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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Flemish Inter-University Council — Short-Term Projects

The Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR-UOS) invites applications for Short Initiative projects that aim to build and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams of academics and researchers. Short Initiatives focus on a sustainable development challenge. The objective is to strengthen research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner countries in Latin America, Africa and Southeastern Asia. Project budgets amount to a maximum of €70 thousand for two years. The deadline to submit proposals is 16 March 2023. VLIR-UOS Short Initiative

German Federal Environmental Foundation — PhD Fellowships

The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) offers 60 research fellowships per year to young scientists in Germany and internationally across all disciplines of environmental protection. The funding period is 36 months with a monthly stipend of €1,500. DBU welcomes subjects of international importance, although the work has to be done mainly in Germany, and with a clear reference to the German environmental situation. DBU expects good German language skills from all applicants. The application deadlines are 15 January and 15 June each year. (Note: Application procedure in German.) About the PhD Scholarships

Endangered Landscapes Programme — Restoring Endangered Landscapes

The Endangered Landscapes Programme (ELP) invites expressions of interest from organizations and partnerships for the Landscape Restoration Grant. The program supports landscapes and seascapes restoration in areas that are ecologically degraded, fragmented, disconnected, missing key species and vulnerable to climate change. The maximum grant amount projects can apply for is €100 thousand. The program welcomes applications for smaller amounts. Each team must identify a Lead Partner who will take responsibility for the project. Lead partners must be not-for-profit organizations. The deadline for expressions of interest is 03 February 2023. Landscape Restoration Grant

United States Agency for International Development — Conservation in Madagascar

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications from qualified entities to reduce threats to biodiversity and improve conservation; develop economic opportunities for the poor; and improve environmental governance in Madagascar. USAID intends to award up to 3 awards of approximately US$25 million for terrestrial activities and US$15 million for marine activities. Eligibility is not restricted. USAID encourages applications from local organizations. The closing date for applications is 14 November 2022. More information

German Academic Exchange Service — Project-based Personnel Exchange Program with India

The ’Project-based Personnel Exchange Program’ (PPP) is a bilateral research promotion program to strengthen the collaboration between Indian and German research groups, which are working jointly on a particular scientific project. Financial support is available to support exchange visits to the partner institution and short term stays of scientists and doctoral students. The program is open to academics in the disciplines of agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine, forestry, medicine, life sciences, animal sciences, and others. University professors, scientists/researchers and post-doctoral researchers from German and Indian universities and those in permanent positions at public funded research institutes are eligible to apply. A project shall be funded for a maximum period of two years. The deadline for submission of applications is 16 December 2022. Find details

King Baudouin Foundation — Enterprises for SDGs

The Business Partnership Facility (BPF) awards subsidies to support and develop private sector involvement in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. Projects submitted under this call must contribute to achieving at least one clearly identified SDG. The BPF provides non-refundable grants between €50 thousand and €200 thousand that represent a maximum 50% of the total investment. Eligible countries include several from Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa (full list of eligible countries is provided in the call). Partnerships must comprise actors from the private sector, civil society, academia and/or the public sector, with at least one organization from the for-profit private sector. The application deadline is 31 January 2023. Business Partnership Facility

Yale University — Yale Young African Scholars 2023

Yale Young African Scholars (YYAS) offers an academic summer program for secondary school students from across Africa. The program offers online and in-person programs in four interdisciplinary sessions on Innovations in Science & Technology and Solving Global Challenges. Admitted participants will have access to pre-recorded videos before the start of the program and attend live sessions. There is no tuition cost to participate in the program. The application deadline is 01 February 2023. Link to YYAS

Trust for Sustainable Living — Schools Sustainability Challenge

The Trust for Sustainable Living (TSL) Schools Sustainability Challenge is a video contest for schools around the world. Schools are invited to create a short video (max. 1 minute) showcasing their best messages on ‘My Local Sustainability Challenges’. Schools have to register a Teacher Champion to participate. The deadline for video entries is 16 November 2022. Sustainability Challenge Video Competition

Global Landscapes Forum — Seed Funding to Protect and Restore Forests

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLFx) provides seed funding to protect and restore forest areas in Africa. Applications run through GLF chapters, groups of local change agents that mobilize their communities and stakeholders to promote sustainable landscape restoration. Selected chapters will receive a seed fund of €5 thousand to run chapter activities such as community training, workshops and toolkits to facilitate the implementation of community action plans. The call for chapter applications is open until 30 October 2022. GLFx chapters Africa

World Wildlife Fund U.S. — Reforestation Grants

The Reforestation Grant Program supports communities in deforested and degraded landscapes through forest restoration and reforestation. Reforestation grants are made to local organizations that focus on connecting corridors, creating buffer zones, improving degraded lands, restoring watersheds, and expanding forest cover. Eligible countries and eco-regions are listed in the announcement. Project budgets should not exceed US$15 thousand. Application deadline is 30 November 2022. Reforestation Grants