The Oak Spring Garden Foundation hosts five separate five-week interdisciplinary residencies. Each session is designed to support eight artists, conservation practitioners, researchers, scholars, scientists, or writers who are pursuing work inspired by plants, gardens, and landscapes. Participants will receive a US$2 thousand individual grant and a five-week residence at Oak Springs (USA). Awardees cannot be currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2025. Link to the Interdisciplinary Residency
Oak Spring Garden Foundation — Fellowship for Artistic Excellence
The Oak Spring Garden Foundation awards the annual Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence to one early-career artist who is developing new works that address plants, gardens, or landscapes in the broad sense. The award includes a US$10 thousand individual grant and requires a 2 to 8-week stay at Oak Spring (USA). Applicants must be early-career artists not enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in 2026. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2025. Link to Artistic Excellence
New England Biolabs Foundation — Grants for Grassroots Conservation 2025
The New England Biolabs Foundation makes grants to grassroots and charitable organizations to support the conservation of biological diversity; ecosystem services; community food security; and marine environment. The geographical scope focuses on regions (specified on the website) in Central America; South America, and West Africa. The maximum grant size is US$10 thousand. Most grants are US$3 thousand to US$8 thousand. The deadlines for submission of LOIs are 01 May and 20 October 2025. Link
Ekhaga Foundation — Ecological Agriculture and Biological Medicine
The Ekhaga Foundation makes research grants in ecological agriculture and biological medicine. The main focus should be on scientific research and primarily applied research. Ekhagastiftelsen wishes primarily to support strategic and innovative projects of a pilot nature, as well as research that is highly newsworthy and that not just confirms previous findings. It is possible to apply for scholarships, but this is usually only granted for research-related projects. There is no maximum amount. Please note that the total amount awarded is usually in the range SEK 10-15 million. Universities, research institutes, etc., from all over the world are invited to apply. Cooperation with a Swedish institution is an advantage but not a requirement. The deadline for applications is 20 May 2025. Link to instructions
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — Research Fellowship for Brazilian Postdoctoral Researchers
The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship supports postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers from Brazil with their research in collaboration with a host at a German research institution. Fellowships may last from 6 to 18 months and can be divided into up to three stays within three years. The monthly fellowship amount is €2,600. The next application deadline is 30 May 2025. More here
Patagonia — Environmental Grants
Patagonia supports innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities. Patagonia funds action-oriented environmental projects that focus on root causes of the problem. The funding range is typically between US$5 to $15 thousand. At this time, support for the developing world is only available in Chile and Argentina. Applications have to be submitted by an environmental organization. Patagonia offers two annual deadlines: 31 May and 30 September. Patagonia Environmental Grants
Beit Trust — Support for Community and Conservation Projects in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi
The Beit Trust supports projects for health, education, welfare, and the environment in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. Themes include wildlife conservation. Additionally, the Trust’s interests in community welfare include drinking water and irrigation water. Grants do not normally exceed £50 thousand. Applications should be submitted by the end of May and November each year. About the Beit Trust Grants
Minor Foundation for Major Challenges — Public Awareness on Climate Change
The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges funds communication projects that mitigate anthropogenic climate change. Proposals should focus on influencing public opinion, providing inspiration, changing attitudes, spreading information, etc. The Foundation welcomes applications from all over the world. The Foundation makes large grants ranging from €20 thousand to €200 thousand, although larger projects may be considered. The application deadlines to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) are 22 January, 10 April, 29 May, 07 August, 15 October, and 27 November 2025. Climate Change Awareness
Wildlife Acoustics — Bio-Acoustics Product Grants
Wildlife Acoustics aims to advance animal biology research, habitat monitoring and environmental conservation through bio-acoustics recording technology. The Wildlife Acoustics Scientific Product Grant Program offers US$4 thousand of product-in-kind grants to biologists, researchers, conservationists, and students who work for charitable, educational, and other tax-exempt organizations. There are no geographical limitations. Applications are evaluated quarterly with deadlines on 15 February, 15 May, 15 August, and 15 November 2025. About the program
World Academy of Sciences — Prize in Agricultural Sciences or Biology
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) invites nominations for the Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Award in Agricultural Sciences or Biology. The prize aims to recognize scientists for their achievements in Agricultural Sciences or Biology. Eligible nominees are female scientists from scientifically and technologically lagging countries. The prize is a US$4 thousand cash award. Nominations should be submitted electronically before 14 May 2025. Prize in Agricultural Sciences or Biology