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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

World Academy of Sciences — Visiting Experts Program

The Elsevier Foundation and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) are partners in the Visiting Expert Program in sustainability science. The program supports visits of distinguished scientists to institutions in developing countries, with a focus on 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Host institutions in eligible countries can invite distinguished scientists to collaborate in research and training. The visit should provide a minimum stay of two weeks at the host institution. Institutions wishing to be considered for this program should submit the request form before 01 March 2018. Be a Visiting Expert

UK Government — Sustainable Forestry

The Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme will provide grants for projects that support governance and market reforms that reduce the illegal use of forest resources. Projects should focus on eliminating illegal logging, promoting legal trade and ensuring the rights and benefits for poor people, local communities and indigenous people who depend on forests for their livelihoods. Geographical focus is South East / East Asia and the Mekong region (Indonesia, Myanmar and China), West Africa (Ghana, Liberia), Congo Basin (Republic of Congo, Cameroon) and Guyana. Eligible organisations are non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and UK-based non-profit organisations. Funding for projects varies from £500 thousand to £1 million. Funding of more than £1 million is available as well. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 21 November 2017. Learn more

Overseas Development Institute — Fellowships 2018-2019

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is an independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. The ODI Fellowship Scheme appoints highly qualified postgraduate economists and statisticians through a competitive selection process. The fellowship scheme is open to candidates of all nationalities who have a master’s degree or PhD in economics, statistics or a related field. Suitable specialised qualifications at postgraduate level include agricultural economics, and environmental economics, among others. The total support per fellow amounts to approximately £21 thousand in the first year of the fellowship and £23 thousand in the second year. The deadline for applications is 1 December 2017. About the Fellowship Scheme

Conservation Agriculture Network in South-East Asia — Grants for Agroforestry

The CANSEA scientific platform is a network of research partners keen to implement agro-ecology and conservation agriculture in Southeast Asia. CANSEA announces its third call for proposals to promote and strengthen conservation agriculture in the four CANSEA member countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Grants are up to US$40 thousand. CANSEA actively encourages co-funding. All recognized institutions in the CANSEA member countries are eligible to apply. The deadline for submitting applications is 09 November 2017. Find the Call for Proposals

Inspire Africa — Training Program for African Entrepreneurs

Inspire Africa​’s Train-the-Trainers is funded by the US Embassy Consulate (Lagos, Nigeria) and designed to empower young business leaders across Nigeria, Ghana, and Tanzania. Thematic areas may fall into one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory. Participation is free and accommodation, food and transportation during program will be provided for all selected participants. Applicant must have an existing start-up business or a well-researched business idea awaiting implementation. The application deadline is 23 October 2017. Register for Train the Trainers Program

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens — Grants for Wildlife Conservation, Research, and Education

The Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation, research, and education. Applications are accepted from non-profit organizations, government entities, and schools and universities in the USA and other countries. Most grants are under US$50 thousand. Applications must be submitted by 30 November 2017. Information for Grants Seekers

Islamic Development Bank — Prize for Women’s Contribution to Development

The IDB Prize for Women’s Contribution to Development draws international attention to the vital role women play in developing their communities and the world. The theme for the 1439H – 2018 Prize is “Women’s Contribution to Promoting Peace and Stability.” (Note: This could possibly include thematic areas important in the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The Prize consists of two cash awards: US$50 thousand for a woman or a group of women; and US$100 thousand for an organization. Eligibility extends to women engaged in activities and /or residing in one of the IDB member countries, or in a Muslim community in non-member countries. The deadline for nominations is 30 November 2017. Learn about the prize

Academy of Finland — Development Research

The Academy of Finland and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs fund problem-oriented and multidisciplinary development research. Themes for the research include food security, biodiversity, environmental health, and natural resources (among others). Projects should be based on problem-based research that is concerned with issues of global development, and that benefit the developing countries. Research teams may apply for a maximum of €600 thousand for four years. The application deadline is 16 October 2017.  Find more information

UK Met Office — Collaboration with Brazil in Climate Science

The Climate Science for Service Partnership Brazil (CSSP Brazil) announces grants for UK researchers on subjects of climate change and disaster risk in Brazil. The focal areas are models of vegetation dynamics; the use of in-situ forest observations and measurements to evaluate models; the use of regional-scale observations and measurements to evaluate models; and detection and attribution of impacts of climate change in Brazil. The application deadline is 31 October 2017. Know more

Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund — Funding for Projects Led by Women 2018

VGIF provides grants up to US$7,500 for projects that are led by women, and that help empower women and girls in grassroots communities around the globe. Most grants are for one year. Past projects include examples in farming, kitchen gardens, water supply, and other aspects of sustaining local livelihoods.  VGIF will accept letters of intent through 02 October 2017. Find the guidelines here