The Governors’ Climate and Forests Fund currently requests proposals in two thematic areas: (i) enhanced landscape governance and capacity — with application deadline on 15 December 2016; and (ii) jurisdictional partnerships for forests, climate and agriculture — with application deadline on 31 January 2017. Eligibility for funding extends to accredited organizations in the GCFF member states and provinces of Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, and Peru. Link
UK Met Office — Collaboration with Brazil in Climate Science
The Climate Science for Service Partnership Brazil (CSSP Brazil) announces grants for UK researchers on subjects of climate change and disaster risk in Brazil. The focal areas are models of vegetation dynamics; the use of in situ forest observations and measurements to evaluate models; the use of regional scale observations and measurements to evaluate models; and detection and attribution of impacts of climate change in Brazil. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link
World Bank — Big Data Innovation Challenge
The World Bank is interested in how “big data” can be used to address development questions, including how climate change affects food security and forestry and watersheds. Solutions may include but are not limited to analytical methodologies, APIs, algorithms, software applications, tools, and new data set generation. Technologies may include artificial intelligence, crowd-sourcing applications, data science, dynamic visualizations, machine learning, and predictive analytics. The Challenge will award US$10 thousand to the winner in each of the following two categories: (i) food security or nutrition, and (ii) forestry or watersheds. Submissions are invited from individuals, students, entrepreneurs, start-ups, university labs, private companies, nonprofits, and public sector agencies legally established in member countries of the World Bank Group. The closing date for submissions is 09 November 2016. Link
Wageningen University — Course in Landscape Governance
The Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation, in partnership with CIFOR and ICRAF, invites participants for an international course on landscape governance. The focus is institutional development at the landscape level — including multi-stakeholder platforms and networks, and financial support mechanisms. The course is open to experienced professionals with several years of experience in natural resources management, forestry, agriculture, rural development, rural livelihoods, sustainable development, or other relevant areas. The course will be held in English on the CIFOR-ICRAF campus in Bogor (Indonesia), April 2017. The deadline to apply for course scholarships through the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP) is 18 October 2016. Link
International Tree Foundation — Sustainable Community Forestry Programme
The International Tree Foundation makes grants through its Sustainable Community Forestry Programme to conserve and restore local forest resources and associated biodiversity; improve local livelihoods; and increase resilience to climate change. ITF welcomes applications for community tree projects in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. The applying organization must be a registered NGO in the country where the project will take place. Grants are up to £3,000 for one year, with the possibility of applying for a second year. The deadline for applications is 17 October 2016. Link
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Building Resilience to Environmental Hazards
The NERC in coordination with other UK research councils calls for inter-disciplinary research on resilience to natural and man-made environmental hazards in the developing world. The focus is on how to build resilience in relation to both sudden and slow-onset environmental hazards (e.g., land degradation, deforestation, drought, hurricanes, and climate change). The lead applicant must be a UK research organization eligible for funding through NERC. Co-investigators can be researchers in low and middle-income countries, as well as researchers in international research organizations. Awards are expected not to exceed £200 thousand for projects ranging from 3-9 months, and exceptionally up to 12 months. The deadline for submitting proposals is 06 September 2016. Link
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics — GOFC-GOLD Training Program
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) is an international program to provide space-based and in-situ observations of forests and other land cover. These observations are intended to support sustainable management of natural resources and to help provide a better understanding of the terrestrial carbon budget. In association with START, GOFC-GOLD will hold its fifth data initiative in October 2016 for advanced training on access, management, use, and application of earth observation data. The training will be offered at the Sirindhorn Center for Geo-Informatics, Space Krenovation Park, in Thailand. The course is designed for young scientists associated with the GOFC-GOLD regional networks, especially in Southeast Asia. However, other scientists are welcome to submit a request to become a Fellow. The deadline for applications is 19 August 2016. Link
Government of Czech Republic — Scholarships for University Applicants from Developing Countries
The Czech Republic provides scholarships to support nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. The fields of study include ecology, wildlife management, natural resources, forestry, and tropical agriculture (among others). Applications need to be submitted before 30 September of each year. Link
Center for International Forestry Research — Asia-Pacific Rainforest Photo Competition
The Asia-Pacific Rainforest Photo Competition seeks photographs that highlight the value of rainforests in the Asia-Pacific region. These can include photos of rainforests and forest landscapes; the communities who live in and around forests; forest products for trade, health or nutrition; diverse plants and animals that highlight the region’s rich biodiversity; or anything else that expresses why rainforests matter. Cash prizes of US$500 to US$1,000 will be awarded. The competition is open to everyone — professionals and hobby photographers. The submission deadline is 24 July 2016. Link
EU Horizon 2020 — Indian-European Research on Bio-Economy
The Indo-European partnership INDIGO announces a call for proposals in bio-economy.
This refers to using renewable biological resources — such as crops, forests, fish, animals, and micro-organisms — to produce food, materials, and energy. Countries participating in the research call are India, France, Germany, Norway and Spain. Applications may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national and regional regulations. The deadline for proposals is 31 August 2016. Link