The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) makes reporting grants to Indigenous and tribal journalists globally to support the production of investigative reporting on environmental and climate issues. EJN expects to award up to 5-6 grants of up to US$3,000 each. Applicants must self-identify as Indigenous or belonging to a tribe and will be asked to provide details on their Indigenous or tribal affiliations in the application. Applicants can be from anywhere in the world. The deadline for applications is 16 October 2024. Investigative Story Grant
Boston University: West African Research Association — Travel Grants for West African Nationals
The WARC Travel Grant supports African scholars and graduate students for research visits to other institutions on the continent. Travel grant funds may be used to attend and present papers at academic conferences relevant to the applicant’s field of research; visit libraries or archives in support of the applicant’s current academic work; engage in collaborative work with colleagues at another institution; and travel to a research site. The grant provides travel costs up to US$1,500 and a stipend of US$1,500. The program is open to West African nationals, with preference given to those affiliated with West African colleges, universities, and research institutions. The next application cycle closes on 20 October 2024. WARC Travel Grant
Morris Animal Foundation — Wildlife Health (Reptiles and Amphibians)
The Morris Animal Foundation supports research that advances the health and welfare of reptiles and amphibians. The Foundation invites proposals in three categories: Established Investigator, First Award, & Pilot Study Awards. The maximum duration of an Established Investigator award is 36 months. There is no limit to the budget request, however, the average award is expected to be US$100 thousand. The maximum duration of a Pilot Study award is 12 months, and the total budget cannot exceed $20,000. The maximum duration of a First Award is 24 months, and the total budget cannot exceed US$120 thousand. The application deadline for wildlife/exotics is 23 October 2024. Know more
Asia Foundation — Leadership Program U.S./Asia
The Asia Foundation seeks applications to the “LeadNext: Ambassadors for a Global Future” program. LeadNext Fellows focus on creative approaches to addressing issues such as climate change, inequality, injustice, poverty, or other pressing issues. Fellows meet 1-3 times a week over several weeks to build competencies in social change leadership. All program expenses including travel, housing, and food are provided at no cost to fellows. To be eligible for the program candidates must be aged between 18-25 during the entire program year. The deadline for applications is 27 October 2024. LeadNext
Acumen Fund — India Fellows Program 2025
The Acumen Fund promotes the power of social innovation to create solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. The India Fellows Program is designed to equip local leaders with the tools, mindset, and community to tackle poverty and injustice in their communities. Past fellows have included several in smallholder agriculture, renewable energy, waste management, fair trade, and other areas. The fellowship is a mix of offline and online seminars, involving a time commitment of approximately 30 days in the year. The application deadline is 30 October 2024. India Fellows
Wild Animal Initiative — Seed Grants Program
Wild Animal Initiative provides small amounts of funding to facilitate projects that will test promising new techniques or approaches, incorporate welfare assessments into ecological research and management, or adapt animal welfare science approaches for wild contexts. Seed Grants are ideal for early-career scientists or more established principal investigators who have no previous experience with wild animal welfare research. Grant size varies from US$2 thousand to US$10 thousand. The small grants program is open to anyone, although Wild Animal Initiative is especially interested in supporting postdocs and PhD students pursuing a long-term research career in the field of wild animal welfare, and researchers who have not previously included welfare considerations in their work. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 01 November 2024. Seed Grants
Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation — Youth Actions Challenge
The 1 Million Youth Actions Challenge supports youth-led initiatives related to clean water and sanitation, responsible consumption and production, climate action & biodiversity. Youth between 15 and 24 years from all around the world are invited to submit their solutions and projects. Selected projects will receive financial support up to C$5 thousand each and technical support. The call is open until 05 November 2024. Youth Actions Challenge
African Development Bank — Mo Ibrahim Foundation Fellowship 2025
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation financially supports the Ibrahim Leadership Fellowship position in the African Development Bank. The Fellowship allows talented individuals to increase and enhance their professional capacity, with the intention of contributing to the governance and development of their countries. The priority for the 2025 selection of the Mo Ibrahim Fellow includes energy (“powering Africa”); agriculture (“feeding Africa”); and others. The Fellowship is for young professionals, mid-career, and/or new executives who are nationals of an African country, residing anywhere in the world. The application deadline is 20 November 2024. More
Mastercard Foundation — Scholarships for Africans at University of Cambridge
The Mastercard Foundation funds economically disadvantaged students from Sub-Saharan Africa to study at the University of Cambridge. The fields of study include different areas of sciences and STEM fields; and many others. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program covers the cost of travel and visas, accommodation, meals, allowance for a laptop, health cover, and a living stipend – as well as tuition costs. These scholarships cover the full period of study and are renewable annually. The scholarship application has to be submitted no later than 05 December 2024. Know more
Garden Club of America — Awards in Tropical Botany and Horticulture
The Garden Club of America (GCA) offers several grants, prizes, and fellowships for students enrolled at universities in the USA, including some awards that have a tropical focus. The GCA Awards in Tropical Botany are open to PhD candidates (application deadline is 15 January); the Loy McCandless Marks Scholarship in Tropical Horticulture is restricted to U.S. citizens who are graduate students or advanced undergraduate students (deadline is 15 January). The Anne Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany is open to PhD students and recent PhD graduates (deadline is 31 January). Applicants should review all programs, criteria, and deadlines. Botany and Horticulture Scholarships