The JK VISIONARIES award recognizes organizations that are working to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. The award seeks sustainable solutions that solve people’s problems with new tools, methods, or techniques (possibly within one or more thematic areas of the Terra Viva Grant Directory) with the potential to be replicated in other countries. The winning organization will receive US$100 thousand to continue to implement the project that was presented with the application. Submissions will be accepted until 31 March 2020. More
São Paulo Research Foundation — International Research Collaboration
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) offers seed funding to support the exchange of researchers under the program “São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration” (SPRINT). The 4th call seeks collaborations with selected partner research organizations in Argentina, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, United States, and New Zealand. The fields of joint research interest include environment, energy, and others — varying with each partnership. FAPESP also considers proposals from institutions that do not currently have an agreement with FAPESP if these institutions can present matching funds. The deadline for proposals is 27 January 2020. Details here
University of East Anglia — International Development Excellence Scholarships for Brazil Students
The University of East Anglia invites applications for the International Development Excellence Scholarships for the academic year 2020/21 for students from Brazil. Acceptable masters degree subjects include agriculture and rural development, climate change and international development, environment and international development, amongst others. Eligibility extends to Brazilian citizens that have an undergraduate degree from a recognized university. The five scholarships offered range between £7,000 to £8,000 for successful candidates during their master’s studies in the UK. There is no deadline set for the scholarship, however, the deadline for the masters degree application 2020/2021 at East Anglia University is 31 July 2020. More about the scholarship
U.S. Embassy Panama — Public Diplomacy Grants
The U.S. Embassy Panama Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State invites applications for the Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. The aim of the program is to strengthen cultural ties between the U.S. and Panama through cultural and exchange programming. The funding activities described in this call are: Arts; Community Development; Education; Environment; Information and Statistics; Income Security and Social Services; Regional Development Science and Technology; and other Research and Development. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit organizations (including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations), universities and educational institutions, governmental institutions, and individuals. Program funding is between US$1 thousand and US$75 thousand. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2020. About the grants
U.S. Agency for International Development — Health, Ecosystems and Agriculture for Resilient, Thriving Societies
The Office of Forestry and Biodiversity in USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment seeks transformational solutions to cross-sectoral development challenges in biodiverse landscapes. Sectors that may comprise HEARTH concepts are: biodiversity conservation, health, food security (agriculture and nutrition), governance, economic development and livelihoods, water supply and sanitation, education, modern energy solutions, forest management and restoration, and climate resilience. Eligible priority countries include Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and South America Regional; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Central Africa Regional; Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Vietnam and the Regional Development Mission for Asia. Awards range between US$1 million and US$10 million. The deadline for applications is 15 June 2020. More
Flemish Inter-University Council — International Training Programme on ‘eR-Biostat’
VLIR-UOS is the secretariat of Flemish universities for development cooperation, with funding by Belgian Development Cooperation. VLIR-UOS announces the International Training Programme on ‘eR-Biostat’ that will take place at Hasselt University, Belgium. The program aims to train the participants in using and developing a new E-learning system in Biostatistics/Statistics. Eligibility for scholarships extends to applicants in 31 developing countries of Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Candidates apply directly to the Flemish universities that offer the programs, requesting scholarship support. Application deadline is 15 January 2020. Biostatistics Training Program
COLEACP — Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary Systems of the ACP Horticultural Sector
COLEACP is a non-profit association whose main purpose is to support the development of sustainable and competitive agriculture and agribusiness in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. COLEACP seeks expressions of interest for “Analytical and technical information support services in crop production and crop protection to facilitate compliance of the ACP horticultural industry with the requirements of domestic and international markets.” The selected applicant will be required to cover laboratory and analytical support, and the provision of technical information and advice in crop production and crop protection in ACP horticulture. The maximum value for this service is €600 thousand. The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is 02 December 2019. Find the call for EOIs
Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental — Latin-American Film Competition 2020
The 9th ‘Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental’ invites entries to the Latin-American Competition in Environmental Cinema. Socio-environmental categories include energy, water, climate change, consumption, people and places, environmental activism, accumulated waste, contamination or export, socio-environmental resources, green spaces, urban areas, food, green economy, globalization, wildlife, and sustainability, among others. Selected films compete in the categories Best Long Film by the Jury (over 60 minutes), with a prize of R$15 thousand; Best Short Film by Jury (up to 59 minutes), with a prize of R$5 thousand; and Best Film by the Public. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2020. (Note: Information in Portuguese) Find out more
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Photo Contest: Youth and Rural Development
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) launches a photo competition to promote youth participation in rural development in Latin American and the Caribbean. IFAD seeks images that show young people engaged in rural areas in the region. Ten selected photos will be exhibited during the official ceremony of the Rural Youth Innovation Award (June 2020). The top three winners will receive an all expenses paid trip to the ceremony. Participants should be between 18 and 35 years old. The closing date is 16 December 2019. Click here
Inter-American Development Bank — Rethink Plastics Challenge
The Inter-American Development Bank seeks innovative solutions that reduce or eliminate the production of single-use plastic and plastic waste in Latin America and the Caribbean. The challenge offers US$60 thousand in cash prizes. In addition, the winning submissions could be considered for a pilot project and receive a financial contribution of up to US$250 thousand. Individuals, teams and organizations are eligible to submit projects. The deadline to submit a solution is 14 January 2020. Find more information