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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

People Powered — Climate Democracy Accelerator

The Climate Democracy Accelerator (CDA) is a six-month, practice-oriented training and support program. Participants will develop a project to implement a climate-focused participatory program that addresses the needs and voices of local communities. Selected applicants will have access to a US$10 thousand implementation grant. The program is open to applicants from all over the world. The application deadline is 24 November 2024. Climate Democracy Accelerator

Yves Rocher Foundation — International Terre de Femmes Award

The Yves Rocher Foundation invites applications for the International Terre de Femmes Award to honor women for their achievements in environmental awareness, conservation, and solidarity. This year, the Foundation invites applications from women committed to coastal ecosystems. The award will be given to a project launched by a woman or a group of women committed to the conservation of wildlife and associated ecosystems. The winner receives a monetary award of €10 thousand. The international award is open to women worldwide involved in a project that helps to protect the environment through a non-profit organization. The closing date for applications is 30 November 2024. Link

Masdar — Youth 4 Sustainability

Youth 4 Sustainability (Y4S) is a global initiative that empowers the next generation of sustainability leaders. The Future Sustainability Leaders (FSL) program connects university students and young professionals with global leaders to help them learn the latest sustainability best practices. The Sustainability Ambassadors (SA) program is designed for high school students to become Sustainability Ambassadors by offering them core knowledge & skills training. The application deadline is 30 November 2024. Youth 4 Sustainability

Aspire Institute — Leaders Program for First-generation University Students

The Aspire Leaders Program provides academic and professional development resources to students who are from backgrounds of social and financial adversity. All applicants must be between the ages of 18-26, come from a low-income background and be the first generation to attend university. Through the program, students will gain access to fully-funded HarvardX courses and participate in live seminars with Harvard University. Eligibility extends to students from all around the world as long as they are enrolled in an undergraduate program or have recently graduated (within three years). The application deadline is 04 December 2024. Aspire Leaders Program

World Academy of Sciences — Associateship Scheme for Research Collaboration

In collaboration with UNESCO, TWAS enables researchers from developing countries to visit research centers. Selected associates are appointed for three years during which they can visit one of 300 participating centers twice for research collaboration. TWAS provides travel support and a contribution towards subsistence costs up to US$300. Living expenses are covered by the host centers. The deadline for submission is 05 December 2024. TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme

World Academy of Sciences — Research Professorships in Least-Developed Countries

TWAS funds selected TWAS members to assist with building research capacity in the least-developed countries (LDCs). During a period of five years, each funded professor will be expected to make three visits to a host institution in a partner LDC, for a minimum stay of one month each visit. TWAS will provide travel support while living expenses are covered by the host institution. Requests need to be submitted by research groups and scientific institutions in the LDCs. The application deadline is 05 December 2024. Read more

Campus France — Visiting Fellowship for Early Career Researchers

The Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) initiative calls for applications from young researchers who wish to carry out their research in France. MOPGA intends to award 40 fellowships for a duration of 12 months with a monthly allowance of €2,500. Eligible research themes include climate change and energy transition. Foreign researchers must hold a doctoral degree for less than 5 years. The application period ends on 05 December 2024. MOPGA Visiting Fellowship

Earthshot Prize — Nominations 2025

The Earthshot Prize searches the globe for game-changing innovations that will help repair our planet. The best five solutions receive £1 million to scale their work. The categories are: Protect and Restore Nature; Clean our Air; Revive our Oceans; Build a Waste-Free World; and Fix our Climate. The Earthshot Prize has a network of official nominators. Some nominators are happy to accept proposals from the public for consideration. Nominations for the 2025 prize year will close on 11 December 2024. View Official Nominators

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature — Visiting Research Fellow Program

The Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) Visiting Research Fellow Program brings overseas researchers to the Institute for periods of two to six months to engage in research collaboration. Each visiting fellow must work with a RIHN host researcher who acts as the main point of contact with the Institute. Applicants must have a PhD and be employed in an overseas research institute. Travel, accommodation, and daily expenses are covered by RIHN. The application deadline is 13 December 2024. RIHN Visiting Research Fellow Program

Asian Development Bank — Innovative Policy Research Award

The Innovative Policy Research Award promotes the application of innovative empirical research in economics to support evidence-based policies for addressing key development challenges in Asia and the Pacific. There is no restriction on topics or themes. The author of the award-winning paper will receive a US$7 thousand grant. Researchers from any country may apply, but the policy solutions must be relevant for an Asian Development Bank developing member country. Submissions are due no later than 31 December 2024. Innovative Policy Research Award