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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture — Photo Contest

The SEARCA Photo Contest with the theme “The Future of Farming: Pathways to Carbon-Neutral Agriculture” seeks images from across Southeast Asia that showcase technologies and innovations that are modernizing and transforming agricultural and rural development toward increased food supply and security. The contest is open to all Southeast Asian nationals. Winners receive cash prizes of US$1000 (1st place), US$800 (2nd place), and US$500 (3rd place). All entries must be submitted before 15 January 2025. SEARCA Photo Contest

MIT — Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program

The Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT offers academic-year fellowships to science journalists. Fellows will be able to leverage the resources and connections available to them at MIT and in the surrounding greater Boston area. The research project must be journalism-related. Fellows receive a US$85 thousand stipend paid out in installments over 9.5 months. The program is designed for journalists from around the world. International candidates are encouraged to apply. Applications close on 16 January 2025. KSJ Fellowship

Journalism Fund — Investigation Grants for Environmental Journalism

The Investigation Grants for Environmental Journalism supports cross-border teams of professional journalists or news outlets to conduct investigations into environmental affairs related to Europe. The grant covers working time and expenses such as logistics, travel, insurance, access to legal support, translations, and access to technology and data sets. The total available amount to be distributed among all supported investigations will be around €400 thousand. The grant is open to professional freelance journalists or news outlets (cross-border teams of at least two journalists). The next application deadline is 23 January 2025. Click here

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Research Collaboration 2025

Within the framework of Danish development cooperation, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for research proposals between Denmark and researchers in partner countries. In 2025, the following countries are eligible for research applications: Algeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia (incl. Somaliland), South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, and Vietnam. Eligible research themes include climate change and the environment. The expected duration of research projects is up to 5 years with a maximum grant of DKK 10 million for each project. Only universities or research-based institutions registered in Denmark and with the capacity to (co-)supervise Ph.D. students are eligible to submit an application. The application deadline (Phase 1) is 29 January 2025. More about this opportunity

Institute of Food Technologists — Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge

The Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge seeks game-changing innovations that will help transform the food system to be more sustainable and empower consumers to make choices that benefit both personal and planetary health. The Challenge will award up to eight US$25 thousand grants, up to three US$100 thousand grants, and up to two US$250 thousand grand prizes. Nonprofits or academic or research institutions located in any country and early-stage U.S.-based for-profit companies are eligible to apply. Individuals are not eligible to apply. However, teams of students or researchers may participate as part of an organization’s submission. Applications are due on 06 January 2025. More information

Association of Commonwealth Universities — Climate Resilience Challenge Grants

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) awards Climate Resilience Challenge Grants to member universities to support initiatives addressing climate resilience. The grants can be used for a diverse range of projects, workshops, and events. Four grants of up to £2,500 each are available for ACU member universities to help meet the costs of organizing climate resilience projects. The applying university needs to outline the project and include a detailed action plan. Applications close on 09 January 2025. Climate Resilience Challenge Grants

Earth Journalism Network — Story Grants Amazon

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers story grants to produce stories on transnational conservation crimes in the Amazon Region and the threats faced by Indigenous peoples and local communities. EJN welcomes story ideas that take a regional perspective on the threats to biodiversity in the Amazon region and focus on the transnational nature of activities such as illegal logging, unsustainable and unregulated fishing, wildlife trafficking, and illegal mining. EJN expects to award grants of around US$1,500 to US$2,000. Applicants can be based in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The application deadline is 09 January 2025. Story Grants Amazon

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens — Botany in Action Fellowships 2025

The Botany in Action (BIA) Fellowship program at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens fosters the development of the next generation of plant-based scientists. Subject areas include ethnobotany, plant diversity and conservation, landscape and brownfield restoration, and others. The program is open to Ph.D. students of any nationality who are conducting plant-based scientific research at U.S. graduate institutions. Grants are US$5 thousand for research-related expenses at sites in the U.S. or internationally, plus an all-expenses paid trip to Phipps to make a public presentation. The application deadline is 10 January 2025. Find out how to apply

World Press Photo — Visual Journalism and Stories Awards 2025

The World Press Photo Contest recognizes the best visual journalism and awards visual stories in eight categories, including Environment and Nature. The award winners will receive €5 thousand each. The prize-winning photographs will be assembled into a worldwide year-long exhibition. The contest is only open to professional photographers. Entries close on 10 January 2025. World Press Photo Awards

PADI Foundation — Grants for Marine Conservation 2025

The PADI Foundation offers worldwide grants in underwater science, environmental projects, and marine education. The Foundation supports research and education related to aquatic environments. In the past, applications have included many projects in tropical regions. Most grants range from US$5 thousand to US$10 thousand. There are no nationality restrictions. The deadline is 15 January 2025. Find the guidelines