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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

American Society of Mammalogists — Research in Latin America

The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) offers the Latin American Student Field Research award for field projects by Latin American graduate students. Each of five grant recipients receives US$1,500. The ASM also offers the Oliver P. Pearson Award to young professional mammalogists of any nationality who hold academic or curatorial positions in Latin America. The Pearson research grant is US$5,000 plus a travel grant of US$2,000 to attend the ASM annual meeting following the award. The application deadline for both types of awards is 01 March 2024. More about the Field Research Awards

Biomimicry Institute — Youth Design Challenge 2024

The Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge (YDC) is a project-based learning experience for middle and high school teams. Participants are asked to design bio-inspired ideas that can provide solutions to the climate crisis. The Youth Design Challenge follows an academic calendar which means that teachers can teach the biomimicry project at any time. The challenge is open to schools from all around the world (US equivalent grades 6th-12th). Schools have to register teams that consist of up to eight student team members and an official teacher coach. Each team has the chance to win multiple prizes. The registration deadline for student teams is 28 March 2024. Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Research Fellowships 2024

The Arturo Falaschi Fellowships Program offers long and short-term fellowships to assist in the training of scientists from ICGEB’s member states, including many developing countries. The fellowships are for research at collaborating universities in the UK, Italy, India, and South Africa. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2024. More about the Fellowships

World Wildlife Fund U.S. — Alumni Grants 2024

The Alumni Grants are one part of the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program at WWF-US. Alumni Grants provide ongoing support of former WWF-US fellows and scholars to conduct research or attend conferences and workshops. Applicants may request up to US$5,000. Applicants must submit an application by 18 December 2023 or 01 March 2024. WWF Alumni Grants

Erasmus Mundus Programme — Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management

The Master Degree Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR) is a two-year international program in the field of Forestry and Sustainability. The MEDfOR Consortium includes seven European universities with expertise in Mediterranean forestry. The master course is open to EU and non-EU students. Scholarships to cover participation costs, travel costs and a monthly subsistence allowance will be offered by different funding agencies according to specific eligibility requirements. The program is open to candidates from all over the world, who have a bachelor degree in Biological Sciences, Environmental and Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Economics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry or similar areas. The closing date for applications is 01 March 2024. Details for the Academic Year 2024/2026

BRILHO — Energy Africa Mozambique Program

BRILHO aims to improve access to energy for the people of Mozambique through investment in off-grid clean energy. BRILHO offers companies a mix of structured non-reimbursable funding and technical assistance. Businesses can apply for financial support ranging from £50 thousand up to £1.5 million. The program accepts project proposals for improved cooking solutions, solar home systems, and green mini-grids. Each call for project submission will be operated on a first-come, first-serve basis, with no deadline but a closing window date. The call for proposals will close on 30 March 2024. About BRILHO

Loyola Foundation — Catholic Mission Activities

The Loyola Foundation supports family-based charitable organizations in less developed countries worldwide. Past grants have helped finance the installation of solar power plants, water wells, or the construction of churches, schools, and health clinics. Generally, the Foundation accepts requests up to US$20 thousand. Projects must be part of an overseas catholic mission activity. Completed applications must be received by 31 March and 30 September 2024. Link

11th Hour Racing — Improving the Health of our Oceans

11th Hour Racing is committed to mobilizing the sailing and marine communities to improve the health of our oceans. For that reason, 11th Hour Racing seeks innovative projects that address dynamic environmental challenges in one or more of the program’s focus areas: reduce ocean pollution, advance clean technologies and best practices, and foster ocean stewardship. Applications from non-profit organizations from all around the world are welcome. Typical grants range from US$40 thousand to US$150 thousand, with an average grant size of $75 thousand. Applications are accepted from 01 January to 31 March 2024. About this opportunity

Standards and Trade Development Facility — International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Requirements

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) aims to increase the capacity of farmers, processors and traders in developing countries to implement international SPS standards to gain and maintain market access. The STDF seeks applications to improve its food safety, animal and plant health capacity. Grants are expected to help address particular challenges or issues that affect trade to international markets. Projects should have a maximum duration of three years, or less. The STDF offers grants of up to US$1 million for projects that promote compliance with international SPS requirements. Public and private sector entities as well as non-profit non-governmental organizations are eligible to apply. The deadlines to apply for funding in 2024 are 22 March and 09 August 2024. Details here

MDPI — Water Paper Award 2024

MDPI, a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals, invites applications for the Water 2024 Best Paper Award for research and review articles published in Water in 2022. Two reviews and two research articles will receive an award each. The prize consists of CHF800. Applications have to be submitted by 31 March 2024. Details