects that support livelihoods in rural provinces, agricultural production, and capacity building are preferred. The maximum grant amount per project is US$15 thousand. Please note that this program requires cost sharing in the form of cash, labor, or material provided by the local community. All projects should be completed within one year. Applications must be submitted by 30 April 2020. Link to the program
ProposalsforNGOs — Online Course: Fundraising
ProposalsforNGOs offers free online short courses in the field of fundraising. Participants will learn how to find donors and prepare proposals. The course is self-paced which means that participants can start and finish anytime. The course is available to participants from all around the world. Click here for more info
AQUAEXCEL2020 — Access to Aquaculture Infrastructures
The AQUAEXCEL2020 project invites proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilizes the aquaculture experimental facilities of any of their participating aquaculture research infrastructures. The transnational access program offers access to facilities and expertise not available in the applicants’ own country. Interested researchers can propose projects that involve visits to the chosen research infrastructure for periods of up to three months. Associated travel and subsistence expenses will be paid for. Applications have to be submitted by 06 March 2020. More information here
UK Royal Society — Grants for Scientific Meetings
The Royal Society hosts a program of scientific meetings each year with the aim to bring together scientists from around the world to present and discuss new research in all areas of science. Each meeting is organised by leaders in the field, using their expertise to ensure the key topics are covered. The Royal Society contributes to travel and expenses for the meeting and provides logistical support. Proposals are invited from any UK-based researcher. Many meetings have co-organizers from outside the UK. The deadline for scientific meeting proposals is 01 April 2020. More