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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences — Amsterdam Talent Scholarship

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) aims to attract excellent students from around the world, therefore, it awards €4 thousand at the end of every academic year to successful non-EEA students who have been enrolled in one of the programs of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Eligible courses are Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Environmental Sciences, Natural sciences and others. Students submit their applications after the completion of a full year of studies before 31 December of each year. Know more about the Amsterdam Talent Scholarship

Garden Club of America — Awards in Tropical Botany and Horticulture

The Garden Club of America (GCA) offers several grants, prizes, and fellowships for students enrolled at universities in the USA, including some awards that have a tropical focus. The GCA Awards in Tropical Botany are open to PhD candidates (application deadline is 15 January). The Anne Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany is open to PhD students and recent PhD graduates (deadline is 31 January). The Lou McCandless Marks Scholarship in Tropical Horticulture is restricted to U.S. citizens who are graduate students or advanced undergraduate students (deadline is 01 February). Applicants should review all programs, criteria, and deadlines. Botany and Horticulture Scholarships

ONE International — ONE Africa Award

The ONE Africa Award honors the exceptional work of individuals and organizations based in Africa to help Africa achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The amount of the award is US$100 thousand, which may be split into more than one prize. Eligibility for the award extends to civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other groups based in Africa that can demonstrate commitment and success in advocacy to promote the attainment of one or more of the SDGs. The application deadline is 30 September 2022. ONE Africa Award

Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund — Annual Conservation Grants 2023

The Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife studies, habitat protection, and community conservation and education in critical ecosystems around the world. Disney supports projects that build on previous work, and that have the potential to contribute to long-term conservation. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations worldwide. The Conservation Fund will consider requests for a maximum of US$100 thousand to be provided over two years. The deadline to submit inquiries is 01 November 2022. Disney Conservation

United States Agency for International Development — Landscape Management and Conservation

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID/India) seeks concept papers for a cooperative agreement from qualified organizations to implement the ‘Strengthening Landscape Management and Conservation’ activity. The activity focuses on three main objectives: (1) Improved management of protected areas and their corridors for wildlife conservation and other ecological benefits; (2) Improved inclusive livelihoods from ecosystem services, and (3) Strengthened conditions for institutionalizing landscape conservation. USAID intends to provide US$20 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility for this call is unrestricted. The closing date for applications is 16 September 2022. Link

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility 2022

The Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility aims to strengthen indigenous peoples’ communities and their organizations by financing small projects which foster their self-driven development in the framework of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Focus is climate change adaptation, resilience and biodiversity in/for indigenous peoples’ communities to improve indigenous livelihoods. Proposed project budget requests should range between US$20 thousand and US$70 thousand, and include a minimum contribution by the grant recipient of 20% (cash or in-kind) of the total request. The deadline for applications is 27 September 2022. Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility

University of British Columbia — Forest Research Grant

The Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia (UBC) offers the Future Forests Fellowship, a research grant to a forestry student to enroll in their PhD program. UBC offers C$70 thousand annually for up to four years. The fellowship is intended to cover all expenses incurred in the preparation and conduct of research. Both domestic and international students are eligible to apply. The deadline for a complete application is 25 November 2022. Future Forests Fellowship

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — Georg Forster Research Award

The Georg Forster Research Award supports the work of accomplished researchers who are expected to continue to develop research-based solutions to specific challenges facing transition and developing countries. Nominees must be nationals of a developing or transition country, excluding the People’s Republic of China and India. The award amount is €60 thousand. Additionally, award winners are invited to conduct a research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a specialist colleague. To support the collaboration, the Foundation may grant additional funding of up to €25 thousand. Nominations for the Award must be submitted by an established academic employed by a university or research institution in Germany. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2022. Find out more

West African Research Association — Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships

The West African Research Association (WARA), in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation, announces support for young West African scholars through its Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowship program. The Fellowship program will award three doctoral research grants of US$4 thousand each. Priority will be given to research projects focusing on women, technology, entrepreneurship, and a wide range of other fields. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The program is open to doctoral students under age 35 who are based in West African institutions of higher education, for research on the continent. The deadline for applications is 14 August 2022. Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships

United States Agency for International Development — Partnership to Conserve the Amazon

The United States Agency for International Development in Brazil (USAID/Brazil) seeks novel or creative approaches to conserve the Amazon and further advance biodiversity and forest conservation while promoting long-term community well-being. Each anticipated award will have a minimum value of US$2.5 million of USAID funding. Eligibility extends to on-profit organizations, companies, foundations, community-based enterprises, academic and research institutions. The closing date for applications is 14 July 2023. Link