The Caribbean Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) invites proposals for the conservation of species, habitats and ecological processes across landscapes with high biodiversity value in the Caribbean. About 15-20 grants of up to US$90 thousand will be awarded for one year. Eligibility for grants extends to qualified and relevant non-profit organizations, universities, and individuals. The application deadline is 10 May 2018. Find information
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — South America Regional Program
The South America Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) invites proposals for the conservation of species, habitats and ecological processes across landscapes with high biodiversity value in South America. Requested grants should range from US$25 thousand to a maximum of US$100 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to qualified and relevant non-profit organizations and universities. Individuals are not eligible to apply. The application deadline is 11 May 2018. Details
Monarch Butterfly Fund — Monarch Butterfly Migration Challenge
The Monarch Butterfly Fund (MBF) launches an international competition to find a tracking technology that can deliver important scientific insights. The fund offers a $50 thousand cash prize to the individual or team that can conceptualize and develop an innovative tagging and tracking system that can be easily implemented in current conservation and scientific research, allowing individual monarchs to be tracked during the migration. Project proposals must be submitted by 01 April 2018. To learn more, visit: MBFC
Earth Journalism Network — Fellowship to attend the Congress for Conservation Biology (LACCCB 2018)
Earth Journalism Network (EJN) invites working journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean to apply for the biodiversity and conservation fellowship at the inaugural LACCCB 2018 (25-27 July 2018, in Trinidad & Tobago). Selected participants will attend a workshop prior to the congress and then spend their time at the conference, developing sources and story ideas, and reporting on news from conservation organizations, governments and researchers. All participants will have all their travel expenses, lodging and a daily allowance covered. All journalists from the Americas are eligible apply. Deadline for application is 05 April 2018. Interested?
International Development Research Centre — Accelerating Climate Action
The IDRC seeks proposals on “Accelerating Climate Action: Social Equity and Empowerment of Women and Girls”. Research projects should produce knowledge which facilitates the scaling and financing of socially-transformative climate action, focussing on the resilience and livelihoods of the most vulnerable communities in the developing world. The Applicant must be a research-oriented organization from academia, the private or public sector (e.g., university, government department, NGO) based in Asia, Africa or Latin America. The expected funding per project is C$500 thousand for 36 months. The deadline for applications is 23 April 2018. Find details
Christensen Fund — Grants for Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity
The Christensen Fund makes grants to indigenous-led and community-based organizations for projects that combine biodiversity with cultural diversity. Pre-proposals are accepted for consideration in the following programs: African Rift Valley; Central Asia; Northwest Mexico; Global; and San Francisco Bay Area. Most grants are in the range of US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand for one or two years. The application period for pre-proposals is 01 August through 31 August. Link
Wuppertal Institute — Sustainable Energy Project Support
WISIONS of Sustainability is an initiative of the Wuppertal Institute to nurture innovative energy projects and to foster knowledge exchanges between practitioners. The supporting scheme SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) has launched its first call for proposals in 2018 to focus on projects and knowledge exchanges for the Caribbean, Latin America, and Southern and Southeast Asia. Short deadline: 26 February 2018. Info
Claves21 — Online Biodiversity Course for Spanish-speaking Journalists
Claves21, in partnership with the Earth Journalism Network, has launched a free online course on biodiversity for Spanish-speaking journalists.The course will begin on March 12th and cover biodiversity science and policy, how to communicate on biodiversity, and digital tools to support biodiversity reporting. The three best final works will receive a cash award, consisting of a diploma and $ 5,000 (Argentine Pesos) for the first place, $ 4,000 for the second place and $ 3,000 for the third place.The submission of a journalistic work is required for the approval of the course. Deadline for subscription is 09 March 2018. Detailed information here
Australian APEC Study Centre — Women in Research 2018
The Australia – APEC Women in Research Fellowship supports female researchers from developing APEC economies to work in collaboration with partners at Australian institutions. Past fellows include several in subjects such as water resources, climate change, marine microbiology, and others related to environment. The program is open to female citizens and permanent residents in the following countries: Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. The application deadline is 06 April 2018. View
European Commission — Improving Water Supply and Sanitation
The European Commission calls for concept notes from non-profit organizations that implement projects to improve access to safe water, adequate sanitation and hygiene practices in urban and small towns in Nigeria. Grants are up to €330 thousand for 2 years. Eligibility extends to non-profit organisations established in a Member State of the European Union or African, Caribbean and Pacific country. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 20 April 2018. More