The SEARCA Photo Contest with the theme “The Future of Farming: Pathways to Carbon-Neutral Agriculture” seeks images from across Southeast Asia that showcase technologies and innovations that are modernizing and transforming agricultural and rural development toward increased food supply and security. The contest is open to all Southeast Asian nationals. Winners receive cash prizes of US$1000 (1st place), US$800 (2nd place), and US$500 (3rd place). All entries must be submitted before 15 January 2025. SEARCA Photo Contest
MIT — Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program
The Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT offers academic-year fellowships to science journalists. Fellows will be able to leverage the resources and connections available to them at MIT and in the surrounding greater Boston area. The research project must be journalism-related. Fellows receive a US$85 thousand stipend paid out in installments over 9.5 months. The program is designed for journalists from around the world. International candidates are encouraged to apply. Applications close on 16 January 2025. KSJ Fellowship
University of Antwerp — Masters Program in Development Studies
The University of Antwerp’s Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB) offers three specializations for one-year master’s programs in development studies. Topics include poverty, climate change, conflict, good governance, sustainable development, and others. The Institute of Development Policy awards scholarships to students from many countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America for studies at Belgian universities that include Antwerp’s IOB. Candidates applying for an ICP Connect scholarship have to submit their application by 01 February 2025. Link
European Commission — Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships
The European Commission, through the Euraxess initiative, offers the Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships to support researchers from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. ZUKOnnect aims to extend research networks and environments through on-campus research stays at thirteen departments of the University of Konstanz. Subject areas include ecology, limnology, ecotoxicology, botany, amongst many others. The fellowship offers a stipend of €1,300/month for doctoral students and €2,000/month for postdoctoral researchers, as well as travel expenses and access to resources and events. The deadline for applications is 01 February 2025. Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships
American Society of Mammalogists — Research in Latin America
The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) offers the Latin American Student Field Research Award for field projects by Latin American graduate students. Each of the five grant recipients receives US$1,500. The ASM also offers the Oliver P. Pearson Award to young professional mammalogists of any nationality who hold academic or curatorial positions in Latin America. The Pearson research grant is US$5,000 plus a travel grant of US$2,000 to attend the ASM annual meeting following the award. The application deadline for both types of awards is 01 March 2025. More about the Field Research Awards
Natural Environment Research Council — Independent Research Fellowship 2025
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funds researchers seeking to conduct their own environmental research within an eligible host organization in the UK. NERC supports fellows undertaking research across the breadth of the NERC remit within environmental sciences, including freshwater, earth, atmospheric, marine and terrestrial sciences, earth observation, and polar science. The total available funding is £7.2 million. This opportunity is open to applicants who hold a PhD qualification. The fellowship covers 80% full economic cost for five years. Fellows can choose to work full-time or part-time. The deadline for application is 03 April 2025. Independent Research Fellowship
Fiat Panis Foundation — Prize for Master Thesis in Food Security
The Fiat Panis Foundation makes awards for university thesis and dissertation research in themes of agriculture, ecology and natural resources, with a focus on food security in developing countries. The Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg Graduate Award is €7.5 thousand in support of qualified young scientists by honoring their excellent master thesis in the field of food security. The deadline for submissions (German, English) is 30 April 2025. Ruthenberg Graduate Award
Climate Technology Initiative — Funding for Climate or Clean Energy Projects
The Climate Technology Initiative (CTI PFAN) provides funding to climate or clean energy projects. PFAN accepts applications for projects in low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Central America and the Caribbean Islands. Projects may request between US$1 million and US$50 million. Projects providing energy access or rural electrification (clean cookstoves, solar home systems, mini-grids) may request smaller sums between US$500 thousand and US$50 million. Proposals are invited from companies, individuals or legal persons; public-private partnerships; and entities that are legally structured to redistribute profits. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Climate Technology Initiative
International Society of Tropical Foresters — Innovation Prize
The International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) awards an Innovation Prize to honor outstanding initiatives and ideas related to tropical forest use and conservation. ISTF seeks innovative examples of approaches, experiences, or efforts of individuals, groups, or organizations in line with “Governing Resilient Tropical Forest Systems”. Finalists will receive a cash award contingent on the quality of submissions and ISTF fundraising efforts (usually between US$1,000 and US$3,000). The application deadline is 22 November 2024. ISTF Innovation Prize
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development — Mountain Prize 2024
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) seeks nominations for the 2023 Mountain Prize. The Prize is awarded to an individual or organization that has demonstrated outstanding efforts enabling sustainable and resilient mountain development in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. The prize is currently set at US$ 2,500. Thematic areas include access to water for drinking or/and sanitation, food/nutrition security, climate change adaptation or/and disaster risk reduction, access to clean energy, ecosystems/biodiversity management, and two others. Women and youth are encouraged to apply. Nominations are accepted until 25 November 2024. Mountain Prize