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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program — Recovery of Agriculture and Food Systems

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) announces a call for proposals for programs and projects that strengthen agriculture and lessen food insecurity in low-income countries. The program will support medium- to long-term COVID-19 response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of agriculture and food systems in a changing climate. GAFSP intends to fund 5-8 proposals for a total of at least US$175 million. Applications (English and French) are invited from governments in the 56 member countries of the International Development Association in East Asia and the Pacific; South Asia; Eastern and Central Europe; the Middle East; Africa; and Latin America. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted no later than 31 October 2022. Link to GAFSP

Facebook — Community Accelerator Program

Facebook announces its Community Accelerator Program to provide training, support and funding to enable great communities to make an even greater positive impact in the world. Facebook will award up to US$40 thousand per community and provide personalized coaching. The program is open to communities that have a presence in Facebook Groups with leaders who reside in the following countries: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, United States, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Tanzania, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, United Arab Emirate & India. The application deadline is 10 September 2022. Know more

EuroMarine — School on Ocean Transformation

EuroMarine launches a call for proposals to host the inaugural EuroMarine School on Ocean Transformation. The School is an opportunity to host a training workshop that will equip attendees with new knowledge to address ocean challenges and should address one or more of the key priorities and challenges in marine science. The maximum budget available is €25 thousand. Proposals should involve at least three full Member Organizations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries. Applicants are welcome to involve any relevant organizations from developing countries. Applications must be submitted before 31 August 2022. EuroMarine School

Fondation Segré — Research Support Grants

Fondation Segré supports on-the-ground conservation actions with the goal of improving the status of threatened animal species (terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and their habitats across Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East. Research Support Grants have a maximum grant size of €5 thousand to support young and early scientists in their research to improve knowledge on threatened species and their role in natural ecosystems. Projects must focus on Lizards, Snakes, or Worm Lizards. Eligibility extends to local or national non-profit organizations. Applicants can submit applications in English or French. Deadline for submission of proposals is 03 October 2022. Find the Fund

EuroMarine — Scientific Working Groups

EuroMarine funds two Long-Term Scientific Working Groups with a maximum funding of €12,500 each. The aim of the working groups is to provide the EuroMarine community with recommendations on how to best contribute to the international and European initiatives for restoring and sustainably exploiting the oceans as well as to advance the research on emerging topics related to marine sciences. Proposals should involve at least three full Member Organizations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries. Applicants are welcome to involve any relevant organizations from developing countries. Applications must be submitted before 14 October 2022. Long-Term Scientific Working Groups

United States Agency for International Development — Youth-led Climate Action MENA

USAID seeks climate change and environmental solutions from youth-led organizations across the MENA region. Organizations are invited to submit applications for a regional grant competition where selected organizations will receive up to US$62 thousand to implement their proposed climate initiatives. Applicants must be locally registered in one of the following countries: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, West Bank/Gaza or Yemen. The application deadline is 19 August 2022. Details here

Genesis Charitable Trust — Grants for Local Sustainable Development

The Genesis Charitable Trust makes grants to help individuals and communities in developing countries to improve their standards of living. The Trust favors projects that aim for long-term income generation and self-sufficiency, especially projects making a positive impact on communities currently beyond the reach of traditional government or market-based solutions. Past projects include examples in small-scale agriculture, renewable energy, and fisheries — among other focus areas. The Trust does not set a minimum or maximum grant value, although grants generally do not exceed US$300 thousand per project. Grants are restricted to nonprofit organizations in eligible developing countries, or applicants that are associated with nonprofit organizations from the UK, US, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or Singapore. Preliminary grant applications can be submitted at any time. More

Islamic Development Bank — Empowering Youth for a Greener Future

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) invites youth-led non-profit organizations to propose new and innovative green ideas and solutions that will support training processes for young people living in post-crisis situations. The “Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge” seeks to equip youths (15-35 years old) living in Islamic States with the competencies required for supporting a just transition in their communities. Up to 10 finalists will receive mentoring and training for a period of one week to improve their projects. The top three ideas will be awarded US$50 thousand, US$30 thousand, and US$20 thousand respectively, to implement the proposed solution. Ideas must be submitted no later than 28 July 2023. Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge

European Commission — Green Economy in Jordan

The European Commission (EC) seeks to contribute to the development of a green, environmentally sustainable economy in Jordan. The EC will fund projects that focus on enhanced coordination and sustainable resource management in the energy, water and agriculture sectors. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between €1 million and €1.25 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in a Member State of the European Union or in Jordan. The deadline for submission of applications is 18 August 2022. Link

InfoNile — Workshop: Reporting on Rivers and Biodiversity in the Nile Basin

InfoNile invites applications for training, workshop and mentorship on Reporting on Rivers and Biodiversity in the Nile Basin. The weeklong workshop in Uganda will feature presentations, field trips, discussions, practical sessions, and group activities. Successful journalists will receive transport to Uganda and back to their home country, accommodation including meals for the duration of the workshop, and grants to produce their stories. Reporters and editors from Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are invited to apply. Story pitches can be submitted until 20 June 2022. Details here