The National Geographic Society (NatGeo) supports storytelling projects that highlight attempts to mitigate or reverse human impacts on tropical rainforests. Priority for this RFP will be given to projects led by journalists and storytellers from countries within the Amazon River basin, Congo River basin, and rainforests in Southeast Asia. Proposals will be funded from US$5 thousand to US$70 thousand. Application deadline for this call is 22 July 2020, however, candidates who wish to submit a Letter of Intent in Spanish, Portuguese, or Bahase need to submit their LOI by 15 July. More information
Belmont Forum — Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater
The Belmont Forum calls for collaborative research action on the theme: Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater for Society. Research projects may address any terrestrial ecosystems, which are facing ongoing or predicted future degradation of their soil or groundwater systems. Please note that this call does not focus on agricultural soil management or the restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity. Participating countries are Brazil, China, France, Italy, Japan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. The deadline for registration to participate in this call is 23 July 2020. Find the call document
University St. Gallen — Latin America Mobility Grants 2020
The Mobility Grants aim to encourage researchers from Swiss institutions to boost their careers with a research stay (and fieldwork) in Latin America. Grants up to CHF7 thousand will be awarded to cover travel expenses, accommodation, consumables, and fieldwork. Researchers enrolled in a program in any scientific discipline and field in Switzerland can apply for a grant regardless of their nationality. The deadline for applications is 25 May 2020. More about the Mobility Grants
University St. Gallen — Seed Money Grants Latin America
Seed Money Grants aim to strengthen scientific exchange between researchers from Swiss and Latin American institutions. This year’s call focuses on four specific SDGs: (1) Good health and well-being; (2) Clean water and sanitation; (3) Sustainable cities and communities; and (4) Climate action. The maximum funding amount per project is CHF 25 thousand. The joint project proposal with the Latin American applicant must be submitted by a Swiss Principal Investigator holding a PhD and a permanent position in a Swiss Research Institution. The deadline for submissions is 03 June 2020. Seed Money Grants
Monarch Butterfly Fund — Small Grants Program
The Monarch Butterfly Fund supports activities to protect the oyamel fir forests in which monarch butterflies overwinter in central Mexico. Most grants are awarded to Mexican organizations and individuals. Additionally, the Fund supports a small number of projects in the USA and Canada. Projects should work with habitat restoration, research, monitoring, education, and support for sustainable community development in and near monarch habitats. Most grants are a maximum of US$2,500. Applications may be submitted at any time. Find the call
United Nations — Agri-Food Value Chains for Mountain Communities
The Mountain Innovation Program aims to improve the lives of mountain communities and protecting mountain environments around the world. The current opportunity calls for projects that focus on techniques to leverage resources and increase the resilience of mountain communities through the enhancement of agriculture-food value in Guatemala, Rwanda, Papua New Guinea, Lesotho, and Nepal. Only entities working with local civil society organizations and/or community-based organizations in priority countries are eligible to apply. The maximum grant funding per projects is US$140 thousand. The deadline is 05 April 2020. Link
German Academic Exchange Service — Scholarships for Costa Rican University Professors
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships for master and doctorate students to expand their training in Germany. Eligibility extends to Costa Rican university professors (max. 38 years of age) graduated from the University of Costa Rica (UCR ), Technological Institute of Costa Rica (TEC), University National (UNA), or the Distance State University (UNED). Scholarships are €1000 per month, plus international travel expenses, and other expenses related to the education. Applications have to be submitted by 31 August 2020. Find out more
European Commission — Supporting CSOs to achieve the SDGs
The European Commission seeks to support civil society organizations as actors of governance in order to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The EC will provide financial assistance to inequality initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia-Pacific. Each region has specifically defined program priorities, including income and wealth inequality, land rights, access to natural resources such as water for agriculture. Any requested contribution under this call for proposals must be €3.6 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in the European Union or the developing countries outlined in the call for proposals. Deadline for submission of concept notes is 16 June 2020. Click here for more details
UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — UK-Brazil Collaborative Research
The BBSRC and FAPESP announce a joint call for collaborative research proposals to encourage and support international research teams in Brazil and the UK. Proposals may be submitted in any area of science that is within the remit of both BBSRC and FAPESP, including biological and natural sciences. Eligibility extends to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Research Council Institutes (RCIs), and approved Independent Research Organisations. The Brazilian partners must be based at an institution eligible for FAPESP support in the state of Sao Paulo. The application deadline is 29 April 2020. Find the announcement
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Renewable Energy Technologies in Agriculture
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) seeks an implementing partner to scale-up renewable energy technologies in existing IFAD agriculture projects in the Latin America and Caribbean for the benefit of smallholder farmers and producers. IFAD will make a three-year grant of US$2 million to be used for implementing and scaling-up energy technologies. Eligibility extends to inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, academic/research institutions, and companies. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 March 2020. More