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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

World Meteorological Organization — World Meteorological Day Photo Competition

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) invites photographers to submit high-quality and artistic photographs which illustrate the theme of World Meteorological Day “The Ocean, our Climate and Weather.” Winning entries will feature in the WMO 2021 online calendar. The competition is open to everybody. The deadline for entry is 15 September 2020. Link to competition

United States Agency for International Development — Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Management in the Pacific Region

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a Cooperative Agreement to address the drivers of illegal fishing that are degrading coastal fisheries and biodiversity in the Pacific Islands. The overall goal is to co-develop an activity to support sustainable coastal fisheries and protection of associated coastal and marine ecosystems in the Pacific Islands region and increasing the self-reliance of Pacific Island partners. USAID intends to provide US$15 million in total funding over a five year period. USAID encourages applications from potential new partners such as U.S. and non-US non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, universities, and international organizations. USAID will not accept applications from individuals. The closing date for applications is 19 October 2020. Link

U.S. Embassy Equatorial Guinea — Self-Help Program

The special self-help program of the U.S. Embassy Malabo supports small, sustainable community-based initiatives that have an immediate and strong impact on the local community. Embassy Malabo expects to support different types of projects: from development projects such as agricultural cooperatives to women’s empowerment and the environment. Grants are typically between US$5 thousand and US$10 thousand per project. All applicants must include a significant community contribution.The Embassy welcomes applications from all Equatorial Guinea-based nonprofit organizations and community based organizations. The closing date for applications is 31 August 2020. Link to details

Television for the Environment — Global Sustainability Awards

Television for the Environment (tve) seeks entries for the Global Sustainability Awards (GSFA). The tve Global Sustainability Film Awards recognizes outstanding films that inspire audiences with real-world solutions for a more sustainable future. Films need to address a relevant sustainable development goal and cogently explain its importance or show a relevant solution. To be eligible for GSFA 2020 all entered films must be made between the period July 2018 and July 2020. The competition is open to any company, organization or individual in any country. Entries for the GSFA 2020 close on 28 September 2020. Find out how to submit your film

World Tourism Organization — SDGs Global Startup Competition

The UNWTO Sustainable Development Goals Global Startup Competition seeks innovative startups that directly contribute to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The competition features 17 categories, each one representing a Sustainable Development Goal. Startups from all over the world and all economic sectors are invited to participate. The winning startups receive a pitch at a UNWTO Demo Day, capacity and business development training, access to technological support, and connection to the UNWTO Innovation Network. The deadline for candidatures is 20 September 2020. Link to the competition

United States Agency for International Development — Equal Access to Natural Resources

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces the Resilient, Inclusive, & Sustainable Environments (RISE) Challenge. USAID seeks innovative interventions that prevent and respond to gender-based violence across programs that address the access, use and management of natural resources. The challenge aims to fund organizations to innovatively adapt and implement promising or proven interventions that enhanced environmental action and women’s empowerment. USAID will award up to three awards in the amount of up to US$300 thousand. Eligibility extends to all organizations regardless of type (e.g., NGO; for profit; not-for-profit; community organizations, etc.) with local presence where USAID is currently operational. Submissions are due on 05 August 2020. Rise Challenge

U.S. Department of State — International Transboundary Water Cooperation

The program on international water cooperation seeks to improve coordination and cooperation over shared waters in regions where water is, or may become, a source of conflict. A grant for up to US$950 thousand will be awarded for a multi-donor partnership mechanism to support cooperation on shared waters. Eligibility extends to US and foreign non-profit organisations, institutions of higher education, and public international organizations. Applications have to be submitted by 14 August 2020. More information

U.S. Agency for International Development — Coastal and Marine Habitat Conservation in Haiti

USAID seeks to improve human wellbeing and reduce the threats to biodiversity by improving agriculture and fishing practices in coastal and marine environments of Haiti. USAID will provide funding for projects that reduce the underlying threats to coastal and marine resources; enhance the resilience of coastal communities; conserve flora and fauna in select marine protected areas by strengthening governance structures that have the ability to adaptively manage protected areas; and ensure long-term conservation by  implementing sustainable natural resource management strategies. The estimated total project funding is US$500 thousand. Eligibility is restricted to non-profit organizations and institutions of higher education based in Haiti. Application must be submitted no later than 06 August 2020. Link to the RFA

Climate Tracker — Sustainability Solutions Stories Fellowship

Climate Tracker seeks journalists to report on sustainability challenges such as tourism, agriculture, water, and other aspects. Successful applicants will enjoy a 6-month fellowship covering the challenges and opportunities surrounding sustainability in their country/region. Fellows receive coaching and mentoring plus a US$150 stipend per month for the duration of their fellowship to cover expenses. Applicants have to have at least one year of journalism experience. There are no geographical restrictions. The application deadline is 26 June 2020. Hurry

Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association — Emerging Scientist Award

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) invites nominations for the WIOMSA Emerging Scientist Award. The award recognizes significant achievements and outstanding contributions made by emerging scientists for research in coastal and marine sciences. Eligible candidates should be early to mid-career scientist. The prize consists of a plaque and free WIOMSA membership for 3 years. The deadline for submission of nominations is 30 June 2020. Link