United Nations, in collaboration with Global Innovation Exchange, seeks applications for the 2021 Call for Innovations for a chance to be featured at the UN’s virtual STI Forum (May 2021). Innovations should address COVID-19-associated disruptions that will remain relevant beyond the pandemic to help accelerate progress towards one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The call is open to innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs worldwide. Applications will be accepted until 26 March 2021. Click here
Volkswagen Foundation — Funding for Young Researchers
Through its program ‘Freigeist’ the Volkswagen Foundation seeks open-minded, strong and resistant young researchers with innovative ideas from all around the world. The ‘Freigeist’ scheme is open to all disciplines and research topics and offers the opportunity to establish a career within a scientific research organization or university in Germany. Eligibility extends to junior researchers (up to 4 years of postdoctoral experience). Depending on the field of research and career experience, projects in a total amount of up to €2.2 million for up to 5 years may be granted. The deadline for applications is 01 April 2021. Detailed information here
Neotropical Ornithological Society — François Vuilleumier Grants
The Francois Vuilleumier Fund awards cash grants for thesis studies of neotropical birds to students from Latin America and the Caribbean. Awards are US$500 to US$1000. Students enrolled in a graduate degree program (Masters or Ph.D.) are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 15 September of each year. Here
University of Essex — Africa Scholarship Programme 2021-2022
The University of Essex invites applications from African students who self fund their postgraduate studies. The university offers a scholarship of £4 thousand to African students that will be paid as a discount on the tuition fee. Available courses include biological sciences, marine biology, and biochemistry, among many others. Applicants that meet all the eligibility criteria and firmly accept the offer of their place by 18 September 2021 will automatically be awarded this scholarship (please read the instructions carefully). Find out how it works
Inter-American Development Bank — Venture Capital Fund
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) seeks to impact development and support social inclusion with a special focus on poor and vulnerable populations across Latin America and the Caribbean through bridging grants and investments in early-stage entrepreneurs. IDB Lab invites investment management firms to apply for VC funds. Fund managers who wish to participate in the selection process must primarily invest in nascent or emerging early-stage ecosystems in LAC and specialize in high-impact investments and sectors with pronounced structural capital gaps, such as Health/Biotech, Edtech/Workertech, Agtech/Foodtech and Climatetech. Early-stage investment funds are a minimum of US$20 thousand. Proposals will be received on a rolling basis, with quarterly reviews. Venture Capital Fund
Mindselo — Mindselo Global Impact Fellowship
Mindselo is a personal growth platform that seeks to transform ideas into wisdom. The Mindselo Global Impact Fellowship (MGIF) Program for young world-changers and academics aims to build a large network of passionate and conscious individuals who spark positive change around the world. The program provides access to Mindselo resources during the period of the fellowship and a global network of visionaries from different backgrounds. The registration deadline is 28 February 2021. Submissions via Google Forms
FSNet-Africa — Fellowship for Food Systems Research
The FSNet-Africa fellowship provides grants to researchers (fellows or mentors) working on African food systems research. Early-career researchers receive up to £20 thousand to conduct research on any aspect of the food system. Mentors and fellows have the opportunity to engage with academics from six African Universities and the UK. The call for fellows and mentors is open to researchers from ten academic partner institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania. Applications close on 01 March 2021. Click for details
Global Development Network — Biodiversity and Development Award
The Global Development Network (GDN) and the French Development Agency (AFD) launch the AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award. The program creates an opportunity for researchers based in select developing countries to produce and disseminate quality research and policies relevant to create the link between biodiversity and development. The program consists of four individual research grants of up to US$40 thousand for a 24-month project and two additional multidisciplinary grants of up to US$15 thousand. The call is open to teams of researchers belonging to a university or any other research oriented organizations based in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Guinea, Guyana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Tunisia, Uganda, and Vietnam. Expressions of interest must be submitted before 07 March 2021. Details here
Net Zero Challenge — Open Data to Advance Climate Action
The Net Zero Challenge is a global competition to answer the question “How can we advance climate action using open data?” Individuals, groups and organizations are invited to submit projects in progress or concepts/ideas. The first stage of the Net Zero Challenge is a ‘Virtual Pitch Contest’. The winner receives US$1,000 to support further development of their idea. All applications must be received by 12 March 2021. Net Zero Challenge
Earth Journalism Network — Indigenous Environmental Journalism Story Grants
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to Indigenous journalists to support the production of in-depth stories that will call attention to climate justice, biodiversity, sustainable ecosystems. ENJ welcomes any story ideas that will explore how environmental and climate change issues are linked to the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples and communities. EJN expects to award around 10 grants averaging US$1.250 thousand each. Applicants must self-identify as Indigenous and provide the name of their Indigenous community. Applicants can be from any country in the world. Deadline for applications is 12 March 2021. More info