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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Swedish International Development Agency — Training Course: Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation Africa

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. Organisations in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia are invited to nominate candidates for the Advanced International Training Programme ‘Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation – Integrated Processes’. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies, universities, or NGOs at national, regional or local level are encouraged to apply. The training will be provided in two parts: part 1 in Sweden, and part 2 in one of the participating countries. Sida will cover the costs of the program fee and required literature as well as accommodation, meals, health insurance, and international travel. The closing date for applications is 13 March 2020. Details here

World Academy of Sciences — Science Awards 2020

Each year, the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) awards nine awards of US$10 thousand each to individual scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least 10 years. The disciplinary fields include agricultural sciences, biology, and seven others. TWAS particularly encourages nominations of women scientists, and scientists from scientifically-lagging countries. The deadline for nominations is 16 March 2020. Click here

Chinese Academy of Sciences — PhD and Master Fellowships in China 2020

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites applications for the ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents to pursue Masters and PhD studies in China. Eligible fields of study include agricultural sciences, various fields of biology, and other areas of the natural sciences and engineering. The program will award scholarships to non-Chinese applicants worldwide. The maximum age of applicants is 30 (master) and 35 (PhD). Applicants are required to provide proof of proficiency of English or Chinese language. The application deadline is 31 March 2020. See the Call for Applications

Agropolis Foundation — Agriculture-based Solutions

The Agropolis Foundation seeks to promote the agro-ecological transition by promoting practices and solutions which conserve natural renewable resources. Therefore, the Foundation invites research and project proposals along three transversal axes: Agriculture and climate change: adaptation and mitigation (Axis 1); Conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity (Axis 2); Responsible production and consumption (Axis 3). The call will finance two types of projects. Type 1 projects may request between €150 thousand and €250 thousand, Type 2 projects may request between €20 thousand and €25 thousand. The lead proponent should be from one of the research units belonging to the Foundation’s scientific network. The application deadline is 03 March 2020. Find the call

Society of Chemical Industry — Travel Bursaries

The Society of Chemical Industry awards travel bursaries to young PhD students. There are various schemes available, some related to agriculture and life sciences.  Applicants will have preference if they wish to travel outside their country of residence, especially if they wish to work in a laboratory abroad. Next deadline cycle for the AJ Banks Award (Food Science), and the Messel Award (Chemical Science, including all life sciences) is 31 March 2020. Link

Royal Society of Biology — Travel Grants for Members 2020

The Royal Society of Biology is the leading professional body for the biological sciences in the UK, representing approximately 14,000 biologists and over 90 organisations. Each year, the Society offers twenty grants of £500 to members for overseas travel in connection with biological study, teaching, or research. The next application deadline is 01 March 2020. Know more

Wild Planet Trust — African Freshwater Habitats

The Wild Planet Trust awards grants to individuals undertaking nature conservation projects. Projects may involve practical habitat or species management, research, training, education, awareness raising or campaigning. The current round of applications seeks conservation projects with focus on African freshwater habitats. The Trust awards grants to both UK and overseas projects. Awards typically range from £500 to £1,500. The application deadline is 31 March 2020. Details

Oriental Bird Club — Bird Conservation in Asia

The OBC Conservation Fund makes grants for bird conservation in Asia. Grant-making priorities are projects that benefit globally threatened bird species; that conserve threatened bird habitats; and that are led by Asian residents. Small Conservation Awards are up to £1,500 for projects of 12-18 months, with applications before 31 March of each year. There is a special early deadline on 15 November for projects that have to begin before July. The OBC also considers special and emergency applications at any time. How to apply