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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Prince Claus Fund — Support for Emerging Artists

The Seed Awards offer support to emerging artists and cultural practitioners who use the power of culture for positive change. Each award recipient will receive an award of €5000 to invest in developing their idea. Applicants must live and work in eligible countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, or Eastern Europe. The deadline for submission is 21 January 2025. Prince Claus Seed Awards

Minor Foundation for Major Challenges — Public Awareness on Climate Change

The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges funds communication projects that mitigate anthropogenic climate change. Proposals should focus on influencing public opinion, providing inspiration, changing attitudes, spreading information, etc. The Foundation welcomes applications from all over the world. The Foundation makes large grants ranging from €20 thousand to €200 thousand, although larger projects may be considered. The application deadlines to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) are 22 January, 10 April, 29 May, 07 August, 15 October, and 27 November 2025. Climate Change Awareness

Earth Journalism Network — Asia-Pacific Media Grants 2025

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) seeks applications from journalist networks, media organizations, civil society organizations, or academic institutions throughout the Asia-Pacific region. With this call, the EJN aims to boost the quantity and quality of environmental and climate coverage in the region. The proposed projects can focus on capacity building activities, networking, or be used as a seed grant to build a new environmental media startup or journalist network. Grants will be given to organizations looking to implement projects with the maximum duration of one year. The grant amount can range between US$15 thousand to US$20 thousand. The application deadline is 30 January 2025. Asia-Pacific Media Grants

Energie AG Oberösterreich — Startup Innovation Challenge

Energie AG Oberösterreich seeks startups in the energy industry. The Startup Innovation Challenge invites solutions to tackle genuine problems in the energy industry that will help the company to operate more efficiently and shape a sustainable future. Energie AG will provide up to €50 thousand for developing a proof of concept. The challenge is not restricted to a particular geographic location.  The deadline for submission is 31 January 2025. Energy Startup Innovation Challenge

American Ornithological Society — Student and Postdoctoral Research

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) makes student grants of up to $4,000 to support research in various areas of avian biology by undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs. AOS encourages undergraduate students from any region to apply. Applicants must be members of AOS. Latin American students are particularly encouraged to apply for the Alexander Wetmore Memorial Research Award for research in avian systematics, paleo-ornithology, biogeography, and especially neotropical biology. Other AOS grant programs may also be of international relevance. Applications are due by 31 January 2025. AOS Research Awards

Global Resilience Partnership — Resilient Agriculture Innovations

The Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge aims to convert seed-level innovative agricultural ideas in East Africa and scale them to sustainable business ideas. RAIN seeks new innovative agricultural initiatives to provide customized support. Winners will receive a cash prize of up to US$50 thousand after the initial mentoring period. RAIN is open to non-profit organizations as well as farmers, and entrepreneurs in East Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). Applications are due on 31 January 2025. RAIN Challenge

Roger Williams Park Zoo — Danforth Conservation Grants

The Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund makes grants of up to US$1 thousand to protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide. Priority is for projects that demonstrate a multi-disciplinary approach to ecosystem conservation, and that involve in-country collaborators. Projects must directly affect biological conservation. Applicants can be of any nationality but must be associated with an organization (non-profit, university, etc.) through which they can receive funding. The application deadline is 01 January 2025. About the conservation grants

Obama Foundation — Leaders Program

The Obama Foundation Leaders Program is a one-year training program for leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to finding solutions to challenges in their communities or countries. Scholars attend courses and participate in leadership development training. Participants receive a furnished studio apartment during their stay, a monthly stipend to assist with living expenses, as well as travel and tuition fees paid. The program is open to applicants from all around the world. Applications for the 2025-2026 program have to be submitted until 05 January 2025. Applicant information

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Collaborative Research Grants 2025

The ICGEB Research Grants support projects in agricultural biotechnology, basic life sciences, bioenergy, and many other fields. The grants are intended to facilitate the creation of research facilities in promising institutes; to promote training of young scientists; and to develop new research programs in participating countries. The program is open to applicants who have positions at universities and research institutes in ICGEB’s member states. Grants are a maximum of €25 thousand per year for projects of up to 36 months. The deadline for submitting applications is 07 January 2025. Collaborative Research Grants

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Rwanda and Burundi

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Rwanda and Burundi. CFLI provides funding to projects that focus on environment and climate action, as well as on water sanitation management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$35 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 10 January 2025. CFLI Rwanda and Burundi