The YALTA Business Accelerator calls upon SMEs in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda to submit their agroecological ideas for a sustainable, healthy and diverse food system. 10 selected participants will benefit from skills training, innovation jams and coaching to improve their ideas and turn them into a plan. Three winners will receive a matching grant of up to US$5 thousand to start implementing their ideas. Eligibility extends to young entrepreneurs in agriculture, food and nutrition who manage a local business. Applications have to be submitted by 30 June 2021. YALTA Business Accelerator
Startup Africa — Next Generation Africa
Next Generation Africa is an accelerator program for African startups, innovators, makers, and young innovators who intend to develop products or services for the local economy. The accelerator will select 20 startups to participate in a boot camp week in Kampala, Uganda (August 2021). The project should fit in one of 6 social-impact topics, including Agribusiness & Agritech (farming systems, alternative feed supplies, agri-data business for monitoring and/or planning, new tools for farming and breeding etc.), among others. The startup can be based anywhere in the African continent but its product/service must have potential application in the East African region. The application deadline is 08 July 2021. Know more
African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement — Waterbird Conservation Award 2021
The AEWA Waterbird Conservation Award honors individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution towards long-term conservation and sustainable use of waterbirds in the African-Eurasian region. The Award is conferred every three years in two categories, institutional and individual. Please note that the AEWA Award 2021 will not be accompanied by a cash prize due to the lack of funding. The deadline for nominations (English, French) is 10 July 2021. AEWA Award
EIT Climate-KIC — Education for Climate Change Awareness
EIT Climate-KIC invites partners and collaborators, e.g. civil society organizations, municipalities, research institutions and private actors, to experiment with novel educational and learning methodologies to inspire their communities’ climate mindset. The overall goal is to enable a just, resilient and prosperous transition to a net zero carbon economy that supports both planetary and human health. EIT Climate-KIC will fund up to 5 experiments with up to €12 thousand in EU Member States, Horizon Europe Associated Countries (Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine) and Outermost Regions. The closing date for applications is 11 July 2021. Link to RIS EduEx
African Future Leaders Fellowship — Cohort 4
The African Future Leaders Fellowship invites applications for the online Leadership, Career & Entrepreneurship development program. Participants receive three months of online training, workshops and sessions with professionals, capacity development, and a certificate after the completion of the training program. Applicants must be students and citizens of an African country and be fluent in English. The application deadline is 15 July 2021. Detail
ETH Zurich — Opportunity Grants
The Leading House ETH Zurich calls for proposals for opportunity grants with China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries. Opportunity grants will support activities of Swiss researchers from universities or public research institutes linked to specific events, incidents, or major environmental and economic developments in the region in Asia. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research. Senior scientists may request up to CHF 50 thousand for projects of up to 12 months. The application deadline is 18 July 2021. Link
British Council — Climate Change Communicators
FameLab Climate Change Communicators is a global online competition and training event to build trust in climate science. The British Council invites aspiring climate change communicators to submit a video giving a three-minute talk in English related to the theme of ‘Trust in Climate Science’. All finalists will take part in a two-day online masterclass delivered by leading science communication trainers. The competition is open to entries from individuals based in: Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Serbia, Turkey, Uganda, and Vietnam. Closing date for video entries is 27 July 2021. FameLab
World Academy of Sciences — Program for Exchanges and Collaborations
TWAS invites scientists from least developed countries to carry out collaborative research projects. Scientists have the opportunity to visit research laboratories in Trieste (Italy) to carry out research work in genetic engineering and biotechnology. TWAS will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence costs for research stays of up to 6 months. The deadline for receipt of applications is 31 August 2021. Link to the South-North Program
World Academy of Sciences — Program for Exchanges and Collaborations
TWAS invites scientists from least developed countries to carry out collaborative research projects. Scientists have the opportunity to visit research laboratories in Cape Town (South Africa) or New Delhi (India) to carry out research work in genetic engineering and biotechnology. TWAS will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence costs for research stays of up to 6 months. The deadline for receipt of applications is 31 August 2021. Link to the South-South Program
European Commission – ERC Advanced Research Grants
ERC Advanced Grants support ambitious research projects with up to €2,5 million for the duration of 5 years. Up to an additional €1 million can be requested in exceptional cases to cover (a) eligible “start-up” costs, (b) the purchase of major equipment, (c) access to large facilities, and/or (d) other major experimental and field work costs. The call is open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any EU member state. The applicant must be an established research leader with a recognized track record of research achievements. The call will close on 31 August 2021. Details