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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Wageningen University — Course on Wetlands, Integrated Water Resources Management and Food Security

The Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation invites participants for its short-term course on “Wetlands, Integrated Water Resources Management and Food Security”. The course will be held in the Netherlands from 4 June 2018 until 22 June 2018. The course has been designed for wetland managers; river basin and land-use planners; policymakers, consultants, researchers, NGOs, and companies. Proficiency in English is required.The deadline to apply for course scholarships through the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP) is 18 October 2017. About the course

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens — Grants for Wildlife Conservation, Research, and Education

The Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation, research, and education. Applications are accepted from non-profit organizations, government entities, and schools and universities in the USA and other countries. Most grants are under US$50 thousand. Applications must be submitted by 30 November 2017. Information for Grants Seekers

European Commission — Mediterranean Cross-Border Cooperation

The EC announces the first call for proposals of the ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020″. The program aims to promote business and entrepreneurship (including in agriculture), and to promote coordination of efforts for environmental protection and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Project partnerships should be composed of a minimum of three eligible countries, including at least one EU Mediterranean Country and one Mediterranean Partner Country. Partner countries are Jordan, Palestinian Territories, and Tunisia (and others expected to be announced soon). The closing date for project submissions is 09 November 2017. Find more information

International Coral Reef Initiative & UN Environment — Grants for Management of Coral Reefs 2017

The ICRI and UN Environmental Grants Programme invite concept notes for projects on sustainable management of coral reefs. Grants up to US$60 thousand will be awarded to projects aimed at contributing to the implementation of the ICRI plan of action and at protecting and preserving coral reefs and/or related ecosystems. The particular emphasis is building climate resilience and facilitating coral recovery. Grants are available to governments, NGOs, and community groups for projects implemented in developing countries, least-developed countries, and small-island developing states. Applications close 15 September 2017. For information, check the applicant guidelines.

Netherlands Enterprise Agency — Sustainable Water Fund, Round 2

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency manages the Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) as a public-private partnership for water safety and water security in developing countries. Projects are collective initiatives between governmental bodies, industries, and NGOs. The thematic areas are improved access to drinking water and sanitation (including solid waste); efficient and sustainable water use, particularly for agriculture; and safe deltas and improved basin management. The deadline for concept notes (second round) is 08 December 2017. Link

European Commission — Support for Fisheries in Albania

The EC announces funding to assist Albania to develop the capacity of its fishery administration to design, implement, enforce, and monitor the relevant policy measures and regulations.  Besides support to the fishery administration, the action includes the design and implementation of an investment grant scheme to the fishing fleet to improve its efficiency.  Eligibility for funding extends to government departments and other public bodies in EU member countries related to fishing. The grant requested under this call for proposals must not exceed €3.4 million. Reference EuropeAid/155184/DD/ACT/AL. The deadline to submit concept notes is 11 September 2017.  Link

FAO of the United Nations — FLEGT in Countries with Partnership Agreements

FAO administers the EU’s program of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT). The program is open to government institutions, civil society, and private-sector organizations in timber-producing countries engaged in FLEGT’s Voluntary Partnership Agreements.  These countries are Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire,  Dem Rep Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, Laos, Liberia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Grants are up to US$110 thousand. The deadline for concept notes is 15 September 2017. Link

European Commission — Energy Development in Lesotho

The EC invites applications to promote expanded access to rural energy in Lesotho. Activities should focus on commercial opportunities for solar innovations in households; demonstration of mini-grid projects; and support for businesses that offer sustainable energy products and services in rural Lesotho. The lead applicant should be an NGO, private company, research institute, public sector operator, or local authority in Lesotho or an EU member state. International (inter-governmental) organisations are also eligible. Reference EuropeAid/155297/DD/ACT/LS. The deadline for concept notes is 07 June 2017. Link

European Commission — Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories

The EC funds the program Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST) in order to fund actions on the ground, both at the local and regional level. BEST 2.0 is open to applications for projects in the overseas territories of the Caribbean, Pacific, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Polar/Sub-polar regions. Small grants are up to €100 thousand; medium grants are €100 thousand to €400 thousand. Potential applicants include local civil society organisations; small for-profit organisations; municipalities; OT governments and their departments and services; European Member State bodies; and regional and international organisations. The deadline to submit concept notes is 14 April 2017. Link

Drivers of Food Choice — Competitive Grants Program

With funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK’s Department for International Development, the program “Drivers of Food Choice” solicits applications for research projects that will provide a deep understanding of the drivers of food choice and the relationship with agriculture among the poor in the world’s low- and middle-income countries. Research grants can be awarded to any organization (e.g., research organizations, NGOs, government institutions, and private-sector organizations) committed to improving food and nutrition security in one or more of the 41 countries that account for 90% of global under-nutrition. The program expects to fund seven research grants of up to US$300 thousand each. The deadline for concept memos is 01 April 2017. Link