The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) and Resource Watch seek applications from Indonesian journalists for a workshop in Jakarta (26 and 27 August 2019). Participants will learn how to discover, use and visualize open data in their environmental reporting. Journalists should be based in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi and have a record of reporting on scientific, environmental, natural resource management and/or infrastructural development topics. Selected participants will be provided with meals and a travel allowance during the course of the workshop. The application deadline is 01 August 2019. Know more
Nikon — International Small World Competition 2020
The Nikon Small World Competition is open to anyone with an interest in photography through the microscope. Each year, the top 20 prize-winners are exhibited at numerous museums and science centers throughout the United States and Canada. The Top 3 winners will receive up to US$3 thousand. Only photomicrographs are eligible. Entries must be received no later than 30 April 2020. Know more
Earth Journalism Network — Asia-Pacific Health-Related Climate Change Story Grants
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) makes grants to journalists in the Asia-Pacific region to cover stories on the health impacts of climate and environmental change. Particular attention should be given to the adaptation needs, challenges, efforts and success stories of vulnerable and marginalized communities, women and youth. Eligibility extends to professional journalists and other expert media practitioners. EJN expects to award around 10 small grants at an average grant size of US$2 thousand each. Deadline for application is 30 June 2019. About
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research — Funding Opportunity for Early-Career Science Communicators
The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) seeks early-career science and research communicators in the Asia-Pacific region. The new grant opportunity aims to (1) promote collaboration between journalists or media practitioners and scientists/researchers and (2) disseminate scientific outputs in the form of non-scientific materials. Successful candidates will be given a small grant of up to US$5 thousand for producing and disseminating the communication product. The deadline for receiving applications is 16 August 2019. More about this opportunity
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Reporting Rural Poverty and Agricultural Development
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the specialised UN agency, funds journalists from around Africa to attend the workshop ‘Reporting Rural Poverty and Agricultural Development’. The programme aim is to enable journalists to tell the story of rural development. Participants will have the opportunity to attend the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) in Kigali in September 2019. Eligibility extends to full-time journalists from across Africa. Bursaries include air travel expenses (economy class), accommodation, local transfers and meals. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2019. Find out more
Pulitzer Center — Data Journalism and Property Rights Grants
The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting provides travel grants to cover hard costs associated with upcoming travel for an international reporting project. The Pulitzer Center seeks applications for data-driven journalism projects related to land rights and property rights. Projects may focus on issues related to indigenous land rights due to the exploration of natural resources, among many other themes. Most awards fall in the range of US$5-15 thousand. Grants are open to journalists, writers, photographers, radio producers or filmmakers of any nationality. Applications must be received in English. The deadline is 31 May 2019. Learn more
National Geographic Society — Reducing Marine Plastic Pollution
The National Geographic Society seeks proposals for its program “Reducing Marine Plastic Pollution” from all around the world. The aim is to explore solutions to reduce marine plastic pollution (including behavior change). Projects may be focused around conservation, education, research, storytelling, or technology. Geographic priorities include known hot spots that contribute most to the ocean plastic pollution problem. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents or citizens of the country of fieldwork as well as to projects with strong local capacity development components. Applicants may request up to US$60 thousand. The deadline for applications is 10 July 2019. Application details
National Geographic Society — Alpine Climate Change
The National Geographic Society seeks proposals for its program “Extreme Environments: Alpine Climate Change”. Through this RFP, NatGeo seeks to advance understanding of environmental and societal changes measured in high alpine regions. Projects may be focused around measuring the changing high-elevation environmental conditions, boosting the resilience of vulnerable communities, or climate change storytelling. Preference will be given to to projects led by researchers, conservationists, or storytellers from the greater Hindu-Kush Himalaya mountain system; the Peruvian, Chilean, and Argentinian Andes; and the mountainous regions of British Columbia. Applicants may request up to US$100 thousand. The deadline for applications is 10 July 2019. Find the RFP
Climate Tracker — Climate and Health Photo Contest 2019
The Climate Tracker, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), launches the Climate and Health Photo Contest 2019. The aim of the photography competition is to highlight the impacts of climate change on human health. Eight winners will be selected to produce a photostory (30 – 35 photographs) and will receive a US$200 cash prize. Following the eight photostories, one winner will be awarded with a fully-funded fellowship to attend the COP25 in Chile (November 2019). The deadline to submit applications is 13 April 2019. About the photo contest
European Commission — Solving Conflicts over Natural Resources in Kenya
The European Commission to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations in Kenya in addressing the conflicts revolving around land tenure and access to natural resource. The following activities will be supported under this call: capacity building, land mediation initiatives involving local communities, projects of women’s and youth organisation, research, awareness raising and advocacy activities. Grants requested under this call for proposals must fall between €500 thousand and €1 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations registered in anywhere in the world. (Note: If the lead applicant is not established in Kenya, it must act with minimum one co-applicant established in Kenya.) The deadline for submission of concept notes is 14 May 2019. Link