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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Solution Search — Changing Unsustainable Trade

Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment and partners seek existing solutions that are changing behaviors to help solve the world’s most challenging environmental problems. For this year’s contest, Solutions Search seeks proven behavior-change initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean that reduce the unsustainable/illegal wildlife trade. Contest entrants get access to capacity building, workshops, and networking opportunities to further refine and scale their solution. Two winners will win US$20 thousand. Any organization or institution worldwide is eligible (e.g. city government, business, non-profit, university, etc.). Individuals are not eligible to enter. The submission deadline is 28 February 2023. Solution Search

European Commission — Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships for Early-Career Researchers

The European Commission, through the Euraxess initiative, offers the Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships to support early-career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ZUKOnnect aims to extend research networks and environments through on-campus research stays at thirteen departments of the University of Konstanz. Subject areas include ecology, limnology, ecotoxicology, botany, amongst many others. The fellowship offers a stipend of €1,200/month for doctoral students and €2,000/month for postdoctoral researchers, as well as travel expenses and access to resources and events. The deadline for applications is 13 February 2023. ZUKOnnect

GSMA — Innovation Fund for Anticipatory Humanitarian Action

GSMA Innovation Fund for Anticipatory Humanitarian Action seeks to help accelerate the testing, adoption and scalability of digital innovations that leverage mobile digital technology to help anticipate potential humanitarian impacts and enable effective early response. Successful projects will receive an equity-free grant of between £100 thousand and £250 thousand to scale their innovation over a 15 to 18 month period. Start-ups, small and medium enterprises, social enterprises, and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Applications close on 19 January 2023. GSMA Innovation Fund

Young Water Solutions — Young Water Fellowship Program: LAC

The Young Water Fellowship Program aims to empower young leaders from the developing world to implement projects addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), water pollution, and water scarcity. The program offers intensive training, seed grants up to €5 thousand for projects, and mentoring support by senior experts during one year. Applications are currently invited from individuals ages 18-30 who are residents of the low and middle-income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The application deadline is 31 January 2023. YWS LATAM

Land Innovation Fund — Deforestation-free Agriculture

The Land Innovation Fund (LIF) invites proposals for the implementation of projects that present innovative solutions to address urgent issues on climate and environmental agendas for sustainable, low-carbon, deforestation-free agriculture. This call focuses on the sustainable and deforestation-free soy supply chain in South America’s Cerrado, Gran Chaco, and Amazon biomes. The funding amounts vary depending on the complexity of each proposal, ranging from US$500 thousand to US$2 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, academic institutions, local agricultural cooperatives and businesses. Proposals are due 11 December 2022. More information

Global Water Partnership-Caribbean — Water Resource Capacity Building

The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean invites project proposals for the implementation of small-scale integrated water and wastewater management capacity building projects in the Caribbean. Funding of US$5 thousand per grant will be awarded to successful applicants, for the execution of capacity building programs with a maximum of five months in duration. The deadline for submission of project ideas is 31 December 2022. Find the announcement

UNICEF Venture Fund — Climate Tech Solutions

The UNICEF Venture Fund provides up to US$100 thousand in equity-free investments to provide seed funding to for-profit technology start-ups developing software solutions using frontier technologies for climate action. The Fund only accepts submissions from companies registered in UNICEF program countries. Only private companies are eligible. The submission deadline is 09 January 2023. Link to the UNICEF Venture Fund

Flemish Inter-University Council — Short-Term Projects

The Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR-UOS) invites applications for Short Initiative projects that aim to build and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams of academics and researchers. Short Initiatives focus on a sustainable development challenge. The objective is to strengthen research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner countries in Latin America, Africa and Southeastern Asia. Project budgets amount to a maximum of €70 thousand for two years. The deadline to submit proposals is 16 March 2023. VLIR-UOS Short Initiative

Carrefour Foundation — Food Transition

Carrefour Foundation invites applications to “Together for the Food Transition”. The program supports local nonprofit organizations to develop sustainable agriculture, zero-food waste or nutritional education projects. Organizations located in Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, Romania and Taiwan can apply. One organization in each country will be rewarded €30 thousand. Applications are open until 13 November 2022. More information

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program — Recovery of Agriculture and Food Systems

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) announces a call for proposals for programs and projects that strengthen agriculture and lessen food insecurity in low-income countries. The program will support medium- to long-term COVID-19 response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of agriculture and food systems in a changing climate. GAFSP intends to fund 5-8 proposals for a total of at least US$175 million. Applications (English and French) are invited from governments in the 56 member countries of the International Development Association in East Asia and the Pacific; South Asia; Eastern and Central Europe; the Middle East; Africa; and Latin America. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted no later than 31 October 2022. Link to GAFSP