The Junior Professionals Program is an opportunity for professional women in West Africa to transform their passion for international relief and development work into a career. Junior Professionals will work with Catholic Relief Services to end poverty and promote peace and self-reliance in West Africa. Fellows receive training and support CRS’ work in various sectors such as agriculture/livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, emergency response, or micro-financing. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in related fields (e.g. Economic Development, Agriculture, Health, Business, etc.). Candidates have to apply by 30 June 2024. Junior Professionals Program
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards — Wildlife Photography Competition
The competition celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it through funny animal pictures. The competition is open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs, and professionals. Winners receive prizes (no cash awards). The deadline for entries is 31 July 2024. Comedy Wildlife
Photography 4 Humanity — Climate Justice Photography
The 2024 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Competition is open for submissions. The competition seeks images that show people impacted by the escalating climate crisis. This includes climate refugees, images of climate champions advocating for change, and those helping to mitigate and reverse climate change. The Global Prize Recipient will receive US$5,000. All entries must be submitted by 01 August 2024. More
People’s Trust for Endangered Species — Conservation Insight Grants
The PTES makes grants to scientific researchers and conservationists worldwide for work that helps preserve endangered species, either through research or applied field work. (Note: PTES no longer accepts grant applications for research and conservation of bird species.) The program offers small grants between £3 thousand and £10 thousand per year for up to two years. The deadline for applications is 25 August 2024. Info on worldwide grant criteria
Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean — Shipboard Fellowship 2024
The Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) offers several shipboard fellowship opportunities. This fellowship program aims to promote training and capacity building leading towards a global observation scheme for the oceans. Eligibility extends to early career scientists, technicians, PhD and MSc students, and Post-doctoral Fellows involved in oceanographic work at centers in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Selected candidates will receive subsidies to visit the host institution and to go on the cruise, as well as training on seafaring medical and sea survival. Applications can be submitted anytime. Find the open call for 2024
Energy Foundation — China Sustainable Energy Program
The Foundation’s China Sustainable Energy Program makes grants for planning, policies, research, and training to improve energy efficiency and to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions in China. Grant eligibility extends to organizations in China and the USA. They include research institutes and foundations; universities; professional organizations, societies, and academies; energy technology centers; policy groups and think tanks; state-owned energy companies; regulatory agencies; and NGOs. Proposals are accepted on a continuous basis. Link
InfoNile — Scientist-Journalist Co-Production Fellowship
InfoNile invites applications from journalists and scientists in the Nile Basin countries (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Egypt, DRC, Sudan, and South Sudan) for a fellowship program (June 2024 to March 2025) that will involve training, mentorship, and coproduction of communication outputs based on scientific research. Journalists with an interest in water and the environment; and scientists and researchers from different disciplines working on topics related to water and/or the environment, such as climate change; biodiversity; water quality; water infrastructure, and hydrology in the Nile Basin countries are invited to apply. The total grant amount for this opportunity is US$800. The application deadline is 31 March 2024. Scientist-Journalist Fellowship
Climate and Development Knowledge Network — MSc. Program
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) implements the Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts (CABES) MSc. program in “Managing Science-Policy-Practice Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” to build the capacities of youths on sustainable development pathways and biodiversity policy-making decision processes. Scholarship and other forms of support will be provided to successful candidates. The program targets candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline for submissions of concept notes is 31 March 2024. More information
World Trade Organization — Young Professionals Program
The World Trade Organization (WTO) seeks applications from qualified young professionals (up to 32 years) who are nationals of a developing or least-developed country. The Young Professionals Program (YPP) offers selected young professionals the opportunity to gain work experience in the WTO. Each professional may express interest in up to three areas of the WTO, including Agriculture, Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures, Trade, and Environment, among many others. Young Professionals receive a monthly salary starting at CHF 4,000 (depending on their qualifications). The application deadline is 02 April 2024. Find more information here
University of St. Andrews — St. Andrews Prize for the Environment 2024
The annual St Andrews Prize for the Environment recognizes significant contributions to environmental conservation in the developing world. The subject areas include human-animal conflicts; water and biodiversity; sanitation; air quality; solar power; food supply; waste and recycling; environmental justice; and others. Applications are invited from individuals, multi-disciplinary teams, and community groups. Research projects will not be considered. The Prize consists of an award of US$100 thousand and a medal. Awards of US$25 thousand are presented to each of two other finalists. The deadline for applications is 12 April 2024. Enter the prize