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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

School of International Futures — Next Generation Foresight Fellowship

The Next Generation Foresight Fellowship is an opportunity for young professionals to have more support as they begin to explore the futures and foresight field. Each fellow receives a US$1,000 prize to develop and accelerate their project. By the end of their fellowship, all fellows have the chance to run for the Fellowship Main Prize, which consists of US$10 thousand. The fellowship is open to anyone aged between 18 and 35. The closing date for submissions is 31 May 2024. Foresight Fellowship

UNESCO with L’Oreal Corporate Foundation — Fellowships for Women in Science: Turkey

The UN’s Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and L’Oreal co-sponsor doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships for women in science. The fellowships are organized by regions and countries. The fellowship program is open to scientists with a doctoral or a post-doctoral degree under 40 years of age. The program for Turkey offers 4 fellowships, with an application deadline of 15 May 2024. More

Youth4Climate — Solutions and Climate Action

Youth4Climate aims to support the work of young people and youth-led organizations in five thematic areas: Climate and Environment Literacy, Sustainable Energy, Food and Agriculture, Nature Assets, and Sustainable Consumption & Production. Successful applicants will be awarded up to US$ 30 thousand to implement or scale their innovations. Proposals can be submitted in English, French, or Spanish. The application deadline is 26 May 2024. Linkt to Youth4Climate

Australian Center for International Agricultural Research — John Allwright Fellowship

ACIAR awards the John Allwright Fellowship for university postgraduate studies in Australia. In 2024, the program on applications from partner countries in the African region, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific region. Each awardee pursues research at an Australian tertiary institution relevant to the project in which the awardee is engaged. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024. Link

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences — International Awards for Young Agricultural Researchers 2024

The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan make research awards in agriculture. Up to three young agricultural researchers with outstanding research proposals in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related themes will receive US$5 thousand each to further their research. Applicants must be nationals of a developing country, and belong to a non-Japanese research institute or a non-Japanese university. Candidates need to be younger than age 40 to be eligible. The deadline for applications is 17 May 2024. Awards for Young Agricultural Researchers

Patagonia — Environmental Grants

Patagonia supports innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities. Patagonia funds action-oriented environmental projects that focus on root causes of the problem. The funding range is typically between US$5 to $15 thousand. At this time, support for the developing world is only available in Chile and Argentina. Applications have to be submitted by an environmental organization. Patagonia offers three annual deadlines: 31 May, 30 September, and 31 January. Patagonia Environmental Grants

Oak Spring Garden Foundation — Plant Conservation Biology Fellowship

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation awards Fellowships in Plant Conservation Biology to one early-career practitioner working on issues related to plant and landscape conservation. The award includes a US$10 thousand individual grant and requires a 2 to 8-week stay at Oak Spring (USA). Applicants must be early-career practitioners, scholars, or scientists, not enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in 2025. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024. Details here

Oak Spring Garden Foundation — Botanical Artist Residency Program

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation supports botanical artists working nationally and internationally who can create beautiful and scientifically accurate depictions of plant species. This award includes a US$1,000 individual grant and a one to four-week residence at Oak Springs (USA) when spring is underway and the gardens and landscape are in bloom. Applicants must be early-career artists not enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in 2025. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024. Botanical Art Residency

Oak Spring Garden Foundation — Interdisciplinary Residency Program

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation hosts five separate five-week interdisciplinary residencies. Each session is designed to support eight artists, conservation practitioners, researchers, scholars, scientists, or writers who are pursuing work inspired by plants, gardens, and landscapes. Participants will receive a US$2 thousand individual grant and a five-week residence at Oak Springs (USA). Awardees cannot be currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024. Link to the Interdisciplinary Residency

Oak Spring Garden Foundation — Fellowship for Artistic Excellence

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation awards the annual Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence to one early-career artist who is developing new works that address plants, gardens, or landscapes in the broad sense. The award includes a US$10 thousand individual grant and requires a 2 to 8-week stay at Oak Spring (USA). Applicants must be early-career artists not enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in 2025. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024. Link to Artistic Excellence