The US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange announces the launch of its recent project competition. Project ideas in the field of “Hands-on Learning in the Areas of Flora and Fauna” are welcome. This includes preservation of ecosystems and waterways, wildlife protection, and tech-based ecological stewardship. Teams composed of at least one US and one Russian organization or higher education institution are invited to propose innovative bilateral initiatives that benefit the people of both countries. Project teams may request up to $40 thousand for a period of up to eight months. Deadline for applications is 22 January 2018. Know more about the application process
United Nations University — Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships 2018
The United Nations University offers postdoctoral fellowships to young scholars and policymakers, especially from the developing world. One fellowships program is with the UNU’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS); the other is with the UNU’s Center for Policy Research (UNU-CPR). The research themes include ecosystem services; water and urban development; governance for sustainable development; low-carbon technology; and others. There are no nationality requirements, but applicants should be fluent in English. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2018. About this Fellowship
AuthorAID — Small Grants for Researchers in Developing Countries: Travel Grants
AuthorAID announces its second round of small travel grants to support researchers in developing countries with travel and workshops. AuthorAID plans to award five travel grants of US$1,500 each for early-career researchers to present their research at an academic conference. AuthorAID posts the list of eligible developing countries. The deadline to apply for travel grants is 03 January 2018. More about the travel grants for researchers
University of Bergen — PhD Course on Food Security
The Bergen Summer Research School offers parallel short courses for PhD students and young researchers on themes of urgent societal problems focusing on the transition to sustainability. One of the six courses will concentrate on the question “Can more food be obtained from the ocean in a sustainable way?”. Another course will deal with food and nutrition insecurity. Stipends to participate in the course are available for qualified individuals who are currently enrolled for studies and carrying out research in a list of eligible developing countries. The application deadline is 15 February 2018. Summer School
Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network — Consortia for North-South Education and Research (2nd Call)
The Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) calls for various types of Swiss higher education institutions to partner with each other and with partners in the Global South to develop Consortia for Education and Research (COFER). COFER will aim for stronger integration of research, education, and implementation through new collaborative networks oriented towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Each COFER must address at least two SDGs; provide at least 50% matching funds; and provide funding for partners in the Global South. The application deadline for the current, 2nd call is 28 February 2018. About COFER
U.S. Department of Commerce — Ocean Exploration Funding Opportunity 2018
NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration & Research (OER) seeks to enhance ocean exploration and scientific knowledge of the unknown or poorly known areas of the ocean. OER seeks proposals focused on three topics including: (1) Exploration of the deep marine environments; (2) Discovery and exploration of prehistorically and historically significant submerged marine heritage sites; and (3) Novel or innovative technologies and methodologies that could increase the pace and scope of ocean exploration. (Note: For themes 1 and 2 proposals outside the US EEZ and the US Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico will not be accepted.). Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education; non-profit institutions; state, local, and tribal governments; for-profit organizations; and U.S. territories. Foreign researchers may participate by submitting a subaward through collaboration with an eligible U.S. entity. The maximum support per project is US$ 750 thousand. Deadline for applications is 07 December 2017. More
ETH Zurich — Seed Grants for Swiss-Asian Research Collaboration 2018
In partnership with Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), ETH Zurich promotes scientific cooperation with key institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. ETH Zurich currently calls for proposals from Swiss researchers with partners in China (incl. Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN region. The call is open for activities in all scientific disciplines and fields of research. The maximum grant is CHF 25 thousand. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2017. Know more
World Academy of Sciences — Visiting Experts Program
The Elsevier Foundation and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) are partners in the Visiting Expert Program in sustainability science. The program supports visits of distinguished scientists to institutions in developing countries, with a focus on 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Host institutions in eligible countries can invite distinguished scientists to collaborate in research and training. The visit should provide a minimum stay of two weeks at the host institution. Institutions wishing to be considered for this program should submit the request form before 01 March 2018. Be a Visiting Expert
UN Environment and Think Beyond Plastic — Marine Plastics Innovation Challenge
UN Environment in collaboration with Think Beyond Plastic invites university students from all over the globe to take part in the 2017 Marine Plastic Innovation Challenge. The challenge seeks solution-oriented engineering, research and communication projects that can help solve the global marine litter problem. The innovation challenge is organized around four themes: (1) Design and Engineering, (2) Communication, (3) Prediction and Recovery, and (4) Economics. The winners will be invited to the Sixth International Marine Debris Conference in San Diego, USA, on 12 – 16 March 2018 and receive professional mentoring. Deadline for submissions is 20 November 2017. More about the Challenge
Interreg Baltic Sea Region — Sustainable Baltic Sea
Interreg Baltic Sea Region financially supports transnational projects contributing to the development of a more sustainable Baltic Sea region. The third call for project applications focusses on three thematic fields: (1) capacity for innovation; (2) management of natural resources; and (3) sustainable transport. The Programme area covers eight EU Member States (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, parts of Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden) and three partner countries (Belarus, Norway and parts of Russia). There is a total of €18.5 million of funding available for natural resources projects. Project ideas have to be submitted by 15 January 2018. Know more