Funded through Horizon 2020, the joint program “IC4WATER” aims to promote transnational and transdisciplinary research on sustainable management of water resources in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The 2017 Joint Call is funded by 13 organizations in 13 countries, including organizations in the following developing and emerging economies: Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Moldova, South Africa, and Vietnam. Consortia should include a minimum of three eligible partners that request funding from three different participating countries. The application period for pre-proposals is 30 August through 02 November 2017. Link
French Institute for Development Research — Building Capacity in Research Teams 2017
Through its program JEAI, France’s Institute for Development Research makes grants of up to €50 thousand for periods of three years to build the capacity of research teams in the developing world. Thematic areas include sustainable energy; water resources; climate change; ecosystems and biodiversity; agriculture and food safety; and several others. The supported teams will work closely with IRD. IRD recommends that applicants communicate with its relevant research units before submitting their applications. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 26 July 2017. Link
Research Council of Norway — International Cooperation in Aquaculture 2018
The Research Council of Norway funds international cooperation in its HAVBRUK2 program of aquaculture research. Funding is available for project establishment support for international projects; personal visiting researcher grants; and personal overseas research grants. Priority will be given to collaboration with researchers in the EU, USA, Canada, China, Japan, India, Chile, and Brazil. Collaboration with researchers in other countries will also be of interest. The application deadline is 06 September 2017. Link
Wuppertal Institute — Projects and Knowledge Exchange in Sustainable Energy
WISIONS of Sustainability is an initiatives of the Wuppertal Institute to nurture innovative energy projects and to foster knowledge exchanges between practitioners. The supporting scheme SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) has launched its first call for proposals in 2017 to focus on projects and knowledge exchanges for the Caribbean, South and Central America, and Southern and Southeast Asia. The deadline for applications is 23 June 2017. Link
French Institute for Development Research — GUYAMAZON, 4th Call for Proposals
France’s Institute for Development Research (IRD) collaborates with other French institutions and three Brazilian states to sponsor GUYAMAZON for collaborative French-Brazilian research in the Amazon region. Research themes include biodiversity, terrestrial and forest ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, climate and health, agro-ecology and subsistence farming, renewable energy, and social sciences. Projects link researchers in France (especially the department of French Guyana) and the Brazilian states of Amazonas, Amapá, and Maranhão. The application deadline is 31 August 2017. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Management of Indigenous Lands in Brazil
USAID announces funding to support territorial and environmental management of indigenous lands in selected areas of Maranhao, Rondonia, and Roraima in Brazil’s Amazon region. The program aims to enhance biodiversity conservation, and to strengthen Brazil’s national policy for land and environmental management on indigenous lands. USAID welcomes applications from many different types of organizations, U.S. and non-U.S., public and private, either in consortia or individually. USAID aims to make up to four awards. Funding Opportunity APS-512-17-000002. The application deadline is 17 November 2017. Link
CRDF Global — Catalyzing New Research Partnerships
UNESCO — Juan Bosch Prize for Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean
The United Nations Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) invites applications for the 2017 Juan Bosch Prize. The Prize aims to reward the best social science thesis of young researchers who are making significant research contributions to social development policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Past awards have included thesis topics on policies for natural resources, among others. The amount of the prize is US$10 thousand. The closing date for nominations (English, Spanish) is 30 May 2017. Link
European Commission — Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories
The EC funds the program Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST) in order to fund actions on the ground, both at the local and regional level. BEST 2.0 is open to applications for projects in the overseas territories of the Caribbean, Pacific, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Polar/Sub-polar regions. Small grants are up to €100 thousand; medium grants are €100 thousand to €400 thousand. Potential applicants include local civil society organisations; small for-profit organisations; municipalities; OT governments and their departments and services; European Member State bodies; and regional and international organisations. The deadline to submit concept notes is 14 April 2017. Link
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy — Fellowships on Land Policy and Urban Development in Latin America
The Program on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy invites applications for its 2017 thesis fellowships. Fellowships will be awarded in the amounts of US$5 thousand for master’s theses, and US$10 thousand for doctoral theses, to students at universities in Latin America and North America who are in the mid to final stages of their thesis work. Thematic areas include one on environment and climate change. The deadline for applications (Spanish, English) is 24 April 2017. Link