WIOMSA seeks innovative projects (demonstration and pilot projects) that address modern-day marine sustainability challenges to bridge the gap between marine research and innovation. The goal of the Innovation for Sustainability Grant program is to support the development and testing of concepts and new approaches that address and enhance the understanding of marine and coastal environmental issues. The proposals should be submitted by an institution or a consortium (government departments, research and academic institutions, NGOs, CBOs, or private companies). The deadline for submission of proposals is 26 June 2020. About the Innovation for Sustainability Grant program
British Council — Newton Workshop Grants for Researchers
Newton Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and partner countries to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. Subject areas for the workshops vary by partner country to include agriculture, climate and environment, sustainable energy, water and sanitation, and several others. The Newton Fund provides funding for international development-relevant research workshops up to £50 thousand. The current call is open for bilateral workshops between the UK with either of China, India, or the Philippines. Proposals must be joint applications, with one coordinator based at a UK institution and one based in a partner country. The application deadline is 12 June 2020. Link to Newton Researcher Links Workshops
British Council — Newton Travel Grants for Researchers
The Newton Fund Researcher Links Travel Grants support early-career researchers to undertake an international research placement to strengthen links for future collaboration. UK’s current partner country for these travel grants is South Africa. Subject areas for the workshops vary by partner country to include agriculture, climate and environment, sustainable energy, water and sanitation, and several others. Researchers that reside in the UK can apply for funding to visit a university or research institution. Researchers residing in South Africa can apply for funding to come to the UK. The application deadline is 12 June 2020. Link to Researcher Links Travel Grants
British Council — Research Workshops between the UK and Russia
The Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and Russia to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. The current call is for bilateral workshops of 3-4 days. The maximum funding per workshop in the UK/Russia is £51,940. Proposals must be joint applications by non-profit organizations, with one coordinator based at a UK institution and one based in Russia. The application deadline is 12 June 2020. Link to Russia Researcher Links Workshops
U.S. Department of State — Networks to Combat Conservation Crimes
The US Department of State announces a notice of funding opportunity for for mapping illicit supply networks to combat conservation crimes at their convergence in eligible developing countries. The goal is to identify, analyze, and map the illicit networks associated with conservation crimes in Peru, Colombia, Gabon, Ghana, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Proposed projects are expected to deliver recommendations for policy and materials to aid technical capacity development efforts. The total available funding under this call is US$493,750. Eligibility extends to US-based and overseas-based non-profit organizations and institutions of higher education. Applications must be submitted by 15 June 2020. Find the link
British Council — Newton Fund Impact Scheme
The Newton Fund Impact Scheme (NFIS) provides funding for current and previously funded Newton Fund grantees with the aim to build upon the original partnership or form a new partnership. The grants will provide funding for initiating or increasing policy impacts, or initiating or increasing engagement with impact multipliers (e.g. businesses, NGOs, or charities). Grants can be up to a maximum of £160 thousand for up to two years. Eligible partner countries for the 2020 call for applicants are Egypt, Indonesia, and Thailand. The application deadline is 15 June 2020. Link to Newton Fund Impact Scheme
UK Royal Society — Newton Mobility Grants
Scientists in Brazil, Thailand, and Turkey are invited to apply for the Royal Society’s mobility grants to establish or strengthen research partnerships with collaborators in the UK. These grants are available through the Newton Fund, which is part of the UK’s official development assistance. Awards are available for up to three months, one year, or two years. Up to £12 thousand are available under this scheme. Applicants can represent any areas of the natural sciences, including agricultural and biological sciences. Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent research experience, and have a permanent position or fixed-term contract in an eligible university or research institute. The application deadline is 02 June 2020. Link
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Master’s Program Climate Change & Marine Sciences
With funding provided by Germany, WASCAL engages in research to help tackle the severe challenges posed by climate change, focusing on West Africa. The WASCAL Graduate Studies Program offers full scholarships to support four master’s and six doctoral programs implemented at ten universities in West African countries. WASCAL’s member countries are Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo. Doctoral students may spend up to six months at a host institution in Germany. Graduate students have access to the WASCAL research facilities located in various watersheds of West Africa. The application deadline is 05 June 2020. Graduate Studies Program
U.S. Department of State — Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Mining in West Africa
The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), invites applications from qualified U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations (including NGOs), and educational institutions to implement a program entitled “Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Mining Research Projects.” INL will support programs that improve INL’s knowledge of wildlife trafficking and illegal mining that will help inform future capacity building programs. INL intends to make two awards of up to US$750 thousand total in funding. The closing date for submission of applications is 10 June 2020. Link
Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Calls for Joint Proposals on Food and Nutrition Security
Nuffic invites applications for Joint Proposals on Food and Nutrition in Vietnam, Tunisia, Sahel, Mali, and Benin. The Nuffic’s Orange Knowledge Programme aims to strengthen professionals and organisations through education and training. Proposed projects must contribute to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, promote sustainable agriculture, and ensure availability and sustainable management of water for all. Funding per institutional collaboration project is in the range of €600 thousand to €1 million. Deadlines vary per country, please check carefully. Last closing date for submission of grant applications is 11 June 2020. Calls for joint proposals