The Newton Fund Impact Scheme (NFIS) provides funding for current and previously funded Newton Fund grantees with the aim to build upon the original partnership or form a new partnership. The grants will provide funding for initiating or increasing policy impacts, or initiating or increasing engagement with impact multipliers (e.g. businesses, NGOs, or charities). Grants can be up to a maximum of £160 thousand for up to two years. Eligible partner countries for the 2020 call for applicants are Egypt, Indonesia, and Thailand. The application deadline is 15 June 2020. Link to Newton Fund Impact Scheme
Climate Tracker — Online Course: Climate Journalism
Climate Tracker’s Train-the-Trainer course covers basic journalism skills, such as pitching, article-framing, interviewing, data visualization in the context of human-interest climate journalism. Participants will receive a certificate of completion to demonstrate their competence as a climate communication trainer. The e-course is open for participants worldwide. More information
Swedish International Development Agency — Training Course: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The program has a strong focus on agriculture and water resources, planning and communication of climate information. Organizations in Kenya, Sudan, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe are invited to nominate candidates for the Advanced International Training Programme “Climate change – Mitigation and Adaptation.” Sida will cover the costs of the program fee and required literature as well as accommodation, meals, health insurance, and international travel. The closing date for nominations is 03 May 2020. About the training course
IDEX Accelerator — Virtual Fellowship Program
IDEX invites applications worldwide for a Virtual Fellowship Program. The virtual program is designed to enable young professionals to acquire the tools and resources they need for a successful career in social entrepreneurship. Each fellow will gain access to online learning labs with 3-4 social enterprises from across the globe, webinars, and community engagement. Candidates should be 21 to 35 years old, with a minimum of one to three years of professional work experience. The application deadline is 03 May 2020. Details here
Royal Society — Fellowships for Independent African Researchers
The Royal Society, in partnership with the African Academy of Sciences, offers fellowships to African early-career researchers who have the potential to become leaders in their field. Each FLAIR Fellowship will be for two years and will offer up to £150 thousand per year, alongside training and mentoring. Applications should be within the remit of natural sciences, including agricultural and biological research, among others. Eligibility extends to early-career researchers from sub-Saharan African countries. The deadline for applications is 27 May 2020. Click here
Africa YES Centre — Social Entrepreneurship Training Program
The Africa Young Entrepreneur Support (YES) Program is a 6-month intensive fully sponsored entrepreneurship training that provides young African social entrepreneurs (between 18-29 years) with the resources they need to create impact in their local communities. 30 selected candidates will receive hands-on training sessions, mentorship and access to up to US$15 thousand in grants. Please note that the program requires candidates to be in Nairobi for the entire program period because travel and accommodation is not covered. The deadline for application to the program is 31 May 2020. Find out more
UK Royal Society — Newton Mobility Grants
Scientists in Brazil, Thailand, and Turkey are invited to apply for the Royal Society’s mobility grants to establish or strengthen research partnerships with collaborators in the UK. These grants are available through the Newton Fund, which is part of the UK’s official development assistance. Awards are available for up to three months, one year, or two years. Up to £12 thousand are available under this scheme. Applicants can represent any areas of the natural sciences, including agricultural and biological sciences. Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent research experience, and have a permanent position or fixed-term contract in an eligible university or research institute. The application deadline is 02 June 2020. Link
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Master’s Program Climate Change & Marine Sciences
With funding provided by Germany, WASCAL engages in research to help tackle the severe challenges posed by climate change, focusing on West Africa. The WASCAL Graduate Studies Program offers full scholarships to support four master’s and six doctoral programs implemented at ten universities in West African countries. WASCAL’s member countries are Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo. Doctoral students may spend up to six months at a host institution in Germany. Graduate students have access to the WASCAL research facilities located in various watersheds of West Africa. The application deadline is 05 June 2020. Graduate Studies Program
National Geographic Society — Stories of Tropical Rainforests
The National Geographic Society (NatGeo) supports storytelling projects that highlight attempts to mitigate or reverse human impacts on tropical rainforests. Priority for this RFP will be given to projects led by journalists and storytellers from countries within the Amazon River basin, Congo River basin, and rainforests in Southeast Asia. Proposals will be funded from US$5 thousand to US$70 thousand. Application deadline for this call is 22 July 2020, however, candidates who wish to submit a Letter of Intent in Spanish, Portuguese, or Bahase need to submit their LOI by 15 July. More information
National Geographic Society — Big Cats Conservation
The National Geographic Big Cats Initiative seeks projects benefiting big cat populations and their habitats via field-based and action-oriented programs in Africa. The current RFP focusses on lion populations in specific African regions (detailed in the call). Although priority will be given to projects focused on lions, projects on leopard and cheetah populations will also be considered. Applicants may request up to $100 thousand. The current grant cycle closes 22 July 2020. About this opportunity