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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Tokyo University of Agriculture — Scholarship for Dissertation Doctorate Program

The Dissertation Doctorate Program for Agriculture and Natural Resources aims to contribute to the enhancement of agricultural research and development in Southeast Asia. The scholarship provides one slot annually for a three-year graduate program leading to a Dissertation Doctorate at Tokyo NODAI. The scholarship is open only to nationals of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam. Applicants must submit an application form by 30 March 2024. More about the dissertation scholarship

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Research Mobility Grants

The ICGEB SMART Fellowship program provides fellowships to scientists in the early stage of their career wishing to spend between 3 and 9 months at a research institution in an ICGEB Member State other than their own. The stipend ranges from US$ 800 to US$1,500 per month. SMART Fellowships are intended to promote collaboration among researchers. Applications are welcome in any area of the Life Sciences. The application deadline is 31 March 2024. SMART Fellowship

Right Livelihood Award — Annual Nominations 2024

The Right Livelihood Awards are annually made to individuals and organizations offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today. The Award is sometimes referred to as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” Past laureates include several whose work in issues of environment and natural resources advances social justice and grassroots development in the developing world. Normally, the Foundation makes three cash awards and one honorary award each year. Nominations are invited from anyone worldwide (excluding self-nominations, close relatives, and Foundation staff and jury). The deadline for nominations is 01 March 2024. Nominate

Heinrich Böll Foundation — University Studies in Germany 2024

The Heinrich Böll Foundation annually funds graduate and doctoral students across all subjects and nationalities for university studies in Germany. Preference is for applicants working in the subject areas of the Foundation such as climate and energy, resource governance, and ecology and green development (among others). The special focus regions for international students are Central and Eastern Europe; EU neighborhood countries and the CIS; the Middle East and North Africa; transition and newly industrialized countries; and conflict regions worldwide. Applicants should be capable in the German language. The deadline for international applications (i.e., from outside Germany) is 01 March and 01 September of each year. Study in Germany

EuroNatur Service GmbH — Photo Competition

The EuroNatur Photo Competition seeks great wildlife and landscape photographs. Amateur and professional photographers are invited to submit impressive pictures of the many facets of Europe’s natural world. The winning photos will be published in the large-format EuroNatur wall calendar and will be awarded with money prizes. The submission deadline for photos is 31 March 2024. Know more

Waterloo Foundation — Environment Fund: Marine Resources

The Waterloo Foundation manages an Environment Fund that supports projects to manage and conserve marine resources. Applications are invited from UK charities in partnerships with local organizations in the developing world, and from non-UK organizations that can provide suitable references in the UK. The majority of grants range from £50 thousand to £100 thousand for projects of up to three years. Application deadlines are 01 March and 01 September each year. About the Marine Fund

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Scholarship Program for South Africa

The IHE Delft/FirstRand Scholarship provides full funding for one South African student a year to study for an MSc in Water and Sustainable Development at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Before applying for the scholarship, prospective students first need to apply and be admitted to the MSc in Water and Sustainable Development from IHE Delft. The closing date for scholarship applications is 07 March 2024. Know more

Golden Turtle — Competition in Wildlife Photography

The Golden Turtle photo contest aims to recognize outstanding wildlife photography in Russia and internationally. The contest offers multiple categories for photography, eco-posters and art. The competition winner in the category “Photographer of the Year” will receive US$2 thousand. The official languages of the competition are Russian and English. Artwork has to be submitted by 31 March 2024. Click here for rules

Food 4 Future — Food Tech Innovation Awards

The Food Tech Innovation Awards 2024 recognize the most innovative proposals that offer a disruptive approach to Customer Experience or Management. The award has 6 categories: digitalization award for the food and beverage industry; best sustainability project; healthy food; the best innovation project for the packaging industry; the most innovative food tech startup; and the best automation and robotics solution. The FoodTech Innovation Awards are open to all companies, universities, business schools, researchers, journalists, and start-ups from all over the world. The proposal entry deadline is 15 March 2024. Food Tech Innovation Awards

Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas — Grants for Environmental Conservation

The Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) makes grants to nonprofit charitable organizations in Canada, the USA, and Latin America for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, environmental justice, and environmental education. Most recent grants are for two to four years, ranging from under US$30 thousand up to US$1 million. The ideal timing for submitting proposals is during the first quarter of the calendar year. Link