The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Commission — Sustainable and Organic Food Systems

The ERA-NET SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic Cofunds (SF/CO) launches a joint call for transnational research project proposals on sustainable and organic food systems. The call aims to reinforce research cooperation between EU members and associated states to develop more sustainable food systems from production to consumption. The maximum budget is €1.5 million per research proposal. The call is open to research consortia comprised of a minimum of 3 independent legal entities from a minimum of 3 different SF/CO partner countries. A full list of eligible countries from the EU, Eastern Europe, and the MENA region is provided in the call document. The Joint Call follows a 2-step procedure. Closing date for submission of pre-proposals is 04 November 2019. Find the call

Ford Motor Company — Conservation and Environmental Grants in the Middle East and North Africa

The Ford Motor Company makes grants for ongoing and non-profit projects focused on conservation engineering, protection of the natural environment, and environmental education in countries of the Middle East and North Africa. In 2019, Ford requests projects under the theme “Beating Air Pollution”. Initiatives in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Yemen can request up to US$12 thousand. Applications will be received until 01 September 2019. Find the website

Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network — Grants for Small Projects 2020-2021

MedPAN launches a new call for small projects to support Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean. The grants will reinforce the management of MPAs from the perspective of integrated coastal zone management and sustainable financing. They will also promote habitat mapping and the protection of marine turtles. MedPAN’s contribution will be €20 thousand per project (matching contributions of 25 % are required). The eligible countries are Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Montenegro, Tunisia, and Turkey. The applicant can be a non-profit organization, a private company, or a scientific institution. The deadline for applications is 30 September 2019. Find the call

SEARCA and FSC — Summer School in Agriculture and Food Systems

The Summer School “Transformative Changes in Agriculture and Food Systems”, jointly organized by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and the Food Security Center (FSC) of the University of Hohenheim in Germany, will take place in Laguna, Philippines (9-27 September 2019). The FSC will offer up to 16 scholarships for PhD students from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to participate in the course. The scholarship covers air travel, accommodation and meals for the duration of the course. The deadline to apply is 30 June 2019. Link to FSC Sommer School

Singularity University — MENA Global Impact Challenge

SingularityU invites applications for the MENA Global Impact Challenge to foster innovations and startups that positively impact the lives of people living in the Middle East and North Africa. Thematic areas include sustainable energy, climate-secure agriculture, and others. The winner of this challenge will be selected at a final pitch event and receive a full scholarship to attend SU’s Global Startup Program (GSP). The challenge is open to residents and citizens of the MENA region. Application deadline is 07 June 2019. MENA Global Impact Challenge

British Council — Research Workshops

The British Council announces workshops that convene UK researchers with partners in other countries. Among the workshops that have deadlines beyond the date of this posting are: Brazil, Food fraud prevention using Blockchain technology (deadline 30 May 2019); China, Low-Carbon Heating and Cooling Technologies (deadline 31 May 2019); Brazil, UK-Brazil workshop on financing urban climate-resilient development (deadline 16 June 2019); Israel, Nanoscience, Neuroscience, Agri Science, Water Science, Cyber and Antimicrobial Resistance (deadline 16 June 2019). The site lists additional workshops in additional subject areas. Link

Australian Center for International Agricultural Research — John Dillon Fellowships

ACIAR awards the John Dillon Fellowships to agricultural scientists or economists from our partner countries and Australia. The fellowships aim to support the professional development of outstanding mid-career agricultural scientists, economists and researchers. Key features of the program are: a 4-6 week residential stay in Australia, a 1-week hosting period with an Australian organisation, formal training, program of visits to engage with various Australian institutions, and exposure to relevant researchers, industry experts and professionals. ACIAR funds fifteen individual John Dillon fellowships. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2019. Link

University College London — Research Grant Awards

UCL supports interdisciplinary research on themes relating to one or more of the Nahrein Network’s five aims through the Research Grant Awards program. Overarching aims of the program are related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (water and land). Two types of funding are offered: small grants (up to £30 thousand) for projects led by Iraqi researchers, or collaborations between Iraqi and UK researchers; and large grants (up to £100 thousand) for collaborations between Iraqi, Lebanese or Turkish and UK researchers. Deadline for submissions is 15 May 2019. Hurry up

U.S. Department of State — Economic Development in the Middle East

The MEPI Local Grants Program seeks proposals that support inclusive economic growth in the Western Sahara by improving local economic opportunities. Proposals should develop and implementing locally-designed solutions to environmental, economic, or social problems or promote inclusive economic growth that reaches marginalized communities. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grant Directory.) Budgets should fall between US$50 thousand and US$500 thousand. Eligibility extends to US and foreign organizations and universities based in based in Algeria, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia, or Yemen. Project proposals have to be submitted by 31 May 2019. Details

Caterpillar Foundation — Grants for Environment and Basic Needs

Internationally, the Caterpillar Foundation has supported projects in tropical forest conservation and afforestation; water and sanitation; food and agriculture; alternative (low-carbon) transportation systems; urban waste recycling; and other themes related to environment and natural resources. The Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations such as development NGOs, universities and institutes, foundations, museums, conservation groups, and others. Most grants are in communities in Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe where Caterpillar has an active presence. Applicants answer a series of questions about their eligibility in order to apply. The 2019 grant cycle closes 31 May 2019. More