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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Partnership for Economic Policy — Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) accepts project proposals on “Climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: The impacts and responses for women and girls.” The initiative seeks research proposals that address key knowledge gaps in order to more efficiently mitigate the effects of climate change on gender equality. PEP will fund up to four projects with a maximum of US$58 thousand. Each project team must be composed of both researchers and government officials. Furthermore, teams must be gender-mixed (at least 50% female members) and be composed exclusively of Sub-Saharan African nationals. The submission deadline is 25 August 2020. Find the call

EPIC-N — Workshop: Increasing Climate-Resilience and Sustainability

EPIC-N, in partnership with the UN Environment’s Global Adaptation Network and START, offer a learning workshop on increasing climate-resilience and sustainability in Asian countries. The workshop aims to strengthen capacities for adaptation and resilience by forming key partnerships between city officials and local universities. The learning process requires pairs of candidates (at least one person from a local university and at least one person from a local municipal/city government within the same area). The training will be conducted in English. The deadline for application submissions is 15 September 2020. Link to Epic Asia

Adaptation Fund — Readiness Grants

The Adaptation Fund announces that small grants are available under the Climate Finance Readiness Programme. South-South Cooperation grants are intended to increase peer-to-peer support among accredited National Implementing Entities (NIEs) and those seeking accreditation. Project Formulation Grants (up to a maximum of US$50 thousand) help build the capacity of NIEs in project preparation and design. Technical Assistance Grants are aimed at strengthening the capacity of NIEs in the areas of environmental, social, and gender risk management. For all three categories of readiness grants, the application deadline is 06 October 2020. Readiness Grants

French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs — Franco-Palestinian Cooperation Partnership Projects

The French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) launches the new three-year call for projects (2019-2021) in support of decentralized cooperation partnership projects between French and Palestinian local authorities. The initiative aims at consolidating the partnerships in progress. All projects and actions located in the Palestinian Territories are eligible. Thematic areas include rural development, agriculture and food security; Water, sanitation and waste management; and renewable energy, among others. The MEAE provides at least €170 thousand per year. The call for projects is aimed at French and Palestinian local authorities (governorate, municipality, village council, local council, refugee camps). The deadline for submission of project proposals is 30 August 2020. Link to details

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action in Belarus

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Belarus. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management, among other thematic priorities. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$25 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to community organizations, non-profit organizations, local governments, academic institutions, and international non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission is 15 July 2020. Click here

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — White-Nose Syndrome Research Grants

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces the availability of research funding to investigate issues related directly to the management of white-nose syndrome (WNS) in bats. Projects funded through WNS Research Grants have to provide critical information and resources to maximize conservation efforts for bats and should focus on knowledge gaps in the fight against WNS. Applicants may request between US$20 thousand and US$250 thousand in project funding. The Service provides financial and technical assistance to non-governmental, university, and private researchers, as well as state and local governments, Native American tribes, and federal agencies. This funding opportunity is open to domestic and foreign applicants. The application deadline is 25 August 2020. Link

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — Global Program on Food Security

The Global Program Food Security seeks innovative initiatives to contribute to food systems’ improvements and transformative and sustainable impacts on poor people. The SDC invites abstracts of project proposals in four themes related to global food security: (1) Human rights in food systems; (2) Responsible land-based investment practices; (3) Agrobiodiversity for food security and nutrition; and (4) Nutrition in secondary cities. Proposals under theme 3 should focus on improving food security and nutrition of smallholder farmers in three to four countries in Africa and Asia. SDC’s contribution will be a maximum of CHF 2,5 million per year and covering a maximum of 50% – 80% of the total cost of the project for up to 10 years. The deadline for abstracts is 28 August 2020. Find all four calls and eligibility criteria

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — Partnerships for Global Sustainable Development

The “Swiss Programme for Research on Global lssues for Development” (r4d programme) promotes applied, need-based scientific research in developing countries. Projects that analyse, develop and test innovative solutions to sustainable development challenges in developing countries in any thematic area or field of research are eligible. The program will support consortia that consist of at least a Swiss research institution, a research partner in the Global South/East and a non-research implementation partner (government, civil society, private sector). SDC’s contribution will be CHF 100 thousand to be used over a period of max. 12 months. The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is 12 October 2020. Link

U.S. Department of Agriculture — Donation of U.S. Agricultural Commodities

The Food for Progress (FFPr) Program provides for the donation of U.S. agricultural commodities to developing countries in support agricultural development activities. Priority areas under this call are: the Cacao Sector (Colombia), the Cashew Sector (West Africa), the Vanilla Spice Sector (Uganda), Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (Dominican Republic), and the Trade Facilitation Agreement (Bangladesh). USDA intends to make up to five awards ranging from US$15 million US$35 million each. Eligibility extends to government agencies, nonprofit agricultural organizations or cooperatives, colleges and universities; and private entities. The closing date for applications is 14 July 2020. Find the call

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action Turkey and Central Asia

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management, among other thematic priorities. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$40 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to community organizations, non-profit organizations, local governments, academic institutions, and international non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission is 12 June 2020. Details here