Mobility grants encourage early-career Swiss researchers who seek the possibility to gain experience in international research and development projects in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka. Applicants from South Asia or Iran who wish to visit Switzerland for research purposes need to be scientists with a government accredited university or public research institute. For applicants from South Asia or Iran the fund may cover living allowances, public transport within Switzerland and a contribution towards research and local conference costs (up to CHF 2,500 per month during maximum 3 months). Funds will be disburses to the Swiss sending and/or host institute only, therefore international applicants should seek a partnership with ZHAW. This call is open for research activities in all scientific disciplines and fields of research. Applications will be accepted until 31 March 2019. Find details
European Commission — Sustainable Management of Protected Areas and Corridors
The European Commission seeks proposals to achieve sustainable and integrated management of protected areas, riparian territories and corridors of the complex formed by PoNaSi (Burkina Faso), Comoé (Côte d’Ivoire) and Mole (Ghana). The overall goal is to promote endogenous, sustainable and inclusive economic development that responds to the challenges of climate change. Requested grants should fall within the amounts of €750 thousand to €2 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The deadline is 5 March 2019. Find the call for proposals
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification — “Land for Life” Award 2019
The UNCCD presents the “Land for Life” Award for inspiring efforts in land conservation and management. Eligibility is open to individuals and institutions worldwide that are making a significant and innovative contribution to reduce the impacts of land degradation and desertification. In particular, the focus is on helping communities at risk or forced to abandon their homes due to insecurity deriving from environmental degradation. Award winners will receive a support package from the UNCCD Secretariat to include networking with interested organizations; assistance to promote the winning initiatives nationally and internationally; and opportunities to showcase them at national and international events. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2019. Nominations
European Commission — Promotion of Agribusiness and Innovative Farming
The European Commission seeks proposals for projects to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Sierra Leone through better governance and increased agricultural productivity and diversification. Lot 1 (up to €600 thousand) will support short value chains including micro enterprises that currently produce with artisanal methods. Lot 2 (up to €5 million) will support large-scale and already well-established SMEs in the agribusiness sector, which process agricultural products at a large scale. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations, farmer organizations & community based organizations, private legal entities and international (inter-governmental) organizations. The deadline is 15 March 2019. Find the call for proposals
Open Society Foundations — Civil Society Scholar Awards 2019-2020
The Civil Society Scholar Awards (CSSA) provide grants to doctoral students and university faculty members from Africa, Eurasia, Eastern Europe, MENA region, Central Asia, South Asia and the Caribbean (eligible countries are listed in the announcement). Subject areas include sustainable development and natural resource management, among others. Eligibility extends to PhD students of relevant fields studying at universities inside or outside of their home country; or full-time faculty members (minimum of a Master’s degree) teaching at universities in their home country. The maximum amount of funding requests is US$15 thousand for up to 12 months. The deadline for applications is 29 March 2019. Program Guidelines
Graduate Institute Geneva — Geneva Challenge on Climate Change
The Graduate Institute Geneva invites graduate students from all around the world to register teams for the Geneva Climate Change Contest. Contributions should be theoretically grounded and offer pragmatic solutions to a relevant international development problems. The winning project will receive CHF10 thousand. This year, five prizes will be distributed; one in each of the following categories: Universities located in Africa; Universities located in Asia; Universities located in Europe; Universities located in North America and Oceania; and Universities located in South America. Teams have to register by 24 March 2019. About the challenge
Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network — Clusters of Cooperation in the Global South
The Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) aims to establish Clusters of Cooperation in the Global South (CLOCs). Activities under CLOCs shall be related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and involve education & research aspects. The requested funding for of each CLOC must not exceed CHF150 thousand. (Note: This call is not about funding research projects, but aims at establishing institutional cooperation supporting better joint research and education activities.). The application deadline is 31 March 2019. About CLOCs
European Commission — Rwanda’s Horticultural and Coffee Value Chains
The European Commission seeks to unlock the potential of Rwanda’s horticultural and coffee value chains to ensure the supply to local and international markets. Projects should address agribusiness development by providing smallholder farmers with the necessary tools and knowledge to sustain the market. Grants requested under this call must fall between the amounts of €1 million and €3 million. Eligibility extends to legal and natural persons established in the EU or in a developing country. The application deadline is 27 March 2019. Link
Amigos da Jubarte — Photography and Arts Contest
The Amigos da Jubarte Project is a non-profit initiative focusing on humpback whale conservation and sustainable tourism for habitat protection in Espírito Santo, Brazil. The Project invites submissions for its first photography contest entitled “Where is the Whale?”. Categories are: Whales, Creatures of the Sea, The Ocean, Making Of, Videos, and Illustrations and Arts. The winners of each category will receive non-cash awards. Submissions from all over the world are welcome. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2019. Find the contest
Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation — Planning Grants
The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida) seeks applications for its Planning Grants program. Grants are awarded to help entrepreneurs explore new markets and research their technology’s impact on the environment and poverty reduction. The programme’s emphasis is on cleantech products, systems, processes, and services in the following focus areas: climate change adaptation/mitigation; ecosystem services; renewable energy; water and sanitation; and urban development. Eligibility extends to companies or organisations based in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The maximum amount per projects is SEK350 thousand. The call for applications is open until 15 March 2019. Know more