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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Israeli Agency for International Development — Course: Intensive Crop Production

Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, health, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Irrigation and Fertigation for Intensive Crop Production” will focus on applied irrigation and fertigation technologies, management of water resources, and fertilizers and nutrient solutions. The course is geared towards professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in agricultural development projects under irrigation as well as in research, extension and/or intensive agricultural production. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish, Russian, and French. Deadline for applications is 06 March 2018. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Africa Program 2018

The program “Wildlife Without Borders” includes a regional component for Central Africa. Funding in 2018 will focus on projects that impact wildlife populations in the following countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and São Tomé and Príncipe. The announcement defines the priority themes. Applications are open to qualified individuals; multi-national secretariats; institutions of higher education; and nonprofit NGOs. The application deadline is 23 February 2018. Know more

European Commission — Sustainable Forest and Land Management & Energy Efficiency

The EC calls for concept notes that reduce the climatic vulnerability of local populations in Togo through the preservation of forest resources and energy efficiency. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations, public sector operators, local or national authorities, and international (inter-governmental) organisations in EU member states or Africa. Grants under this call range from €300 thousand to €1 million, varying with cost shares. Reference: EuropeAid/158703/IH/ACT/T. The deadline to submit concept notes is 31 January 2018. Find the details here

European Commission — Renewable Energy for the Philippines

The EC calls for concept notes that promote renewable energy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Philippines. Grants will range from €1.5 million to €3 million, varying with cost shares. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations, public sector operators, local or national authorities, international (inter-governmental) organisations, and electric cooperatives in EU member states and other countries eligible under the DCI Regulation. Reference: EuropeAid/158417/DD/ACT/PH. The deadline to submit concept notes is 19 February 2018. Details

Conservation Strategy Fund — Training Course on Economic Tools for Conservation 2018

The Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) invites applications for its annual international training course, “Economic Tools for Conservation”, to be held at the University of California Berkeley in July 2018. The course is aimed at managers of conservation programs and protected areas; directors of NGOs; and representatives of government agencies. Applicants from disciplines such as biology, forestry, law, anthropology, and economics are encouraged to apply. Accepted applicants are responsible for seeking their own funding. (CSF encourages applicants to apply for a Professional Development Grant from WWF-US before 01 February 2018.) Link to CSF / Link to WWF-US

U.S. Department of Commerce — Ocean Exploration Funding Opportunity 2018

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration & Research (OER) seeks to enhance ocean exploration and scientific knowledge of the unknown or poorly known areas of the ocean. OER seeks proposals focused on three topics including: (1) Exploration of the deep marine environments; (2) Discovery and exploration of prehistorically and historically significant submerged marine heritage sites; and (3) Novel or innovative technologies and methodologies that could increase the pace and scope of ocean exploration. (Note: For themes 1 and 2 proposals outside the US EEZ and the US Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico will not be accepted.). Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education; non-profit institutions; state, local, and tribal governments; for-profit organizations; and U.S. territories. Foreign researchers may participate by submitting a subaward through collaboration with an eligible U.S. entity. The maximum support per project is US$ 750 thousand. Deadline for applications is 07 December 2017. More

Swedish International Development Agency — Training on Climate Change in East Africa

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. Organisations in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda are invited to nominate candidates for the Advanced International Training Programme ‘Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation’. This round of the training programme has a special focus on water resources, incl. agriculture. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies or NGOs at national, regional or local level are encouraged to apply. The training will be provided in three parts; part 1 in Kenya, part 2 in Sweden, and part 3 in Ethiopia. The closing date for applications is 20 December 2017. More about the training program

European Commission (Horizon 2020) — Sustainable Food Security 2018

The Horizon 2020 program of research and innovation includes topics that are suitable for international cooperation. This includes cooperation in several projects of sustainable food security (SFS). Topic SFS-01-2018-2019-2020 will explore biodiversity in action: across farmland and the value chain, Topic SFS-04-2019-2020 will focus on integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use, Topic SFS-05-2018-2019-2020 will explore new and emerging risks to plant health, Topic SFS-06-2018-2020 will focus on stepping up integrated pest management, Topic SFS-08-2018-2019 seeks to improve animal welfare, and Topic SFS-11-2018-2019 will focus on anti-microbials and animal production, among many others. Eligibility for funding in most topics extends to EU countries, Horizon 2020 associated countries, and over 100 mainly developing countries. The application deadline is 13 February 2018. About the Work Program 2018-2020

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research — International Disaster and Risk Management

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announces the IKARIM – Call for Proposals. The IKARIM grant aims to jointly develop and implement innovative and application-oriented solutions in the fields of disaster prevention, disaster management and restoration in order to strengthen the resilience of the partnering countries against natural and technical risks. International co-operations with selected African and Asian countries are an essential part of this call. Focus countries are Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Madagascar, South Africa, Tunisia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam. The maximum support per project is €60 thousand. Applications have to be submitted until 15 December 2017. Find the Call for Proposals

Interreg Baltic Sea Region — Sustainable Baltic Sea

Interreg Baltic Sea Region financially supports transnational projects contributing to the development of a more sustainable Baltic Sea region. The third call for project applications focusses on three thematic fields: (1) capacity for innovation; (2) management of natural resources; and (3) sustainable transport. The Programme area covers eight EU Member States (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, parts of Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden) and three partner countries (Belarus, Norway and parts of Russia). There is a total of €18.5 million of funding available for natural resources projects. Project ideas have to be submitted by 15 January 2018. Know more