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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental — Latin-American Film Competition 2020

The 9th ‘Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema Ambiental’ invites entries to the Latin-American Competition in Environmental Cinema. Socio-environmental categories include energy, water, climate change, consumption, people and places, environmental activism, accumulated waste, contamination or export, socio-environmental resources, green spaces, urban areas, food, green economy, globalization, wildlife, and sustainability, among others. Selected films compete in the categories Best Long Film by the Jury (over 60 minutes), with a prize of R$15 thousand; Best Short Film by Jury (up to 59 minutes), with a prize of R$5 thousand; and Best Film by the Public. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2020. (Note: Information in Portuguese) Find out more

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Photo Contest: Youth and Rural Development

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) launches a photo competition to promote youth participation in rural development in Latin American and the Caribbean. IFAD seeks images that show young people engaged in rural areas in the region. Ten selected photos will be exhibited during the official ceremony of the Rural Youth Innovation Award (June 2020). The top three winners will receive an all expenses paid trip to the ceremony. Participants should be between 18 and 35 years old. The closing date is 16 December 2019. Click here

Inter-American Development Bank — Rethink Plastics Challenge

The Inter-American Development Bank seeks innovative solutions that reduce or eliminate the production of single-use plastic and plastic waste in Latin America and the Caribbean. The challenge offers US$60 thousand in cash prizes. In addition, the winning submissions could be considered for a pilot project and receive a financial contribution of up to US$250 thousand. Individuals, teams and organizations are eligible to submit projects. The deadline to submit a solution is 14 January 2020. Find more information

European Commission — European Development Fund for APC countries

The European Commission invites applications for the European Development Fund with the aim to create, develop and diffuse knowledge, technologies and innovations as powerful drivers of inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Under this call, the EU seeks to support research, science, technology, and innovation proposals with focus on sustainable development and poverty reduction. The overall goal is to create an inclusive environment for Research and Innovation in ACP countries. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between €4 million and €4.2 million. Non-profit organizations from Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific region are eligible to apply. Deadline for submission of concept note and full application is 29 January 2020. Find information

Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Mobility Grants for Research with Danish Partners

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Denmark provides grants for development research as part of Denmark’s international development cooperation. The MFA invites applications for individual Danida Mobility Grants to facilitate research stays in Denmark by researchers from the following countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, South Africa, Turkey, or Vietnam. The application is submitted by the Danish host institution. There is no application deadline. Find more information

Climate Tracker — Assignment for Photographers

Climate Tracker seeks 20 photographers from selected countries in Africa, South Asia, Asia-Pacific, and the Caribbean to cover topics on global climate solutions ranging from renewable energy, climate displacement, coastal resilience, mangroves restoration, and more. Photographers will be compensated for their work with a stipend of €350. Local travel costs will be covered. Applications are invited from photographers with professional experience and knowledge of environmental and climate change issues. Photographers aged 18-30 are encouraged to apply. Applications have to be received by 27 September 2019. Know more

United States Agency for International Development — Small Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America

The Regional Disaster Assistance Program (RDAP) accepts applications for its Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Small Grants Program. The goal of the program is to increase the capacity of local and national authorities in the region to prepare for and respond to disasters. For that reason, RDAP intends to award projects valued between US$15 thousand and US$ 50 thousand. Organizations eligible to apply include local non-governmental organizations and local universities. Concept papers have to be submitted by 30 September 2019. Link

Pura Vida Conservation — Reforestation Projects in the Americas

Pura Vida Conservation seeks to improve the productivity and health of natural lands throughout the Americas. The organization aims to interconnect fragmented natural areas through strategic and innovative conservation methods, while actively working to enable humans to exist sustainably within the biosphere. Pura Vida accepts applications for small reforestation projects, e.g., for farms, yards, commercial buildings, and other properties. There is no application deadline. Plant a tree

International Center for Journalists — Workshop for Latin American Journalists

The Douglas Tweedale Memorial Fellowship will be awarded to two Latin American journalists who seek to improve their environmental reporting skills. The two-week professional program will take place in Lima (Peru). Participants will have appointments with area investigative journalists, environmental experts, and short embeds with media outlets specializing in environmental coverage. This fellowship is open to Latin American journalists who are fluent in Spanish and proficient in English. The application deadline is 28 August 2019. Hurry

Wilson Center — Addressing Environmental Challenges in the Americas

The Wilson Center Latin America Fellowship Program 2019/2020 seeks applications to conduct research about and propose concrete solutions to the range of environmental threats faced by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The residential fellowship will take place at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. (USA). Fellows are provided with a monthly stipend for a stay of 4-6 months. Applicants must be citizens of a Latin American or Caribbean country and have an undergraduate or graduate degree and a minimum of five years of relevant work experience. The deadline for applications is 30 September 2019. Find the fellowship