The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Earth Journalism Network — Story Grants Asia Pacific

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers story grants to support the production of in-depth solutions-focused media reports on environmental and climate challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome stories on scalable and replicable solutions that build community resilience to climate change and environmental degradation. The Network accepts applications from journalists residing in low- and middle-income countries in South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. Journalists from countries from Central Asia are not eligible to apply. EJN plans to issue 15-20 grants of up to US$2000 each. The application deadline is 03 February 2025. Story Grants

World Habitat — World Habitat Awards 2026

The World Habitat Awards (WHA) demonstrate solutions to current housing issues faced by countries worldwide. The WHA takes a broad perspective to include energy, waste management, water conservation, resilience to natural disasters, and other environmental aspects in its definition of habitat. Two winners will each receive £10 thousand. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 03 March 2025. World Habitat Awards



Right Livelihood Award — Annual Nominations 2025

The Right Livelihood Awards are annually made to individuals and organizations offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today. The Award is sometimes referred to as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” Past laureates include several whose work in issues of environment and natural resources advances social justice and grassroots development in the developing world. Normally, the Foundation makes three cash awards and one honorary award each year. Nominations are invited from anyone worldwide (excluding self-nominations, close relatives, and Foundation staff and jury). The deadline for nominations is 03 March 2025. Nominate

United Nations — Local Pathways Fellowship

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth) recruits participants for its 2025 cohort of the Local Pathways Fellows. The 10-months fellowship program provides young leaders with a platform, capacity building, training opportunities and contacts of leading development experts and practitioners. The Local Pathways Fellowship is unpaid. Fellows will benefit from global visibility and exposure. Young candidates (18-30 years) working towards achieving any of the Sustainable Development Goals and representing any city or country in the world are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted until 19 January 2025. Link to Local Pathways

Roddenberry Foundation — Catalyst Fund

The Catalyst Fund makes small grants for ideas that are early-stage, unconventional, and innovative. It favors bold ideas that depart from the status quo, and that look at a problem and its solution in a new light. There are no restrictions by theme or place (and may include the subjects of the Terra Viva Grants Directory). Proposals can take the form of cutting-edge products, experimental programs, new services, inventions, etc. Eligibility for funding extends to anyone in the world, individuals and teams. Grants range from US$2,500 to US$15 thousand. The Fund accepts applications on a continuous basis with no deadlines. Find out more

Earth Journalism Network — Asia-Pacific Media Grants 2025

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) seeks applications from journalist networks, media organizations, civil society organizations, or academic institutions throughout the Asia-Pacific region. With this call, the EJN aims to boost the quantity and quality of environmental and climate coverage in the region. The proposed projects can focus on capacity building activities, networking, or be used as a seed grant to build a new environmental media startup or journalist network. Grants will be given to organizations looking to implement projects with the maximum duration of one year. The grant amount can range between US$15 thousand to US$20 thousand. The application deadline is 30 January 2025. Asia-Pacific Media Grants

King Baudouin Foundation — KBF Africa Prize 2025-2026

The KBF Africa Prize is awarded to Africans or African organizations who are making an outstanding contribution to development in Africa. There are no restrictions as to the chosen themes. The Selection Committee favors community approaches that deal with actual and current challenges in Africa. The winners receive financial support of up to €250 thousand. Self-nomination is not permitted. The deadline for nominations is 03 March 2025. Find out how to nominate a candidate

Council for the Advancement of Science Writing — Science Reporting Award

The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) awards the Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award. The award recognizes the accomplishments of a mid-career science journalist. The winner receives US$20 thousand to undertake a significant reporting project. Candidates must be experienced journalists who have compiled a substantial body of work in science journalism. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2025. CASW Science Reporting Award

InsuResilience Solutions Fund — Climate Risk Insurance Products

InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) seeks projects with a holistic approach to disaster relief and preparedness. The Fund will support the development of new climate risk insurance products or the scaling-up of already existing products to increase the resilience of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries to climate change. The ISF provides grant-based co-funding of up to €2.5 million but requires matching the grant funding (in-kind and/or as a financial contribution). Eligibility extends to private and public organizations located in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Latin America. The application deadline is 07 February 2025. More information

Geneva Centre for Security Policy — Prize for Innovation in Global Security 2025

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) offers a prize to recognize groundbreaking concepts by any individual, group of individuals, or organization, that offer exceptional potential in addressing peace and security challenges. All disciplines and fields are relevant (including climate change and environmental security). The prize is a fully funded 2-month incubation program within the GCSP’s Creative Spark in Geneva (worth CHF 15 thousand). The deadline for applications is 20 March 2025. Details here