The Energy Globe Award recognizes outstanding projects worldwide that conserve and protect natural resources, and that employ renewable energy. Energy Globe seeks innovative projects and smart technologies in five categories: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Youth. The international winners in each of the five categories receive €2000 in prize money. Applicants can be individuals as well as organizations (i.e., private companies and corporations, development NGOs, community associations, government agencies, universities, and others) that contribute to climate change and other environmental issues. The deadline for applications is 31 Januar 2024. About participation
Ashden Awards — International Awards for Sustainable Energy 2024
Ashden supports projects in sustainable energy in the UK and the developing world. The awards are made to pioneers in sustainable energy, saving energy, generating renewable energy, or promoting behavior change. The competition for the International Awards is open to businesses, NGOs, government organizations, and social enterprises whose activities take place in low- and middle-income countries worldwide. Winners are supported with prize money up to £25 thousand, plus assistance with mentoring and networking. The closing date for applications (Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish) is 25 January 2024. Ashden Awards
EnDev — Clean Cooking Solutions Ethiopia
The Innovation Challenge Fund supports entrepreneurs and businesses that focus on higher tier clean cooking solutions such as advanced biomass cookstoves or other innovative technologies that can significantly reduce emissions and fuel consumption compared to traditional cooking methods. The call targets Ethiopian organizations that promote clean cooking technologies, research, and businesses. Enterprises can apply until 27 January 2024. Know more
EcoSciGen — Climate Research Workshop
The Climate Research Workshop offers a unique training experience for individuals from Africa who are passionate about addressing climate change issues. The 6-month program offers scientific research training to equip young participants with the knowledge and skills needed to become independent researchers in the climate space. Young scholars must be between the ages of 18-26. Applications have to be submitted before 30 January 2024. Climate Research Workshop
Earth Journalism Network — Infrastructure Reporting in Lower Mekong
The Journalist Fellowship for Infrastructure Reporting in Lower Mekong equips mid-career journalists with training, mentoring, and story grants to report on infrastructural development and its impacts on the environment and human rights. EJN will select 15 journalists who will take part in a series of online training sessions and a two-day in-person workshop in March 2024. EJN will cover the cost of travel, accommodation, and meals of selected participants. Participants who successfully complete the training will be eligible to apply to receive story grants (US$2000 each). Participants can be from Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, or Vietnam. The deadline for application is 31 January 2024. Infrastructure Reporting
Planet Reimagined — Climate Crisis Fellowship
The New Futures Fellowship is a three-month remote fellowship program that focuses on innovative and interdisciplinary solutions to the climate crisis. The fellowship is designed for activists and scholars from around the globe to conduct research, make policy recommendations, and produce creative digital content. The fellowship comes with a stipend of US$2500. Applications are being accepted until 31 January 2024. New Futures Fellowship
University of Reading — Research Grant
IMAGINE if… is a research grant for the provision of research and business support by the University of Reading and Henley Business School. The research grant is worth up to the value of £100 thousand. Shortlisted finalists will be paired with counselors and researchers before preparing a business proposal to solve a global development challenge. Candidates aged 18 and over from around the world are eligible to apply. The closing date for entries is 07 January 2024. Details here
Sustainable Energy for All — Women in STEM Traineeship
Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) helps women and youth in energy transition by supporting their entry into and career progression within the sector. The SEforALL Traineeship provides a training opportunity complemented by on-the-job learning, including site visits, workshops, and supplementary training programs. Applicants must be 18-35 years of age and be nationals or have the right to work in Sierra Leone. The closing date is 11 January 2024. SEforALL Traineeship
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in El Salvador
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in El Salvador. The priorities under this call include environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. Project funding is C$30 thousand to C$40 thousand. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The deadline for submission is 31 January 2024. CFLI El Salvador
Kubota Fund — Academic Training Program
The Kubota Fund announces a grant program for research analysts, trainees and students from developing countries who join academic or training programs provided by research/educational institutes or private enterprises located in Japan. The Fund provides financial aid (from ¥80 thousand to ¥100 thousand per month) to students, trainees, and researchers for pursuing academic degrees or research at educational or research institutes and business enterprises. Training or research on technologies for developing countries (especially civil engineering, electricity, machinery, agriculture, environment, energy, development economy) at companies or organizations in Japan is supported. Applicants must be nationals of a developing country. The application deadline is 17 January 2024. Kubota Fund