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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Drucker Institute — Drucker Prize 2019

The Drucker Institute invites nominations for the Drucker Prize 2019. The prize recognizes innovative non-profit organizations that inspire “change that creates a new dimension of performance”. The winning organization will receive a US$100 thousand prize. Past winners include projects in the field of sustainable energy, small-scale agriculture, rainforest conservation, and many others. Non-profit organizations around the world are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2019. Link

African Union — Support for Youth and Women in Livestock, Fisheries and Agribusiness

The African Union aims to promote the entrepreneurial agribusiness as means for job and wealth creation for Africa’s youth and women. Proposed projects under this call should address actions in the thematic areas of fisheries, aquaculture, animal farming and agribusiness networks. Existing agribusinesses and agribusiness startups may request grants of US$10 thousand or US$20 thousand. Deadline for submission of applications is 28 March 2019. Information

Society for International Development — Andrew E. Rice Award 2019

The Andrew E. Rice Award for Leadership and Innovation recognizes the achievements of an exceptional young professional working in the field of international development. Past winners include field research on agriculture strategies and the creation of low-cost digital games that inspire social change. Candidates must be between 22 to 32 years old and have at least two years of experience in international development in developing countries. The winner will receive US$1,000. Candidates must complete the application form by 29 March 2019. Here

Grassroots Justice Prize — Legal Empowerment for Communities

The Grassroots Justice Prize recognizes grassroots institutions across the globe that are working to put the power of law into people’s hands. Three awards, each of US$10 thousand, are available to non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and public institutions that focus on legal empowerment to tackle poverty, injustice, or other social problems. (Note: These problems may include subject areas in the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The deadline to apply is 08 March 2019. Grassroots Justice Prize

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — FAO Conference Awards 2019

The FAO makes awards to individuals, institutions, and organizations for outstanding achievements in fighting hunger. For 2019, FAO will present four awards and one medal. Award are made in a particular field, including FAO funded projects, global food security, sustainable agricultural and rural development, responsible fisheries, among others. Winners receive international recognition, a medal, and cash prizes of US$ 5 to 25 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 28 February 2019. More info

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — Young People for Development

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) seek innovative projects run by young people in the 16–35 age group which aim to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged communities in developing countries. The ‘Together we’re better’ competition sponsors current and planned initiatives run by young people that help advance global sustainable development and fight poverty. Prizes in five categories range from CHF 4 to 10 thousand. Eligibility extends to Swiss citizens or residents but submitted projects have to be relevant for and/or be implemented in developing countries. Deadline for submissions is 31 March 2019. Together we’re better

Climate Justice Resilience Fund — Grants for Climate Change Adaptation

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund seeks grants applications for community-led, social justice approaches to climate change adaptation and resilience-building. Grants are made to women, youth, and indigenous peoples to create and share their own solutions for resilience. CJRF grants focus on four interrelated issues connected which climate change: (1) Water Access; (2) Food Security; (3) Sustainable Livelihoods; and (4) Migration and Relocation. The CJRF grantmaking strategic framework prioritizes multi-year grants and grants larger than US$100 thousand. Non-profit organizations from Alaska, Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and the India are invited to apply. Letters of Inquiry for the Fall Round 2019 have to be submitted by 19 April 2019. More about the Climate Justice Resilience Fund

University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland — MENA Young Scientists Mobility Grants

The “young scientists’ mobility grant” aims to develop new research partnerships and collaborations between Switzerland and MENA countries. Priority countries under this call are: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mobility grants can be awarded to young scientists who hold a Bachelor or Master’s degree (no PhD) and have less than 6 years of professional research experience. The call is open for activities and research visits in all scientific disciplines and fields of research. The applicant’s mobility visit should have a minimum duration of 4 weeks and with a maximum of CHF5 thousand per grant. (Note: The application form must be completed by the Swiss main applicant). Applications will be accepted until 31 December 2019. Find the MENA Young Scientists Mobility Grants

European Commission — Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance

The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) that take a systemic approach to tackle the scientific and socio-economic challenges from Antarctica to the Arctic. Activities shall (A) Reinforce international cooperation research between Europe and tropical and South Atlantic countries; (B) Assess the status of Atlantic marine ecosystems; or (C) Explore new value chains for aquaculture production. Proposals may requests a contribution in the range of €4 and €9 million (depending on the sub-topic to be addressed). International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 23 January 2019. Find the call

U.S. Department of State — Youth Leadership Program with Burma

The Office of Citizen Exchanges announces an open competition to conduct a four-week U.S.-based exchange program for teenagers and adult educators. The activities for each program will focus on civic education, community engagement and prepare participants to conduct projects at home that serve a community need. Applicants should plan to provide U.S.-based programming for 17-18 youth and 2-3 adult participants from Burma. Applicants may request up to US$190 thousand in project funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations and universities. The deadline for application is 25 February 2019. Link